Magis Global –

February 26, 2012


Category: General – Tags: , – Joan 2:11 pm

The protective inner fence installed without the distance from the border drop in altitude. The distance between the horizontal elements in the vertical plane of the protective fencing should be no more than 0.45 m. The height of the element board security fence must be at least 0.10 m. The size of the mesh fencing mesh fill shall not exceed 0.05 m. The design of the mounting barriers to building constructions should be protected against inadvertent unfastening. Signal barriers should be in the form of rope, not designed to load and attached to the posts or sustainable building designs (Construction), with safety signs hung in the form of regular triangles are yellow with a black border with a side of not less than 100 mm.

Making safety signs according to GOST 12.4.026, the distance between signs shall not exceed 6 m. The breaking load of synthetic mesh setepolotna must be at least 1750 N (175 kg). In calculating the strength of mesh fencing is necessary to consider the life setematerialov and aging. Parts and assembly units fencing with a mass greater than 25 kg should have mounting tabs or other devices for slinging. Structural elements fences should not have sharp corners, sharp edges, burrs. The surface of the infill and protective safety-fences should be painted yellow paint signal in accordance with GOST 12.4.026. Synthetic setepolotno before painting with disperse dyes should be saturated with asphalt varnish BT-577, GOST 5631, diluted with white spirit or turpentine.

For the manufacture of fencing using steel bars grade C235 to GOST 27772, aluminum alloys and brands AMg6 1915, GOST 4784, sawn softwood is not below the 2nd grade, GOST 8486, setepolotna of synthetic Synthetic materials, etc. setepolotna be made of nylon or twisted ropes lavsan 3.1 mm in diameter, from a technological shrinkage in finishing more than 10%, the conditioning humidity no more than 1%. Setepolotna entwine the contour capron cord diameter of 8 mm. Strength characteristics setematerialov test must comply with the design. Elements of metal fences must be Primary coated and painted to factory paints, corresponding to slightly aggressive environment on SNIP 2.03.11-85. The class covers – VII in accordance with GOST 9.032. Before painting the surface elements of fences should be cleaned up to grade 4 according to GOST 9.402.

February 16, 2012

Wedding Car Equipment

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 4:14 am

Very obvious is the fact that it was their wedding day – this is one of the most important events in human life, therefore, in preparing for this celebration be thoroughly planned. And in such a momentous day beautiful and festive appearance to be not only the bride and groom, but also a celebration preglashennyh guests. Beautifully decorated wedding tables and decorated the place for weddings create festive mood, each accessory in this festive day, far from playing its important role. And also one of the most important points that require special attention, is the design that is obviously a tuple Suite – is a kind person wedding. Because of them on this day the bride and groom and their guests make numerous trips on the roads of the city: bride, the path to the registry office, visits to traditional attractions. On each of these stages wedding decorations wedding convoy inadvertently assessed as by the guests, as well as bystanders.

Harmonically matched and properly fastened ornaments wedding cars attached to the triumph of high status and pathetic. Beautiful and stylish motorcade stands out in traffic, as well as visible from afar, while somehow issued immediately causes some aesthetic irritation. Unfortunately, this is often forgotten, and often when decorating the wedding kartezha given sufficient amount of time. Most spouses are satisfied with the fact that at present there is a friends – the rest from other wedding bridal accessories. Thus, not enough running clearance of a limousine. But the stylish tuple can immediately give an excellent frame of mind newlyweds and guests, bring a sense of uniqueness of the moment.