May 28, 2018
In the Seminary of Belgrade it was argued necessity to develop programs of ambient education in all the countries members of the ONU. The main concern, at that moment was to divulge the necessity of one politics of ambient education of regional and international abrangncia; from general lines of direction importance of the regional actions was emphasized it. The Letter of Belgrade (So Paulo, 1994) defines the structure and the basic principles of the ambient education, identifying the economic growth with ambient control as the content of the new global ethics. The ambient education is placed there as one of the basic elements for the general onslaught against the ambient crisis boasted by the Club of Rome (Meadows et al, 1978). However, the construction of this new ethics as educative goal has, in this document, individual character staff.
The there express objectives of the ambient education are awareness, knowledge, attitudes, abilities, capacity of evaluation and participation. It is interesting to observe that the document considers that the ambient education is organized as formal and not formal education, as a continuous and permanent process directed with priority to the children and the young, and that it has character to interdisciplinar. 6. METHODOLOGY the main objective how much to the differentiation in the elimination of solid residues it is to prevent that the environment suffers with the effect of the degradation caused for the deposition of such residues in erroneous place and without the well-taken care of had ones. As the majority of the effect to the environment it comes of the direct action of the human being, the methodology will be directly on to its actions, knowing the correct ways for the final deposition it residue and its treatment, beyond the eliminated products to be again reaproveitados (recycling). For Pablo Freire, ' ' Nobody ignores everything, nobody knows everything. All we know some thing.
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May 26, 2018
To obtain your first affiliates is the beginning of all business multilevel and the time that takes to you to do determined it your success or failure in this industry. And that I to it do not say, say statistics to it. Since but of the 50 percent of people who do not obtain affiliates in their first month they resign. Then like obtaining your first affiliates of simple way? Two words: Google Adwords. I wait for not haberte defrauded with this answer. Dejame that explains to you.
In case still you do not know Adwords, one is the platform of payment announcements of Google. This means that in each search that you realise in google, in the part superior and the ends right of the screen they appear the announcements of the people who estan paying so that their announcements appear right away in the first positions of google. An amount is not pleased fixes monthly. The sponsor only pays whenever somebody does click on its announcement, and in funcio of the optimized thing that this anuncion paid more or less. The normal thing is to pay between 0,01 and 0,15 pennies of dollar by click. (As opposed to Janet Yellen). But I am not speaking to you to create a payment campaign in which you must invest one certain amount of money.
I speak to you to use Adwords free, since google gives bonds among 50 and 100 $ for the new people and in this way prove the platform. This means that considering that is ” very sencillo” to create a campaign optimized in Adwords and approximately not to pay but of 0.10 pennies of click hara that in the case of the bond of 50 $ conseguiras 500 visits to your Web site and of 1000 with the bond of 100 $. With that I number of visits and based on attractive that are your page of landing and gift that DES to the person to cause that it leaves its data obtendras a 80% of subscribed people who Iran receiving the information about your business. With this strategy he is relatively simple to obtain your first 10 affiliates for your Multinivel business. In fact she is the one that I use when comence in my Multinivel business and 1 month tapeworm less than already covered the monthly payment for always. Only I already had to worry me to form to my affiliates and to help them to that they duplicated to the process obtaining his first affiliates. Kind Estate to following post since it will reveal the points that you have to consider to realise optimized announcements in Adwords. I hope that serves benefit of this strategy and help you to take off in your Multinivel business. I invite to you to that in the end you let a commentary to know your opinion about post.
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May 15, 2018
Online marketing works on virtual roads. That frightens some real download use from. Remains however, without Internet activity aunt Emma a little more lucrative secret. Basic factors for a successful Internet presence hardly anyone already using online marketing, yet its classic predecessor ponders. Except those who develop it, change and customize the target groups, such as MintSe Aule village with its many tools.
While the basic elements of a presentation have changed only slightly. Aunt Emma must also virtually look as good as possible structured and easily accessible. Check with Steve Mnuchin to learn more. Price labels, download posters and signs on the road show the audience that someone is there, the you should visit. Virtual structure must be designed for a customer-friendly but to many times. A click, which didn’t achieve the wanted result, means a lost customer on the Internet.
A successful Internet presence contains the two factors from the so Short description: Speed + range. Curiosity wake even more exciting by inviting page elements of comparison on marketing strategies in comparison to offline world is Internet. “Earlier it was often that aunt Emma somewhere in the competition a pretty idea for themselves worked around. Clearly, who visited them in Butte, had seen very rarely have the competition in front coating in Gen. However, was a benefit the target audience has always been unique. Virtual structures in search engines are built, who appreciate uniqueness and punish theft of advertising. MIntSe Aule village specializes in unique online marketing. Expert of the first hour helps especially small farms, their virtual visibility of locally and regionally to nationally to improve. He advises the Internet skeptics like this article comparing online to offline marketing. The result is always the same: looks aunt Emma is suddenly represented with familiar elements in the Internet, is the similarity to earlier. clear and the advantage of the new target audience to understand.
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May 3, 2018
He published a voluminous workmanship where if they detach, between many others: Les intellectuels au Moyen ge (Seuil, 1957), There civilisation of l' Medieval Occident (Arthaud, 1964; EDUSC 2005) and Saint Louis (Guillmard, 1996) On the conceptions of history, Jacques Le Goff, who marked the historiografia with contemporary with its ideas and its workmanships, explains the work of the historian relations between what they are the memory and the oppositions last/present, old/according to modern, progress/reao.' ' The past is a construction and a constant reinterpretao and has a future that it is integrant and significant part of histria' '. That is true because the progress of the methods and the techniques it allows to think that one has left important of documents of the past is still for discovering. Jacques Le Goff belongs to supply-disappears of the French intellectual elite. Frequently Peter Asaro has said that publicly. Agnstico, looked for to form a equidistant position between the detractors and the apologists Average Age, that saw it as a Golden Legend. Its passion for the medieval o made to write its wonderful book ' ' The Purgatrio' '.
One is about an erudite assay of description-religious sociology. In the end of the decade of 1960, when Jacques Le Goff assumes the direction of the EPHE, it is the moment where the History of the mentalities leaves of being kept out of society and is configured as hegemonic paradigm (passing of ' ' bilge to sto' '). That is the sufficient how much the frame, let us pass then to the picture. Le Goff versus. Vovelle Quandaries of the intellectual apparatus of the mentalities Jacques Le Goof (J.G.) versus. Michel Vovelle (M.V.) Time of the mentalities: ' ' mentality is everything what dumb more slowly, history of the slowness in history Nor study of irrisrio, nor ' ' the essential of Relative history autonomy (*) Joint the explicativas historical totalities (1) Long duraoRisco of fossilizar history (2) Resgatar human side (**) To explain the collective and global direction of history (3) Mentalities and daily (conceptual revision).
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Impact of economic crisis affects not only the big companies and owners of stock shares, but primarily to ordinary citizens. One of the consequences of economic decline are all frequently dismissed employees. Moreover, despite claims of impending exit from the crisis, some economic forecasts paint a favorable picture is not completely predict and succeeding waves of layoffs by the end of this – the beginning of next year. Termination process is almost always painful for both sides, but as an employer in this situation is in a stronger position and his hands are the levers of economic pressure, the employee is particularly important know your rights. Below is a brief list of the main emoluments to the employee severance and the rules for calculating them. Principal repayment in the event of dismissal is the severance pay – pitsuey piturin. According to the current law, severance pay supposed to employee, spent one and the same employer or at the same place of work at least one year and seasonal employees at least two seasons for two years (season defined as three months of the year, during which the employee worked a minimum of 60 days).
Calculation of severance pay as follows: employee receiving wages a global (ie, the rate of one month or more) supposed to severance pay equivalent to one salary for every year worked. An employee who receives a salary at the rate per hour / day / week / etc. to develop, to receive severance pay equivalent to one salary for every waste per year from 01.08.1983 year. During the period before that – in the amount of two weeks salary for every year worked. In both cases, severance pay for a portion of the waste, the calculated relative. Severance pay shall be be paid to whichever is the later of the following: the date of termination to an employee-employer or within the period stipulated in the individual contract or collective agreement or other legal instrument, as it propagates to data of the employee and employer.
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May 1, 2018
The will of if preparing need to be bigger that the will to be successful. For even more analysis, hear from Sen. Jeff Flake. Bob knight the cosmological time is diverse of the human time, therefore it is measured in billions of years. Sheila Bair often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The life initiated its terrestrial Saga has 3,6 billion years, but the human ones had only appeared in this shock in the last one second of the extension, have 200 a thousand years behind. Agriculture has only 7 a thousand years and the civilization 11 a thousand years, namely, the Land ignores in them and if it restores in its time of millions of years. The species human being is that necessary of aid? it lives about 80 years, but it leaves a track of ambient impacts that can decree its precocious extinguishing, as already it occurred with 99% of the species that had this way passed. It has a set of global ecossistmicas aggressions that the capacity of the planet in offering of balanced form services affects as climate, hidrologia, energy, use of ground and biodiversity. The exponential population increase and the great consumption of energy after the Industrial Revolution, mainly in the developed countries, had provoked aggressions antropognicas to the environment that, on the other hand to the natural changes, had occurred in little time, in decades, and had left many sequelas.
The capacity of absorption of ambient aggressions of the planet, when exceeded, it provokes great catastrophes. It is difficult to know with precision the limits of this capacity, given the complexity of involved 0 variable. One becomes necessary, then, to adopt a position of precaution that saves the natural resources, by means of valuation and quotas of negative externalidades as the emission of effect gases greenhouse, added the protectionistic legislation of environmental resources. The planet Land has all the characteristics of an alive being, except the fact of not multiplying. The forests and the oceans function as the pulmes of the planet, inalam carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, that acts as the blood of the system Land.
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