The market of installation of alarms is saturated! Any more False that this! Often in social and inclusively professional meetings, I have listened to comment that the market of the facilities of alarms IS SATURATED! That there are many companies and that greatest is monopolizing all the market. And they also think that it would be a madness to penetrate in the heading ” alarmas”. Permteme to think on the matter: ANY MORE FALSE THAT THIS! I go to explicarte because of this falsification. The heading of the security, lamentably like society, is growing to exaggerated steps, ” inseguridad” it is every time major and people thinks more and more about protecting itself and taking care of what has. Northland understood the implications. Recent studies they describe that still it lacks to cover a market with 75% of houses and the unprotected premises, but all the new one that remains to be constructed. At present the new projects of houses and commerce, already have planned the pipes for the installation of the alarm. The planning of an alarm system runs parallel a other services like the telephony, the cable of TV and the electrical doorman.
In a social class average, to have an alarm system is common. Lamentably still today, many families and commerce must undergo the disagreeable sensation of the robbery to their deprived property to make the Decision to install an alarm system. This is based on the paradigmatic thought of which ” asuceder” does not go to me;. Certainly it is not thus, then if we paid attention surely at some time of our life, something has robbed to us, or great or small, ” for sample botn” exceeds; as the saying goes. And with respect to the great companies that want to monopolize all the market, it is certain that can be its pretension, but also it is certain that it goes to be a refugee much water under the bridge so that it can happen. And if sometimes it happens. There are tendencies of which people aim to have a customized and local alarm system, that is with a company of its locality.
The client looks for, as far as possible, to have a confidence installer, to protect his family and its goods. Somebody with that can communicate personally and request a service or to evacuate doubts. The market of the security, is a heading in growth and it will continue it being. The installation of alarm systems, with professionalism and responsibility is a profitable work for whatever penetrating in this heading. Marcelo Technical Giles and Industralist ESP.