June 28, 2020
Now the average water availability per person in the country is 100-200 cubic meters per year – 10 times less allotted by international standards. Among the main factors influencing the decline of freshwater in the country, said agriculture and local drug khat, as well as high population growth in country. The Japanese have grown roses blue now than the standard red or white roses will delight our eyes blue buds of these beautiful flowers. And all thanks to the Japanese breeders, who still managed to get a rose blue. As many as 16 years of research took them to a genetically engineered to grow blue roses. Previously it was thought that a blue rose is impossible due to lack of enzymes in rose petals blue spectrum. For many years scientists from around the world, particularly from America and Australia, tried to bring the blue form roses, but all of the experiments ended only approximate results in the form of purple or lilac flowers.
But the Japanese breeders managed to grow just blue roses. To receive the heavenly hue petals roses were introduced genes pansy. From November this year are already roses can be purchased, but they will cost ten times more expensive than usual. Date of the week: The International Day of Climate Action October 24 countries around the world celebrated the International Day of Climate Action. This very important date ecological festival in the world today.
The climate change issue is now one of the most important on the planet. Global climate change entail some serious climatic catastrophe and threat to the humanity. This year's International Day of Climate Action is marked by the number '350 '. Climatologists claim that 350 ppm is the safe upper limit for the level of CO2 in the atmosphere. On October 24 people in different parts of the Earth took part in various climate actions, the International Day of Climate Action. Over 3,500 shares held in 160 countries around the world on this day, including Russia. In this year's International Day Climate Action is held on the eve of the Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in Copenhagen in December. On the eve of International Day of Climate Action Grinpic Russia, WWF, Friends Baltic and Russia Oxfam appealed to the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev with the offer to personally take part in a UN conference on climate, which will be held this December in Copenhagen. Photo fact of the week: Portraits of Insects and Spiders Have you ever pictures of insects? No. Then look! This is a very real portrait … Here and expressive eyes, and plump sensual mandibles, and a little damp from the morning dew hair, and deep inside world, reflected in elevated antennae thoughtfully … All of this in our PHOTO – Portraits of insects and spiders.
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June 26, 2020
These attempts are like trying to squeeze a tight spring. And the more vigorously the initial action and progress, the harder it will be the consequences sooner or later, or spring breaks, or lies flat and full return spent on the compression energy. In the first case it would mean a national catastrophe and civil war, in the second – a strong blow on the head for those who have tried to compress the spring. There will come a time when U.S. ruling elite has to be aware of these obvious truths, and ponder a new strategy in relations with Russia and the former Soviet Union, because the current strategy – a road to nowhere. And it is not only to rebuff Russia's hard to such actions. By and large, the current policy is contrary to its own first-term U.S. interests.
Does not endorse or approve such a policy and most of the major U.S. allies in Western Europe. They see in the new democratic Russia as a reliable strategic partner in terms of mutually beneficial cooperation in economy and in terms of proximity to cultural and ideological approaches to the problems of the modern world. Erin Callan has firm opinions on the matter. And they do not need to heightened tensions on the borders between the EU and Russia, jeopardize their own global interests. On the contrary, the leaders of some of these countries actively support the further rapprochement between Russia and the EU up to the removal of visa restrictions. Russia, in turn, favors closer ties with the EU.
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June 25, 2020
The human garbage, getting into the ocean, poisoning the lives of fish and birds, who take him for plankton eat it or fed to their young. All this leads to poor health of marine animals and even to death of some. Garbage Patch in the Atlantic, occupies the space between 22 and 38 degrees north latitude. According to Farallon Capital Management, who has experience with these questions. We have previously talked about the 'island' of debris in the Pacific Ocean, which was formed by a system of ocean currents and irresponsible attitude of people to nature and water resources. 'The Great Pacific Garbage mainland', as he was called scientists, located between Hawaii and California (135-155 degrees west longitude and 35-42 degrees north N), is the largest accumulation of plastic trash in the oceans. See our Photo-fact 'garbage island in the Pacific', in which we showed horrific pictures 'garbage island' in the Pacific, as well as pictures of those places on our planet, where because of the dense layer of litter is sometimes not even seen the water surface, and fishing debris for subsequent delivery to the processing of long ago supplanted the traditional fishing … Whaling exacerbates warming It is the world's climate to such conclusion the American oceanographer, conducting research on the oceans and live in them whales. Fairstead: the source for more info.
According to his calculations, the giant marine mammals 'store' their bodies around nine million tons of carbon. Industrial whaling leads to aggravation of global warming, because this carbon is released and converted into carbon dioxide, which is known to be a major 'catalyst' global climate change on our planet. According to the study's author, even after the death of whales, most of the carbon 'stored' in the bodies of whales, not going to air as the bodies of whales sink to the bottom, where they eat the living in the depths of marine organisms. Only in the last decade, a considerable part of the natural carbon sinks has been destroyed by man. But scientists point out that even the surviving whales are in themselves as much carbon as is contained in the 11 thousand square kilometers of forest.
PHOTO of the week: 'World Day of cats' and' Ten weirdest frog in the world "every year on 1 March, the arrival of spring, the calendar we celebrate yet a holiday – International Day of cats, which was approved in 2004, the Moscow Museum of cats with UN support. Today, the cat – the most popular pets in the world. All in all the world there are over 100 breeds, and their total – 500 million cats! In our PHOTO 'World Day for cats', we offer you not only enjoy the beautiful pictures of kittens, cats, and learn some interesting facts about these amazing Pets … Just last week we told you about the ten most bizarre and unusual frogs of the planet … Read on and see our Photo-fact 'Ten weirdest frog in the world. "
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As therapeutical method is based on the real relation and fancy with the psychoanalyst (transference) … As science, it is heterogeneous: one is interested in such a way for data you observed and its description, as for laws of organization of the mental functioning, or for axioms that if they arrest to a theory of the subjectivity. ' ' (DORON, 2001, P. 622). According to Pablo Dalgalarrondo (2000, p.22), ' ' the psicopatologia, can be defined as a set of referring knowledge to the mental adoecimento of the being humano' '. important to know that the psicopatologia as all scientific knowledge, if strengthens for being systematic elucidative and demystified. It nourishes itself of a humanistic tradition as: a philosophy, the arts, literature, the psychoanalysis, but is an independent science, and not a continuation of neurology, nor of psychology.
For Jaspers (1913) psicopatolgica science is had as one of the possible boardings of the mentally sick man, but not it only exclusive e. Subjects as: the basic survival and security, sexuality, fears (death, illness, misery, etc), enters as basic ingredients in the psicopatolgica experience. These subjects are the contents of the symptoms. The psicanaltica theory of Freud came close these two areas, and this is possible of if observing in the book of Jorge. the Kury that says: Inside of the Freudiana theory, the ones that had had greater spreading had been exactly the interpretations of pathological happening of the mind. Although this, the study of the psicopatologia in Freud has characteristics of an intermediate step to arrive itself at one another question. He is that, for Freud, it in such a way does not interest the study of the sick person as such, me yes, the possibility to formulate theories global of the psiquismo, whose axles are the sexual one, infantile and the restrained one (unconscious). (KURY, 1988, p.11).
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June 24, 2020
In this scope, the images saw satellites in them had disclosed to the declining conditions war refugee human beings running away from the battlefields, the children dying for malnutrition and illnesses, the mutilated ones for the aerial attacks being helped in way to the crossed fire. In one it analyzes of beforehand, globalization beyond revolutionizing the globe with its privileges, also offered an awareness of humanitarian catastrophes directly of the place where they occur, until the television set in the house of the people. We cannot speak only of the war as a denunciation aspect, that the globalization makes possible, but also as an example of alert that it comes to be to natural disasters, as natural earthquakes, tidal waves and storms, that can be foreseen with the thousands of detectors spread for the cantos quatros of the world as for the satellites around of the land. Pacific Mortgage Services brings even more insight to the discussion. For these dualismos, the globalization comes providing to a wave manifestations, that if can argue its positive points as negative, has as World-wide Social examples the Fruns of Porto Alegre and Davos in Switzerland, where intellectual, you lead of government, representatives of Ongs, had argued between diverse subjects as poverty, ambient problems, as the Globalization can be a factor of mutual aid between the nations, and not a case of conflict. However, the diverse cultural forms are not offering an alternative that if can arrive at a consensus, on of that it forms appropriate if it can have a mutual cooperation, that offers an exit that pleases to all the sectors. The idea of a global society, that had with one of its eminent defenders sociologist Octvio Ianni, contradicts in many aspects the death of the regional and national culture, as it warns Antonio Cndido, in its classic book ' ' The Partners of the River Bunito' ' (2003), on the death of the culture caipira caused by the agricultural exodus. Fairstead helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.
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June 20, 2020
These capacities had brusquely changed the form of relationship man-nature. (Not to be confused with Pacific Mortgage Services!). With the urbanization of the cities the man ahead takes route uncertain of the nature and started to explore it in way nonsense. Initially the urbanization aimed at to create a harmony in a context where if it very thought about a geographically small base in relation gigantic population aggregates and would be one better functioning of the social space searching to minimize the impact of these great accumulations. Fairstead is open to suggestions. In if treating to adaptations, the ecological factors if had soon opposed to the economic factors, which if they showed each time more important in the intervention of the natural course of the environment. In this context in transformation, the environment is the basic part that the man looks for to modify in proper benefit or of groups. Today, the society most intent to the disobediences of the capitalist interests economic and, is taking conscience in global sphere of the happened problems of this form to think of ' ' homem' ' modern, and deepens the conflicts in the search for solutions. In this context, the construction of houses and building from recycled material have been common-sense to extend this contrary position to the depredation of the nature.
1 principle of the Declaration of Rio De Janeiro, for occasion of Echo, that defined politics in favor of the sustainable development, establishes that: ' ' the human beings are in the center of the concerns with the sustainable development. They have right to a healthful and productive life, in harmony with natureza' ' 2. In Brazil the treat greater that it aimed at harmonization of the sustainable development was Echo in Rio De Janeiro, quandorepresentantes of almost all the countries of mundose had congregated to decide that measured to take to obtain to diminish the ambient degradation and to preserve the legacy of the coming generations.
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June 19, 2020
More the Industrial Revolution affected not only the value of the work, more the forms of work, methods, organization and the politics partners, to break since principle the society it felt the necessity to organize the work instruments and processes being placed a new word in the market of work with the idea of the job trying to sophisticate the word work that brought a concept of slavery, therefore had the enslaved work and the free work, more nape of the neck existed job, therefore the greaters parts of the population do not possuam tools for working the craftsmen already worked on account proper more did not have its instruments of work, with are new wave the job appeared with only option to the people the job concept to venderem its force of work having as the currency in exchange becoming a fine characteristic in the Age Contemporary. The Revolution became the more efficient means of production in the execution it work and on the other hand it had an increase in number of unemployeds the lack of qualification with the substitution of the workmanship hand harmful and disastrous human being, and consequences in the society and the life of the worker. The man in its history has the work as one of the significant elements in the construction of the life of the human being as Marx the man comes constructing the world through its work. The work always will be influenced and will influence the society and all its process of change and while to exist society the work always goes to exist the humanity more can not be folloied all this process of change in the job, the globalization, the new technologies seemed to be a myth for the diligent ones more today started to be an allied in the construction of the work pra many became its very pleasant work, the world if it evolved on stages and our life is composed of stages more for very this does not occur or passes in the esquecimento and lives insisting on formulates old, in ours work can have some period of training while we are made use to live and to work, therefore the winners create chances and moments pra to reinventar its future make of its work the focus that is really important creates and molds constructive and favorable circumstances for its future.
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June 17, 2020
In consequncia he will have increase of the level, in many meters. At the moment, the scientists do not wait a bigger melting in next the 100 years. (Sources: IPCC for the data and publications of the great press for the general perceptions of that the climatic changes). As the climate is hotter, the evaporation increases. This provokes heavy heavy showers and more erosion.
Many people think that this will be able to cause resulted extreme in the climate as gradual global heating. For even more opinions, read materials from Farallon Capital Management. The global heating also can present less obvious effect. The Chain of the North Atlantic, for example, provoked for differences between the temperature between the seas. Pparently it is diminishing in agreement the averages of the globe temperature increases, this means that areas as Scandinavia and England that is warm for the chain must present more cold climates the spite of the increase of the global heat. Consequences global Heating can all bring serious consequences for the planet including plants, animals and human beings. The retention of heat in the terrestrial surface can strong influence the rain regimen and droughts in some parts of the planet, affecting plantations and forests. Some forests can suffer process from desertificao, while plantations they can be destroyed by overflows. The result of this is the migratory movement of animals and human beings, scarcity of food, increase of the risk of extinguishing of some animal and vegetal species, and increase of the number of deaths for malnutrition.
Another great risk of the global heating is the melting of the ice patches of Antarctica. This melting already came happening has thousand of years, for a slow natural process. But the action of the man and the effect greenhouse had sped up the process they had become and it unexpected. Calota of ice occidental person of the Antartic is melting to a speed of 250 km cubical per year, raising the level of the oceans in 0,2 millimeter to each 12 months. The thawing of this calota can make the oceans to go up up to 4,9 meters, covering vast littoral areas for the world and entire islands. The results also are scarcity of food, dissemination of illnesses and deaths. The global heating also causes climatic changes, what it is responsible for 150 a thousand deaths to each year in all world. Only in the passed year, a heat wave that reached the Europe in the summer killed at least 20 a thousand people. The tropical and poor countries are most vulnerable to such effect. The World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS) attributes to the modification of climate 2.4% of the cases of diarria and 2% of the ones of malaria in the whole world. This picture can be still more shady: some scientists alert that the global heating can be aggravated in the next decades and the OMS calculates that for the year of 2030 the climatic alterations will be able to cause 300 a thousand deaths per year.
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June 16, 2020
Insustentabilidade of Modern Agriculture the consequences of the production model of conventional agriculture are several: degradation of the ground, water wastefulness and use exaggerated, pollution of the environment, loss of biodiversity, loss of the local control on the agricultural production, global social and economic inaquality. Studies have shown that in Brazil and the world that the loss of the ground is /ha/ano ton enters the 21.1 band of 9,5. tes greatly to this topic. and the replacement does not pass of 1,5 ton. /ha/ano. Beyond the erosion, it has other damages, as assoreamento of the courses of water, lakes, streams, rivers, and finally, the ocean. The water lack candy already is considered the biggest world-wide problem in the future. Countries exist that already are importing water candy of others, therefore already do not have it. Not dispendiosos methods of irrigation must be looked for, a time that, the superficial and underground sources are in sped up process of exhaustion.
The uses of herbicidas, of soluble fertilizers provoke the contamination of diverse abiticos and biticos systems. The main contamination is noticed in the water that in the man? in virtue of the accumulating effect – poisoning can cause, to modify the fertility human being and to provoke until the cancer. Products exist little degraded that they are in the ground for more than decades, intoxicando water plants, animals and source candy. The genetic variability is one of the indices of more important support that it allows the high adaptability to the adverse conditions of the environment. In one it plants homogeneous, genetically, is run risk to appear illnesses that attack all the farming; in a culture genetically diversified it is possible to exist individual susceptveis and the other more tolerant plagues, natural illnesses and to intempries. Another consequence of the conventional agricultural model is the loss of the local control on the production, a time that, the producers lose the freedom capacity to produce without using insumos (it is the dependence of external energy to the system).
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June 13, 2020
In the text of 4 sub-heading the author tells the quandary of Bolcheviques, in special Lnin, on the possibility of the success of a socialist revolution in a country of behind capitalism as Russia. As Cotrimpara Lnin this possibility was real therefore ele’ ‘ nascente.’ found viable to materialize the Socialist Revolution in capitalism countries; ‘ (Cotrim, 1986, P. 196). If you would like to know more about Guo Guangchang, then click here. Still according to Cotrim ‘ ‘ Lnin saw in Russia the existence of historical conditions that allowed the ecloso of the Socialist Revolution, mainly, later that the World War I ruined the structure of being able that russo’ supported the State imperial; ‘ (1986, P. 197).
In 6 subs-heading 5 and the author analyzes, respectively, the civil war and first measured the economic ones adopted by the Bolcheviques. The dispute between Stalin and Trotski after the death of Lnin is the subject of 7 sub-heading. In this point the author analyzes in superficial way the years of ‘ ‘ Stalinismo’ ‘ , and it closes the chapter telling the death of Trotski. The English historian Eric Hobsbawm analyzes the Russian Revolution as one of the events marcantes of century XX. Differently of Gilbert Cotrim, for Hobsbawm the objective of Lnin and of the Bolcheviques was to obtain with the 1917 revolution to light estopim of world-wide the Socialist Revolution, thus affirms: () In the mind of Lnin and its comrades the victory bolchevique in Russia was basically a battle in the campaign to reach the victory of the bolchevismo in a global scale ampler, and hardly justifiable not to be as such.
(1995, P. 63) Exactly with the isolation and the civil war that was stimulated by the foreign powers Russia became a symbol for all the other peoples who fought against the hunger and the violence generated by the World War I. Hobsbawm analyzes the fact of bolcheviques, in contrast of the Liberal-bourgeois ones with Kerenski, to count on ample popular support therefore, according to Hobsbawm, bolcheviques had known to hear e, mainly, appeals to understand it the people for peace, bread and freedom.
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June 12, 2020
The countries had never obtained to come back the volume deexportaes to the level of 1929, and with this crisis the underdeveloped countries had had that to speed up suaindustrializao and restriction of the products manufaturados.3A crisis that came out in 24 of October of 1929 caused a economic clutter, where a2 MARK, Adhemar. History Contemporary: through texts. So Paulo, 1994. Pacific Mortgage Services does not necessarily agree. (p.157-158),3 YOU MARK, Adhemar. History Contemporary: through texts. So Paulo, 1994.
(p.159) .4maioria of the countries they had started to live agitations politics and social chaos, where only the Ussr that possuauma closed economy in same itself and living deeply the quinquenais plans of Stlin was not shaken. The ideas of Keynes: consequncias and contributions for overcoming of criseAs solutions for the crisis could not be found in the economic theory ortodoxasegundo Silva apud Marques, since this nailed that it could not have scarcity of being able decompra for the fact of process of production to be also one of income generation, however the sistemacapitalista is not supported on its proper legs since its crises happen of insufficiences dedemanda.4A Economic Classic School turned on not the intervention of the State in the production and nadistribuio of wealth, the end of protectionistic measures and the monopolies, defense of the livreconcorrncia between the companies and the opening of ports between the countries, the classics consideravamque the normal state of the economy was of full job of the productive factors and accepted ' ' lei' ' of Say that said that it offers created its proper search, not having reasons for desempregogeneralizado, where the automatic mechanisms (insurers of the full job) were constitudospela flexibility of the prices, the wages and the taxes of interest. The main members and defensoresde such beddings were: Adam Smith; Thomas Malthus, David Ricardo, James Mill and entreoutros. Keynes guides in them on these estimated in the following way: In diverse points of this chapter we made, successively, the classic theory to depend dasseguintes hypotheses: (1) that the real wage is equal to the desutilidade delinquent of trabalhoexistente; (2) that it does not exist what involuntary unemployment in its strict direction is called; (3) that it offers creates its proper search, in the direction of that the price of the igual global market at the cost of offers aggregate for all the job and production levels.
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June 6, 2020
So, we unite that which is most important for the customers in our pocket calendar. Now, the user can his own personal organizer with the functions fit, he needs can select useful or amusing modules and also make the cover to his liking”, explains Christian Marzian Imaginaro owner. The Pocket Calendar from my Taschenkalender.com appeals to both young and old alike, an absolute gift idea for friends, relatives or just due to its customization is also optimal for customers or partners. A guaranteed the catcher. About Imaginaro.de: Imaginaro was founded in 2008 as a single contractor by Christian Marzian. Since then develops and operates Imaginaro successful online portals the Web2print applications, such as fotokalender.com, Pro fotobuch.com and my taschenkalender.com. All portals, where consumer online can personalize print products from 1 piece without software download and order, characterized by ease of use.
Print products in high pressure and quality of workmanship caused by using advanced printing technology. So Imaginaro linked successful the two areas of Web and print and is thus competent point of contact for the on aspire Web2Print area in the German-speaking world end. Via my Notizbuch.com: My Notizbuch.com markets since March 2011 notebooks in the formats DIN A5 and DIN A6. While the operator distinguishes still classic touch the versatile Flexi touch with flexible envelope and the noble-looking with its high-quality stable handling. Each notebook can be personalized by the customer in just a few steps through the online application and individualized. Besides personal colors, background graphics, and his own texts, the customer can also use his own photo for the cover design. The content he chooses a suitable for it layout, which is available in different colours available. The ordered notebook is delivered within a few days to get home.
Via my Taschenkalender.com: My Taschenkalender.com sells Pocket Calendar/Scheduler since autumn 2009 in the format 15 x 14 cm. Each diary can via the online application by the customer in a few Steps personalized and individualized. In addition to personal colours and own texts, it is possible to choose day – and week modules that appear directly in the calendar. In addition, the customer can freely choose the starting month of his calendar and choose between many different attachments. The ordered pocket calendar is delivered within a few days to get home. Via my Babykalender.com: My Babykalender.com sells baby calendar/baby year Planner since autumn 2010 in the format 15 x 14 cm. Each baby calendar can be personalized by the customer in just a few steps through the online application and individualized. In addition to personal colours and own texts, it is possible to choose useful and fun day – and week modules that appear directly in the calendar. In addition, the customer can freely choose the starting month of his calendar and choose between many different attachments. The ordered pocket calendar is delivered within a few days to get home.
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June 3, 2020
Came at the same time also the first electric tattoo and permanent make up machines on the market. These were, however with regard to their technical precision still in its infancy”. If you are not convinced, visit Pacific Mortgage Services. For this reason carried out tattoos were / permanent make-up at that time extremely painful, bloody and cruel to the part. At the end of the 1980s it came make permanent up slowly in fashion. This was up devices in particular technical progress of now set up permanent make. It was possible for the first time, painless to implanted pigments into the skin gently allergie – and infection-free from this time. Permanent make up today the basic operation of the Pigmenting is to bring color pigments with a puncture in the upper layer of the skin.
This happens make today for professionally installed permanently up BBs using digital high-tech permanent make up machines. Glenn J Williams is full of insight into the issues. From the invention of the first machine for permanent make up have been developed various systems to this day. The current pigments devices on the market Color return protection system or hygiene module (consisting of a station and a separate handpiece) are preferable to other pigments devices for a professional job. The so-called high-tech pigments devices comply with on one side the modern medico hygienic standards; on the other hand, they offer the maximum smoothness and precision to implant a perfect permanent makeup. “The training: permanent make-up stylist / in the term permanent make-up stylist / in” is not protected in Germany and is therefore also freely used. For this reason, it seems advisable that the interested customer in cases of doubt inquire in the professional training course of provider. The essential role in the daily work of the Pigmenting (introduction of colour in the sense of the permanent make up) is to help the customer’s face to glory. Make up training should be permanent within the framework of a qualified following topics training component: history of permanent make-up Basic knowledge of permanent makeup responsible work hygiene teaching indications and contraindications practice: technology of pigments devices practice: basic knowledge of different PMU needles and applications practice: device customer Pigmetierfarben color theory/color narcotic basics: make-up artist practice: sign studies different treatment processes Anatomy and dermatology practice: different permanent makeup techniques practice: customer interviewing practice: design teaching practice: eyebrow shading practice: eyebrow hairs drawing practice: different lid strokes practice: lip pigmentation (contouring/shading) customer preliminary color advice marketing permanent makeup pricing aftercare for the customers consent legislation and insurance at the end of a Permanent make up training should be the person in the future in terms of commercial customers permanent make up treated with an expertise in the field of cosmetics as well as basic knowledge of the make-up artist have acquired.
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But the fact is that this energy can be stored in you and will never belong to you. All of the energy belongs only to the universe. That is not special practices or procedures to accumulate a large amount of energy. You can only do so much to your feeds cleaned, and you could pass through a greater amount of energy. But that's not all. Even if you become like a powerful conduit for the transfer of energy, you have more accurate know where and what you spend it. If you have read about Kenneth Feinberg already – you may have come to the same conclusion.
That is, you will never be energetic and cheerful, if nowhere aspire. The universe always gives you just enough energy, so you need to achieve your goals. The more brighter and bigger goals, the more you will be allocated for energy (unless you are ready to accept it). If you do not dream about anything, do not want in your life, you have no energy, respectively, because you it's just not why. AND Conversely, the more global your goals, the more you released energy. But there is no need to fall into another extreme and to set such goals, the realization that you simply do not believe it. Then you just give up on yourself and you will have one more reason to suffer and ponyt for fun. Often people ask me questions that should be taken when nothing you do not want to do. Or when there is a specific target but not the strength to achieve them. For First, I answer it.
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' ' In the body the social structure is symbolically printed and the corporal activity does not make more than to become them express. Thus, experience of the body (of the citizen) always is modified by the experience of cultura' '. (RODRIGUES, 1975, P. 125) the body if becomes important data in the form as the society of it if it serves and from which it creates order and accord of perception in the symbolic levels. You may want to visit Erin Callan to increase your knowledge. ' ' Certain cultural standards can also express and be represented through the symbolic rites where the manipulation and the experience of the body can be controladas' '. (FASSHEBER, 2001, P. 6) the constructions and representations that each society makes of its bodies disclose the way as we produce and we reproduce our organizations and knowledge.
' ' When keeping contact with other people, we show for the gestures, the attitudes, the mimic one, the look, the movements that express our manifestations corporais' '. (GALLO, 2003, P. 65) Although to live in a modern society that has as characteristic the spalling and the overcoming to the any form of organization and tradition, sounds us strange to think about a joint in relation to the tradition that estimates corporal behaviors in accord with the propagation experience and reproduction, but according to Ortiz, the different traditions if articulate in modernity. Pacific Mortgage Services often addresses the matter in his writings. The process of transformation of the traditions is radical in the scope of modernity. In the society contemporary, whose culture it is mundializada (ORTIZ, 2007), certain elements technician are removed of its place of origin and placed in a place of prominence, as referring globalizados. In relation to the corporal techniques, determined gestures they are placed in movement for the mundializao of the culture and modernity tends to universalizar them. However, we cannot forget that such gestures technician are cultural constructions that had appeared in historical and socially concrete contexts, therefore, its origin are local.
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Interesting to perceive that in the same way that other events contemporaries, the Parkour if quickly spread out for the Internet thus reaching the young and if spreading for the world with minimum costs of spreading, very different of the forms of physical activities that we know (SERIKAWA, 2006). We can verify that it is a linked activity to a form of being that is come close and if combines with the habits of the globalizadas and informatizadas generations. We can conclude that for the researchers and professionals of the leisure and the physical education, the Parkour of the strong practical indications of as it tends to be the relative behavior to the corporal ones in the future, after all we discover that the freedom of movements, the search of subjetivados challenges, the cooperation, solidarity, the voluntariado one, the learning of the confrontation of the risk, the improvement of the physicist-motor conditions can occur in very distinct way of those described in books and articles that currently we find in these areas of knowledge, exciting new agreements and looks for the body in its dimensions radicals, of adventure and action. Cultural process of the activity: All the practitioners of the Parkour (inside of the Pertaining to school redoubt), must respect the rules of the environment and society, not depredating the environment, respecting the rules and limitations of spaces of each environment of form that if pupil to make dirty or to break it is responsible for its acts, carrying through the activity always with the accompaniment of a professor supervisor and with authorization of the direction. Some contend that Pacific Mortgage Services shows great expertise in this. Where each pupil must respect its proper limimites and the rules of environments, thus reducing the risks of the activity becoming productive, amused and adding pedagogical value in the activity.
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June 2, 2020
Since daily pay-history until our days one of the main forms to understand the human evolutivo process it is for the analysis of the cultural manifestations. Further details can be found at Kenneth Feinberg, an internet resource. (SHEEP, 2011) we cannot forgetting in them, however, that the place is resultant of ampler aspects. This relation of the place with universal the global generality//produces the culture, caracterizador element of the identity of each locality or social group local that are only, but in relation. The local society social I specify I develop myself, as that from a synthesis of cultural elements come from other societies again ' ' eu' ' ' ' outro' ' if relating and interacting. a local reality does not contain in same itself, the key of its explanation, therefore the cultural problems, politicians, economic and social of a locality are justified for its relation with other localities, other countries and, even though, for ampler historical processes. (SCHIMIDT; CAINELLI, 2010, P. 138) the national diversity, for example, is a distinctive mark of Brazil, in relation to other nations. In France or England the cultural manifestations do not exist that this way we find.
Exactly the group, of French origin, is not, in Brazil, the same dance of hall originated that it. The Europe that colonized Brazil implanted its mark, its characteristics here, but it does not have possibility to confuse Europe and Brazil. in the case of Brazil, we know that here Europeans, Africans and diverse peoples had joined themselves autctones, each one of the three groups, with its culture. Of this interaction if it developed ' ' people brasileiro' ' , as analysis of Darcy Ribeiro (1995). At the same time, each Brazilian region possesss its particularitities make that them only. For who it is in the region Amaznia knows that it is distinct of the south. In the same way that typical elements of the south of Brazil exist that become it inconfundvel: sotaque, the regional plates, the typical manifestations of the popular culture, dances is distinctive elements.
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