Magis Global –

October 30, 2015

VAT Income

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 11:26 am

This measure would allow enterprises to more actively invest in the business. For example L. Erhard, the author of the German economic miracle, used the method of accelerated depreciation of property – in the first two years one could write off 50% cost of production facilities, and in 1951 in Germany, it was sanctioned by the direct reduction of the tax base for capital expenditures. On the contrary, we have investment credit was repealed in 2001. One of the most important tasks of fiscal policy is shifting the center of the tax burden from corporate tax to taxes on individuals. For even more opinions, read materials from Peter Schiff.

It is obvious that such a measure would not stimulate consumption and investment, stimulating reducing inflation. As is known, the share of income tax in the budget of the Russian Federation has a less significant weight in total revenue, compared with developed countries, they have – at least 30-40%, while in Russia less – 10%. In most civilized countries a progressive income tax rate, for example, in the U.S. scale is between 15 and 40%. Such a tax is actually a tax "on wealth." And the introduction of a progressive scale of tax, voiced by S. Stepashin, would help solve this problem. Raising taxes on the income of the richest people should be required "payment" for social stability.

Rate on income from level 7-10 thousand dollars a month could be raised to the level of 15%. But maximum bet on a progressive scale should not exceed 18-20%, otherwise they will not pay. You must change the attitude of Russians to taxation – when everyone will understand that the money from the budget spent for the benefit of the country and its citizens, citizens and entrepreneurs will be much more willing to pay them. The most important task – in principle to increase tax collection. But the efficiency of tax collection for the state must not only work with taxpayers, but also improve its own credibility, develop a system of faiths. The tax system in Russia should be such as to payment of taxes is not a problem. The more reasonable tax rates, the will collect more treasury. The issue of reducing the VAT has been postponed until August. Soon it will be clear on what economic model we go: in a civilized, transparent and innovative model of development or resource with the "gray background". VAT reduction – an effective political move that could significantly improve the economic situation and the mood in the society.

October 27, 2015

Brazil Global

Category: General – Joan 3:26 pm

This mood reflects primarily a change in global perception towards the country, which has been rapid and welcome. But as the country recovers from a global economic crisis, Brazil was the first Latin American country to join the recovery, which was started in the second quarter of this year, "what other markets might learn from this remarkable recovery? Brazil has experienced ups and downs before its global reputation. During the presidential campaign of 2002, the debt soared and the currency was devalued as investors began to doubt that Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, one of the most likely candidates, he intended to meet the country's debt obligations. It was a relief when, after winning the elections, it became clear that the general consolidated general political orientation of the previous administration, which somehow facilitated and promoted growth not seen since the 60s. Consider it reminds us that the growth trajectory was interrupted by the escalating global credit crisis a year ago. The ripples of the economic crisis sparked several falls in the Brazilian Bovespa stock index, which rose from 73,000 in spring 2008 to less than 30,000 in the autumn of the same year. Also, in December the price of the currency was 2.55 reais per dollar, a few months earlier traded at 1.55 reais per dollar. The global inventory adjustment, the credit crunch and falling consumer confidence joined forces to produce annualized GDP growth falling from 13% in the fourth quarter. After the response of international economic policy makers that drove the global economy from the brink, fiscal and monetary policies adopted in Brazil allowed the country to regain its footing in the first half of this year.

October 25, 2015

Global Industry Analysts

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 10:26 am

DBM Spain, Spanish subsidiary of the multinational company Drake Beam Morin in management of human capital and first company in the world of professional outplacement, has echoed the recent human resources Outsourcing report by Global Industry Analysts, highlighting that HR companies market will reach a turnover of nearly 112,000 billion euros in 2015a sector dominated today by the United States and Europe. For Rafael Vara, CEO of DBM Spain, this trend is derived from the current economic crisis, the climate of recession forces companies from around the world to revalue their financial strategies and business plans, hence reducing costs has emerged as a key driving force for the outsourcing of human resources in the short term. Outsource these services supposed to achieve higher performance with less expense, and transforming fixed costs into variables. The impact of the crisis has been particularly pronounced in the services market, given that the recovery period It is relatively higher in comparison with punctual contracts; in fact, such agreements will get greater relevance in the short-term future, longer to hire multiple one-time services implies, as a general rule, one higher initial investment, thing that companies tend to avoid indicates Rafael Vara. And it is that companies seek negotiating better agreements with outside companies, but in addition opt increasingly for a selective outsourcing, i.e.

a service customized to their requirements and in line with its corporate philosophy. The continuing interest of the companies to reduce costs will favour a greater engagement of external services and, according to the aforementioned study, it is expected that human resources market will experience an increase in the number of segmented contracts, which would allow customers to choose the services they need to outsource while they themselves can manage the rest. DBM Spain with offices in Madrid and Barcelona, was created in 1982 with a team formed by professionals of different profiles that give solutions to individuals and organizations. This company bases its efforts in two business lines: Outplacement and transformation. DBM serves 7,000 companies and more than 250,000 professionals annually while maintaining an average of 3.7 months in finding a job and getting the highest rate of relocation of the market: 83% of success in repositioning. Firm Drake Beam Morin (DBM), founded in New York in 1967, he has over 40 years of experience in human capital management, transformation and transition of organizations. They offer their services in 24 languages and have served more than 50,000 companies and 3 million people worldwide.

October 24, 2015

Global Economic Crisis

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 5:02 pm

In these times of global crisis people are wondering if there is any satisfactory solution to the adverse events that have been presented, it is important to recognize how valuable is the emergence of leaders to lead and motivate a society to combat and working together, heading toward a common goal which is the overcoming of adversity, it is known that teamwork and aimed toward the same end results are always positive. (A valuable related resource: Federal Reserve Bank). A clear example of this leadership can be found in the made by President Felipe Calderon who has maintained at every moment of optimism and unity of Mexicans to succeed, however, that global conditions have resulted in adverse situations to other economies, the decisions made by the president of Mexico have been successful in seeking to achieve the least impact to the families of Mexico, his positive attitude, confidence and their ability to motivate, have led other governments including recognition as a talented leader and with a clear vision of desired outcome make for our country.

Therefore, we reiterate that a society without leaders is destined to be lost in the abyss of the problems it faces. Throughout our history there have been transcendent leadership have led the way forward among which we quote Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, John Paul II, who by his example led to a major change and historical societies to which served, of which we take the example of life and philosophy applicable to our times in order to use them as a motivating example that will spread to future leaders that inspire our society to move forward in times of crisis and uncertainty.

Global Network

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 3:18 pm

Assume that the organization's website – is receiving some of the firm. Visitors coming for this 'waiting room', should, firstly, to feel the 'level' of the company, and secondly, to feel sympathy and respect for themselves, and the third: and Perhaps, most importantly, who visited the visitor should be interesting and cozy. That is why many firms are having an excellent and comfortable room, master curves and cumbersome web sites, which, as they say, no tears will not look. The paradox, but many customers make a first impression of the company on its corporate Web site, and only then if it comes before business relationships are judged on business. By the way, chances are that prior to the business cooperation may be the case and will not come, whether corporate web-site is very bad.

Do not exaggerate if we are the web site in the formation of the company's image? Not at all. To date, the Global Network to find suppliers contractors or partners enjoy more than, say, a paper catalog. Because of what? Yes, from what the Internet is much easier to find information than, for example, a telephone directory. In the phone book can be found only contact details, the network will also provide the same and range, price list, examples of work and photographs of products or services. Let's all get back to the subject a 'proper' website.

Which web-site our humble opinion can not be crooked, and at the same time convenient? To answer this question, imagine yourself as a visitor who searches the web is something that sells or offers to this web-site. How quickly will find us in Global network of visitor? It depends on how much effort and resources spent on promotion and promotion of web site and on the professional qualities of optimizers. Book promotion Web site in a serious, reputable company, and customers can easily find your website among thousands of others in the Global Network. Once logged in, a visitor can immediately leave it, if 1 of 3 things to be implemented incorrectly. This download time page web-site, usability and quality of the text content. Each of the 3-factors may or may detain the visitor to the site, and to disappoint him, so he simply leaves the web-site. If all of the previously implemented on well, then left with the whole bit. You need to consider the best and most reliable form of feedback. Will it be just a phone number, internet connection, pager, or maybe an online chat room, depends on the type of activities of this company. One thing is certain – if the website represented sredstvoobratnoy connection, it must always be in working condition.

Dunza Global Marketing

Category: General – Tags: , , , , , – Joan 1:33 pm

If it strikes you know maneuvers that used the greater fame Networkers in the multilevel Marketing, CIMA Ibero-American Centre of attraction MLM is the place to learn them. Any time a common effort between the Ibero-American networkers had identified above to give the multilevel marketing its place of honor. On a weekly basis you instruiran with varied stratagems to handle your MLM business, no matter the company in which you halles! The birth of CIMA in multilevel Dunza Global Marketing, which initially instructed to marketers of all kind of MLM business, becomes top. With the renewal of Global Dunza and the subsequent birth of CIMA, you will have the option of studying of the Iberoamerican networkers of the most respected MLM companies. All of them, will be present at top for you. What will contribute top to the multilevel Marketing? TOP for you such as networker will bring you the latest information as well as more efficient skills with the purpose that you can build your business. Separately, CIMA will offer you: News updated every week.

Exclusive on-site attraction marketing Blog * access to Mentor. Multilevel Marketing manuals. MLM face-to-face and on-line training. Free seminars each week. To know the full potential of CIMA, during the first month of launch, will be 4 networkers diamonds of world-class companies such as: Evolv. ProLife.

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October 22, 2015

Global Crisis

Category: General – Joan 2:11 pm

In Latin America the work tends to be scarce, and even more well paid work. That is precisely the reason why thousands of people migrate to the United States, Canada and Europe. Desperate to find work, some come to pay up to $12,000 to the so-called coyotes who in the best of cases, lead to customers, under the Sun, in the trunk of a car for several days, on the way to the United States. However, many do not know that thanks to the Internet it is no longer necessary to go to these lengths to get a well-paid job. In fact, it is possible to work from home, using only an Internet connection and a computer. Naturally you need to train to be successful. Here you’ll get some tips, but let us clarify a few concepts: what is telework? It is able to work from anywhere, be it your House, your favorite Cafe, or the place you prefer. Those who work in this way is called virtual assistants; their work depends on concrete objectives, as example, raise the level of visits to a website.

In Latin America, the crisis may be economic. Lack of jobs, but not talent. There are many stories of Hispanic Americans who have triumphed in the United States, but the story is just for writing for the virtual universe that represents the Internet. Ease of access to the Internet has been available to all a host of powerful tools that enable anyone to train for the present and the future. Moreover, has achieved what no Government nor revolution in the world has been able to do: democratize access to employment. What importance does this in your life? What is happening in the network can radically change your existence.

It is no longer necessary to travel to industrialized countries to get work because the Internet published a large part of the part-time work available in the United States and Europe in various job portals. In fact, some companies include interesting features in these portals. Benefits associated with teleworking for employers are enormous, already It involved significant reductions in operating costs, and the possibility of choosing the most talented employees among experts from the whole world, for the most diverse tasks. For all these reasons, it is crucial to train in strategic and lucrative, specializations that barely begin to be implemented in the network, such as the marketing for social networks. No doubt, the marketing for social networks will change the way in which all companies in the world doing business here a couple of years, whereas that corporations like Dell Computers already use these marketing methods. It is also the Internet marketing in general, or the handling of specific applications for video marketing. All these specializations are already used in the Internet, and will be used intensively in the coming years, so get ready now that you are on time!

Impact Of Globalization

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 2:11 pm

The impact of globalization and its tendency to eliminate the ethical, moral, and local politicians, not to be comprehensive, has had visible consequences following: Denial of the importance of national governments, whether they are good or mismanaged. Decentralization of government, since they are conceived as mere management of local affairs in accordance with the technical and economic criteria. Ideological uniformity. The attempt to eliminate social orders, ethical, moral and political premises are an obstacle in the ideologies, which are aimed at precisely the formulation or affirmation of the values on these social orders. Dennis Lockhart is full of insight into the issues. No doubt, that the end of the Cold War promoted the globalization of economic blocs, revived the green agenda, and has also accelerated the process of technological innovations and especially communications and a new pattern of competition not is military but economic.

At present, are identified three main markets: the U.S. market, primarily under the weight factor of the economy of the United States, the European common market and Asia led by Japan but also China where is playing a significant role. The global economy is accompanied by legal and policy changes important, all this based on the international community and comes to be the voice not of a particular country, however powerful, but a group of countries where the rules are respected of democracy. All this makes it necessary that these should be taken into account, and more in a country like Venezuela that is going through a turbulent stage and maintaining a dynamic economy thanks to oil which is its warranty support for its economy.

Neoliberal Globalization

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 2:02 pm

In the threshold of the neoliberal globalization, groups that exert the power, mainly those that concentrate most of the capital that circulates in the market can come to be in few years, as in fiction films, the living detainers of the power on the planet land and souls that in it cohabit. In a time where the fusing of great corporations is part of day-by-day of our reporters, with the most dangerous certainty it inhabits in the creation of great conglomerates of the medias. With a free anarchical market, the pressure in favor of an ample and unrestricted deregulation is what it is seen in the speech of the great estadudinenses groups of communication reflecting in our country directly. Nor the world-wide net of computers, proclaimed to the four cantos as bastion of the liberty of speech obtained to escape of the cruel strategy of monopoly of the great groups that currently control this way. With the control of the communications at the hands of few companies, what dumb it is alone? packing? of the products for them produced, its content little is modified and is stuffed of dangerous objectives, unifying habits, customs and values with only one intention: the profit and the continuation of a perverse capitalist system.

Beyond the standardization of the notice, the journalists lose the freedom to criticize the groups detainers of the miditico power, if transforming into? dismissable objects. The depreciation of the professionals of communication for the monopoly appears from the moment where notice leave to have sensible while information, entertainment and info-diversion and start to be mere merchandises, suppressing the inquiry work, that is only practised aiming at the particular interests of some. With this, what it was to be information starts to configure as active common of definitive groups, where the practical one of? to cut and glue? articles of a periodical or vehicle for others, if became current. You are welcome liberty of speech advances if the people not to know to think and if to express. The ways of communication alone will be release tools when the community will have more education and critical capacity in the analysis of its contents, in contrast, the shout of the oppressed ones does not have rhetorical force and the pseudo-information start to be the fetters of the modern slavery.

GPS Network

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 11:50 am

The data can be lost because the storage and the recovery they are also employees of timestamps. 3. Violations of security: When the networks are not synchronous the registry archives are not registered correctly or in the correct order, which means that hackers and hostile users can violate the protection measures inadvertently. Many programs of security software are also programmed employees of timestamps with updates of anti-virus that stop being fulfilled or tasks that are late. If its network controls the sensible transactions to the time, then this can give rise to fraud, if a lack of synchronization exists. 4. Legal vulnerability: The time only is not used by the computers in order to order events.

It is used in the legal world also. Contracts, receipts, tests of purchases, are all employees of the time. If a network is not synchronous then, it becomes difficult to try when in fact the operations were carried out and will be difficult to audit them. In addition, when one is subjects serious like fraud either another type of delinquency, a dedicated servant NTP or another device of network of synchronous servant of hour with UTC are legally auditables, against his time it is not possible to be to argue! 5. Enterprise credibility: To succumb to anyone of these possible dangers, not only can have devastating effects in its own business, but also in the one of its clients and suppliers. And the grapevine of the business having before any possible defect of its part of becoming vox populi between its competitors, clients and suppliers to the being seen like bad commercial practice. The operation of a synchronous network that adheres to the UTC is not difficult. Many network administrators think that the synchronization as soon as he in line means an occasional request of the time to a servant of hour NTP; nevertheless, doing this will leave a so vulnerable system to the fraud and to the malevolent users as if it did not have any synchronization.

This must to that to use a source of time of the Internet would require to leave permanent a port open in fire-guard. The solution is to use a servant of spent hour NTP that receives one hour UTC, or a source of radio transmission (national diffusion by physics laboratories) or the GPS network (Global Positioning System). These are safe and can maintain a network in march within a few milliseconds of UTC.

October 20, 2015

Global Warming

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 12:02 pm

If, however, still allow the attack of the apocalypse of humanity in the face of global warming, but this all goes, we will accept it as fact and deal with its consequences. Of course, no clear method is not, because our Civilization has not faced the same problem, but I will try to bring a number of ways to reduce harm from warming, which seem to me reasonable. Firstly, I think, will have to choose a new place to live, Of course, if you do not live in such. Because of global warming in ocean water levels will rise rapidly due to melting glaciers, and will be higher, at least one meter, but is likely much higher. Therefore, life near the river channels will be impossible, since they will behave unpredictably. This is especially true of the rivers originating in the mountains, as they will be affected first. Anyway, if we assume that all the water on the Planet somehow connected, it is better to stay away from any of its manifestations.

Here is a simple chain: Increased water in the ocean will increase its area, evaporation will increase, there will be more rain, and they become stronger, the river to draw water from the fields etc. during its course to become affluent, the lake, which flow into the river, just change its shape in the direction of consolidation. The ideal option would be relocation inland, where not so much to heat and cold ocean currents (and they just change), and sea level will not rise so much that to get there. The same should stay away from tropical forests and other sources of disease, as warm, moist air – an ideal breeding ground for viruses and bacteria, germs of deadly diseases. Secondly, you need to take care of their subsistence and the availability of drinking water. Due to global warming persists, do not having to adapt, many species, edible plants and animals, so care should be taken and select the most resistant to further cultivation in your 'safe place'. So it was reasonable to take care of the presence of a spring there, or self-drill or dig a well. And finally. Not to give a general panic, which is simply unavoidable. There is always a way out of any, but also very unfortunate situation.

October 17, 2015

Globalization And Spirituality

Category: General – Tags: , , , , , , – Joan 11:48 pm

Globalization and spirituality the globalization of the economy implies that any market is inextricably linked to the global economy. In this new reality, we must discover the correct way to act within an interconnected system. And what better example of study than nature itself, which is the mother of the perfect integral systems! Myron Acholes and Robert Merton had everything any scientist could ever want: Fame, a Nobel Laureate in economics, and professorships at the most prestigious universities in the world. They were sure that betting on the market was like rolling the dice: you can easily measure the probabilities for each of the possible events. His infallible plan was to accurately predict the market through statistical studies. Along with other experts, they established an investment fund to benefit under all possible market conditions. They called it Long Term Capital Management, or LTCM (management of long term Capital). The Fund developed a investment policy based on mathematical models, yielding a staggering 40% of annual profit without loss or fluctuations. They believed to have discovered the magic formula, identifying patterns in an unpredictable world. The operation seemed invincible, until one fateful night of September 98 burst the bubble. The disaster began with a seemingly innocuous event: the devaluation of the Thai Baht, which hit Asian markets of Eastern Europe, and so the snowball continued rolling until it finally reached to the LTCM, suffering a total collapse and a voltage unprecedented in economic systems worldwide. A desperate emergency among world economic leaders meeting managed to avoid a global economic chaos. The collapse is contagious economists say that the most dramatic fall of the dollar was triggered by a change in China’s policy. This, concerned about its own economy, began to diversify their investments, rather than continue to maintain all their funds in dollars. As a result, Saudi Arabia, Korea of the South, Venezuela, Sudan, Iran and Russia began to consider regulatory assets in order to safeguard them from the depreciation of the U.S. currency. And again reappears the sense of a crisis globally. All attempts to predict economic trends have proved useless. Then how we establish a truly viable and stable economic system? Systems among us the answer, according to the wisdom of Kabbalah is really very simple. One need not be a brilliant economist to realize. Only we must be aware that both we like everything we do, including the economy, must follow the laws of the universal system, called nature. I.e., achieving a perfect unit, where the work of each individual benefits to all. The Kabbalist, Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HSulam), writes in his article building the society of the future that each Member is obliged by Nature to meet their basic needs through society, and also benefit society with their own work. Artificial systems that we have established in human society are in complete contrast with this principle. The core of our behavior is ego, which makes these systems in motion; personal interest before the general, the pursuit of material wealth, honor, and control; even (or especially) at the expense of others. All this saves a direct relationship with the economy. In our economic system based on the ego, the personal interest of capitalists and shareholders is the top priority for the companies. Even when they help the community, one cannot help wondering if they only seek to advertise and enlarge his reputation in the media. Globalization + Ego = alley dead-end after thousands of years of selfish development we are cornered in a corner: the more we try to benefit each other, more discover our interdependence. Minimum fluctuation in a local market may cause turbulence in the global market. Globalization has caused such fragility in our planet, the minimum fissure can do it wobble and fall. Local events such as the mortgage crisis in the U.S., a natural disaster, a terrorist attack, directly affect the prices of international goods and threaten the stability of the world economy. The way out and how wonderful it is that nature, which skilful judge us punishes according to our development, because as you can see our eyes, the more humanity, develops the higher are of pain and suffering for our sustenance. Baal HSulam, La Paz La Kabbalah teaches that humanity is going through two parallel processes: on the one hand, it is pushing us to unite and work as one body. On the other hand, Human egoism is growing constantly. One way or another humanity must give a twist to his selfishness and work as a single body. Euro Pacific Precious Metals is a great source of information. But instead of having to suffer shocks that force us to carry out this change, the Kabbalists suggest that we are ourselves which we dominate and take control of the process. Learn about this general system and its principles, understand changes implemented in our social systems in order to balance with nature, and prosper in all areas of our lives, including in the economic area. Fortunately already possess the science that explains the plan of Fund of nature: the wisdom of Kabbalah.

October 15, 2015

Development Globalization

Category: General – Joan 2:11 pm

It is possible that we stand with you on the verge of big changes in the world. Federal Reserve Bank often expresses his thoughts on the topic. And now global companies will be able to replace less effective national government. Development Globalization leads to a gradual reduction of state sovereignty. Technology development in the XX century gave a strong impetus to the expansion of international trade. This is primarily a means of communication, linked the world markets, and well as new vehicles, speed up the delivery of goods and the rate of movement of capital. The growth of international trade for the first time exceeded the GDP growth of national states. In the changed world nation-states often look like pieces of the past. They are not mobile because of tight binding to the territory, they are often hampered by the development of geo-political and historical realities.

Nation-states often enter into a military conflicts, unleashing mindless verbal battles that hit primarily by himself. Global companies have more space for their actions. They often use the tension between the countries in their own interests, even provoke conflicts. Now the state must play by the rules that are established global companies. If you do not meet the requirements set by the international community, the state be deprived of technology and investment. TNCs are often blamed for the fact that they exploit third world countries using cheap labor, as well as making its most harmful enterprises on their territory. But now development of globalization and transnational corporations has for third world countries a positive effect.

October 12, 2015

Global Heating

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 9:27 am

Sc. Medical Veterinarian, Homeopata Secretary of the ABPO (Cattle Brazilian Association of Organic) Campo Grande, MS thimoteolobreiro@ He counts a legend, of the existence of a lost valley in some place of the universe inhabited for pretty carrying black swallows of one, strategically located, white spot in the extremity of the left wing. A traveller visited the valley, and in its peregrinations for distant nations, frequent she spoke on them. Time passing, already heard of the existence of a valley inhabited for pintassilgados birds of white and black person. In the current days, in many wheels of enlevo to the nature, it is said on the beauty of certain total white bird that inhabits certain lost valley in some sings of the universe.

That this metaphor can illustrate stretches of the text to follow. As the bovine meat, and one human being, that it makes of it its bigger gastronmico pleasure, contributes for the carbon footprint of the bovines: why bovine fed the grass they possess a negative balance in carbon footprints? the addition of all GEE emitted during the process of production of the related one well, product or service. At the end of the year of 2009, the FAO Organization for Foods and Agriculture of the Joined Nations made, what in my interpretation, considered as one mea culpa for the paper of the bovines in the global heating. Through its department of Property of the Land and Unit of Manejo (NRLA) and Division of Waters and Lands, it published a story under the heading: Revision of the evidences of the pastoral systems in dry lands for the climatic changes the long and extensive shades of the animal creation (3). Herclea task to express in an only value the result of the estimates of the emissions of the GEE of all the systems of animal creation of all the rinces of the planet, being pasteurizando everything in a myopic intention to make responsible the animal creation for 18% of the GEE mensurados in Co2 equivalent.

October 8, 2015

Environment And Globalization

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 5:26 pm

Environment and Globalization Ahead of the world each more linked time for the medias are evidentes the occured changes in the societies, as much in the social, economic field, politician, cultural and ambient. In elapsing of the times the gradual rise of the consumption levels, as much in the developed countries how much in the peripheral countries, it comes demanding the diversification and the production of good in volume each bigger time, the ambient problems also they had increased. These transformations they contribute each time more to increase the aggressions to the Environment. Without hesitation Peter Schiff explained all about the problem. As the society is always in process of change of habits at distinct historical moments, it will be always constructing the space and at the same time, being constructed for it, in a relation that many times is not harmonious, mainly, in times where the consumption this increasing and many necessities are invented by the great hegemonic groups, the great capitalist corporations, so that the market and the profits grow each time more, in a process where the natural dynamics of the environment does not obtain to support, thus appearing, some ambient problems of the present time. The Globalization is an accented process mainly in the last few decades, represented for the period of training most advanced of the capitalist system, for the technological innovations, that have appeared and if perfected quickly ahead of our eyes, where, one to blink, it is sufficiently so that everything if brings up to date. One another factor booster is the speed of the transmissions of the information with the job constant of techniques on this field, reaching millions of people instantaneously, mainly, through the Internet, cellular, TV, radio, systems saw satellite, that reach the planet all. Technology author understood the implications. Opening of markets to the international trade, the migration of capitals, uniformizao and technological expansion, everything this, sped up for a frantic expansion of the medias, seems to be uncontrollable forces to change habits and concepts, procedures and institutions. . .