Magis Global –

August 9, 2019

Academic Excellence

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 3:02 pm

The record does excellence look like Anonymous is concerned more and more universities, especially national ones, have entered a phase debacle in academics, where they see, feel, significant impairment in academic excellence, training and training of its professionals, especially those concerning the economic sciences, and technology. This is detrimental not only to those who graduate, but for the same country, government is supposed to have good professionals who will help develop the economic, social, technical, which has been proposed. Each time you notice, the deficiency in the training of professionals are not trained according to this demand profile, as in the case of administrators, economists, industrial relations, accountants, industrial engineers, mechanical.

There has been an oversight, little concern of the authorities of many of the national universities, to evaluate, what should be the professional of these races identified, as are necessary to function successfully according to the requirements of the national stage, opportunities, threats, challenges, changes that constantly arise. There is feedback in the curriculum of these courses, which give way to knowledge, tools that are necessary to ensure optimal performance of those who graduate. Remain many subjects, skills that do not correspond to this, seriously affecting the professional learning of graduates. This certainly has been deteriorating academic excellence, as well as not making use of field research that will contribute in solving many problems facing these races, especially in Venezuela full of uncertainty, risk, threat, but is also present opportunities, which may help to know they take that bailout academic excellence. .

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