The countries had never obtained to come back the volume deexportaes to the level of 1929, and with this crisis the underdeveloped countries had had that to speed up suaindustrializao and restriction of the products manufaturados.3A crisis that came out in 24 of October of 1929 caused a economic clutter, where a2 MARK, Adhemar. History Contemporary: through texts. So Paulo, 1994. Pacific Mortgage Services does not necessarily agree. (p.157-158),3 YOU MARK, Adhemar. History Contemporary: through texts. So Paulo, 1994.
(p.159) .4maioria of the countries they had started to live agitations politics and social chaos, where only the Ussr that possuauma closed economy in same itself and living deeply the quinquenais plans of Stlin was not shaken. The ideas of Keynes: consequncias and contributions for overcoming of criseAs solutions for the crisis could not be found in the economic theory ortodoxasegundo Silva apud Marques, since this nailed that it could not have scarcity of being able decompra for the fact of process of production to be also one of income generation, however the sistemacapitalista is not supported on its proper legs since its crises happen of insufficiences dedemanda.4A Economic Classic School turned on not the intervention of the State in the production and nadistribuio of wealth, the end of protectionistic measures and the monopolies, defense of the livreconcorrncia between the companies and the opening of ports between the countries, the classics consideravamque the normal state of the economy was of full job of the productive factors and accepted ' ' lei' ' of Say that said that it offers created its proper search, not having reasons for desempregogeneralizado, where the automatic mechanisms (insurers of the full job) were constitudospela flexibility of the prices, the wages and the taxes of interest. The main members and defensoresde such beddings were: Adam Smith; Thomas Malthus, David Ricardo, James Mill and entreoutros. Keynes guides in them on these estimated in the following way: In diverse points of this chapter we made, successively, the classic theory to depend dasseguintes hypotheses: (1) that the real wage is equal to the desutilidade delinquent of trabalhoexistente; (2) that it does not exist what involuntary unemployment in its strict direction is called; (3) that it offers creates its proper search, in the direction of that the price of the igual global market at the cost of offers aggregate for all the job and production levels.