January 24, 2012
Continuation of the transcript of the tape recording of the class: a The mission of the Church should not be other than the universal values of the Kingdom, and not talk about Jesus Christ, because that divides us, that confronts us, that would frustrate the respect a Buddhist, or chrism. yCual is the fundamental problem? Is that the Church has said, and there is a document called a Dialogo and anuncioa If there is dialogue. Interreligious dialogue is important, the dialogue between Christians and other religions. Do not confuse between intereligioso ecumenism and dialogue, ecumenism is given only at Christians, does not occur at the level of Christianity and other religions. Another thing is tolerance and respect. Pope calls for even the missionaries, missiologists, studying other religions, but not mean at any time, to the Magisterium of the Church, stop advertising or confess our faith in Jesus Christ. Cual silence does not mean is the theological foundation behind that, of dialogue and proclamation, or of dialogue and mission? Is that Jesus Christ is the only savior. And there can be salvation in other religions apart from Jesus Christ. It is a problem, because even after Vatican II, was raised in a missionary forces problematic because the council says that even the men and women of other religions can be saved, then yQue good are the missions? The fact that the Church say, that men and women can be saved by means known only to God, does not mean you have to do the missions.
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January 10, 2012
I say, not the bike lane. I think it is a matter of creating new infrastructure designed for bicycles, I think it is simpler than all that, I understand that in some places it is advisable to specify a path for bicycles but overall it is a matter of education and respect. My proposal is to follow the same hierarchy as in Amsterdam, where there coexist all together and do not seem to go wrong, trams, bicycles, pedestrians, and lastly, the other vehicles this is the order of preference. the reasons that make me say NO TO BIKE LANE are: The bike is uncomfortable, unsafe, impractical both for bikes and pedestrians as pedestrians as moving for him without realizing what bother and danger running, I've seen more of a lady on the floor, and do not blame goes to me too, I can not acostrumbarme to respect the bike path that runs along the sidewalks when I walk, plus many driveways, constant intersections where you have to slow down to almost stop because you never know, even if you prefer, you can spend, and if it is wet the dangers are multiplied, for these reasons the bike is not comfortable, consider moving to base pedal and each time you stop then you have to pick up speed again and obviously tired. My proposal that the bikes, as they are vehicles running on roads with respect for other vehicles.
Similarly bikes have to facilitate the movement and at all times to encourage traffic. In this way more people would bike and less on cars so we could get more comfortable on the roads since they would have fewer cars with a consequent increase of space for everyone. The vehicles in the city are forbidden to drive over 50 km / hour. the speed of bicycles is a little lower in order to study this proposal, I believe that together they can achieve considerable savings in addition to the infrastructure involved in marketing Ddirector Ramon Gimenez.
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January 4, 2012
Vivid and memorable track for exhibitors and visitors left the exhibition II floriculture, floral and landscape design "KVTI Ukraine 2010", held from 9 to 11 September in Dnepropetrovsk. Although the exhibition "Kvti Ukraine 2010" a second time, estimating last year's experience and feedback from both visitors and exhibitors – she managed to catch the fancy of city residents, as well as give an opportunity for companies that specialize in so noble and aesthetic areas of horticulture, landscape design and floral design, on the eve of the city to demonstrate new products and offer their services. It should be noted that the constant aim of the exhibition has been and will remain improving the culture of consumption and use of flower, vegetable and seed as their suburban and gardens, as well as at home. If each of the residents will be on a notch in matters of life and its mix of flora, the city – one million in general will also be an order of magnitude better, greener, more beautiful and aesthetically. Among the highlights of the exhibition should be noted in this year's special Activity flower companies that are willing to do our best to ensure that as many people have enriched themselves in the experience of using high-quality floral material. At an exhibition in 2010, much attention was paid to rose – queen of flowers. The leading flower companies in the region and the capital were the masterpieces of world breeding roses. Flower Center "Flora – Market" (Dnepropetrovsk), presented the exclusive varieties of roses family Kordes (Germany), and the garden center "Taviya" (Kiev), charmed all the elegance of varieties of roses David Austin (England).
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January 1, 2012
In this article we describe the plastic containers, its main characteristics and materials used for its manufacture. As is known, heat-resistant plastic ware can be reusable and disposable. Many used to use on his farm hard plastic cups with a low thermal conductivity, which are less amenable to deformation in contrast to the thin plastic cups, which crumpled under the influence of even minimal force. These glasses are made from polystyrene or polypropylene. Polypropylene is now playing an important role in the packaging industry. In addition, it is manufactured from plastic products and household goods.
Polypropylene has the strength and resistance to temperature. The main useful properties of polypropylene – it is resistant to grease and weak solutions of acids and salts, fermentation products, transparency, wide temperature range. That As the temperature regimes, which can withstand plastic dishes, then, according to experts, different manufacturers are not the same. This information and other information about products, manufacturers indicate label. All manufacturer's thermal characteristics are different. There is a single standard classification of heat-resistant plastic utensils – by type of material.
The strength, thickness and heat resistance – these options develops and defines itself by the manufacturer. Should take into account not only the temperature of cooked food, but the temperature inside a microwave oven, where he can use certain brands of plastic utensils. For food the best option are containers made of polypropylene. In such a dish must be specified mark PP. This material is suitable for refrigerators and microwave, can withstand temperatures up to +150 C. Also, plastic produce these types of dishes, like dishes and mugs. For a family of reusable plastic ware is quite suitable, but under the circumstances of different people, such as catering, There are some limitations. Therefore, under these conditions apply disposable dishes. Who delivers today to the Russian market plastic bottles and plastic household products in bulk? It is easy to see that the Russian market plastic products, unlike other industries, American and Chinese manufacturers have little meaning. The main volumes of dishes as polystyrene, polypropylene and manufactured in Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries.
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