Magis Global –

March 27, 2013

Peter Hartman

Category: General – Joan 5:09 pm

A moment of encounter and activity symbol with a view to the challenges facing this year will be the tenor that the Sunday, March 28 will be printed to the traditional manifestation of commemoration of the global day of action against dams. Just as in 2008, this time the initiative will be developed in the sector of El Manzano, on the banks of the Baker River, some 25 kilometers north of Cochrane, and where the gateway of the same name that would be beneath the waters of concrete dams for Hidroaysen projects is. Although the official celebration date is March 14, this year the convening organizations took the decision to postpone it in order to devote their efforts to helping Chileans and Chile affected by the earthquake of February 27, avoiding generate during these first initiatives weeks that deviate the attention of the main task which is to mitigate the effects of the catastrophe. In this way, has been considered as an appropriate date March 28 to renew the action that is materializing during recent years in the region, as a result of the threat not only of the society consists by Endesa and Colbun, but also by Southern energy with its reservoirs Raven, white and Condor, and multiple other dams that are projected in different basins of the Aysen Region and Patagonia. The activities will begin at 11 in the morning on Sunday, which has arranged a bus with capacity for 30 people (at no cost to travellers) will depart on Saturday 27 from Coyhaique at 10: 00. Travellers may be camping that night in the place you have chosen (each must bear tent and sleeping bag), returning on the afternoon of the 28 first to Cochrane and then to Coyhaique. Informed the Coordinator of the Coalition citizen Aysen reserve of life that those interested can register at the offices of the organization in Coyhaique (Horn 47-B).

During the day of commemoration of the day world of action against dams carried out various activities of cultural, artistic and spiritual, traditional national and international diffusion photography, in addition to being called the participants to an asado, contemplating each one take dishes and service, together with the aggregates for sharing. On the occasion also includes the possibility of rafts and kayaks to traverse the River, make a walk by the canadon and an unknown hop of the Baker. This will be an opportunity to renew the commitment to the defense of our Patagonia, of our people against initiatives that aim to transform it into shape negative, thank you who promoted a model of incoherent development with Aysen as reserve life.

March 21, 2013

Ministerial Conference

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 2:11 pm

In an article we titularamos humanization of concrete pathways and concrete, said that the link that joins the road infrastructure to human beings is the correct audit of road safety and the implementation of its recommendations. We wanted to say also, that this application humanizes tract builders because it is a sign of concern for preserving the life of the human being in its entirety. The road works which do not involve observations due to avoid siniestralidades of traffic, lack of human sense. The constant growth of the vehicular volume; believing that time not reaches us, so we have to hasten the step; the enjoyment of alcohol and drugs; the misunderstanding of signals of traffic, etc., etc., etc. It brings violence. But, also as there are multicausales factors solutions are complex and multisectoral.

Qualifying today with the completion of road violence is not more than accident of traffic or accidents. Governments more aware the world of these calamities they try to motivate the less, focusing on the problem as a matter of State from the global point of view and from the particular standpoint of each nation, proposing joint initiatives with bilateral, multilateral agencies and civil society with the objective of reducing these tragedies on the streets. Therefore the figures for fatalities and its sequels are resenting the economies of peoples and the health of citizens who call special attention, of the 1.5% or higher, the gross domestic product of the Nations affected by this cause. Although the key is to educate drivers and pedestrians, this is due to a process that could take time, however, faster than the result will be much more quick start as a commitment by all users of public roads. In the most recent regional meeting on road safety held in El Salvador, on September 2, which was the Ministerial Conference on transport and infrastructure, prior to the forthcoming Summit of Heads of State were Latin American, raised two fundamental points, namely: the creation of an Ibero-American Association of road safety, whose establishment will be headed by Ministers responsible for the security road of the Iberoamerican States that will have a multisectoral approach, according to their own statutes within the framework of the Ibero-American space for road safety and whose objectives are geared towards reducing accidents road in each of the Member countries, through the implementation of measures and actions aimed at reducing the number of traffic accidents; constituting the basis for progress towards the creation of a Strategic Plan for road safety in Latin America, promote the creation of an Ibero-American Observatory of road safety, as a centre of reference for data loss ratio the Dominican Republic as a signatory to the Ibero-American General Secretariat should avail themselves of the resolutions that will be issued in the framework of the 18th Summit Ibero-American of Heads of State and Government, under the theme youth and strengthening of the Ibero-American space for road safety.

March 9, 2013

Conference Room Regime

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 2:11 am

The term globalization, has become an everyday expression to refer, primarily, to their implications within the global economy. In this case, I use this word to apply to the meaning of hypocrisy. The term that I intend to define, it is my interpretation on what di called: Global hypocrisy in international relations. It is otherwise evident, as individual countries, mainly economic, interests determine the political positions of the Nations, when it comes to providing support or establish alliances. The vote in favour or against, abstentions, suspicious absences, etc. are tools commonly used to influence decisions or statements in international forums. The case most recent and embarrassing, is what happened at the recent International Conference against Racial Discrimination, held in Switzerland.

The international prominence of the Iranian regime, at the cost of defying the world with its not evident, but declared intention of developing nuclear capacity for military use. Its political and financial support to terrorist organizations, which manipulates his craving for they sow terror around the world, you qualify for others. This, has placed them on the opposite side of Western and other countries of the world Arab, who are suspicious of his intentions of imperialist and key cutting. Who today holds the political head of the Iranian regime, does not lose the opportunity in any forum to which manages to be invited, of denying the Holocaust and threatening to a recognised and member of the United Nations, in this case Israel, State of being erased from the world map. In return, is guest of honour at the aforementioned event, resulting in the absence of major countries, the presence of others with second level and delegations, the abandonment of the Conference Room of a large group of delegations, who refused to listen to their lies and unjust accusations. The abundant oil and gas Iranian, generate you abundant economic resources and make it an important client of several items, mainly high-tech military and civilian. Adding to this her potential as a financial investor, they are a tool that the regime used as currency of change and blackmail political, without any limitations. Great powers, medium-sized and small countries, succumb to such attractions, in a sort of tainted shameful alliances of manifest immorality.

March 3, 2013

Virtual Global Network

To get articles of design at low cost, one of the best options is shana online. Shana is a company that has dedicated itself to disclose this kind of objects in a convenient way, and that has certainly created a faithful and audience interested in the vanguard of the same. A very important quality of this brand is that precisely the prices are always low; i.e., there are no promotions at a certain time of the year or rebates of a day. Costs are always level under an economic standards which, incidentally, is something important to have in mind in times of revolcon and economic crisis. So that you can understand about what means Shana, it is necessary that you visit your on-line demo; This action will help you draw your own conclusions on the matter. You will decide if the found catalogue will benefit him or not or if you want the proposal to a greater or lesser extent.

Is the virtual space for this purpose anyway: so that you can also give a small idea about the options in the physical store as such. The high quality of the products of Shana makes that there is always a good number of interested public anyway. What is bright in this question is to recognize itself the profile of Shana in the web can be quite simple, quite normal, but this obviously attracts a special type of surfer. This type of Internet user is the one who perhaps has a more minimalist taste in general, and which therefore are love precisely more with the simplest points of view. On the other hand, the huge spectacle of a social network of clothing, and it must say so because here many people are integrated, it is certainly consistent with the enormous impact of a good categorization of goods and services in terms of fashion. Moreover, Shana tries to maintain its level of presentation at a remarkable pace, which has realized its possibilities in the virtual world where is being prepared.

In addition to this, knows that it competes with other options also very striking in Internet, which rarely are leaving room for other options which need to be consulted in this regard. Because it is rare that people when they know a clothing store that has been renowned, not wondering or not to find out if it is you have somewhere on the Internet. Good; precisely this signature it is shaking in this sense and very well for her. Then the experience of virtual Shana is something that only you decide with the details that most attract you attention; on the other hand, it is an opportunity for many people learn to make purchases of clothing online, an online industry that is apparently growing at an exponential rate. And it is, of course, the start of the consolidation of a brand of store that will hopefully follow improving and giving us many more surprises.