The word 'verification' in our world it's not so long ago. Most people hear 'verification' in a hurry to fix – 'check'. And wrong – just checking. Without the letter 'P'! However, these words are not only consonant with, but close to nature. Verification – the same check, but + devices! Testing, which from time to time subject to the instrument, so that was confirmed by their suitability for further use for other purposes. It is understandable, because, sooner or later, any device wears out and starts to cheat. How we test clock for precise time signals, and test instrumentation (and well: confide!) For the most accurate – the standards! Therefore, calibration is konkterny view Test instrumentation for their professional competence.
Verification – this is a very serious matter. Because the organizer span affairs in Russia today metrological principles was himself Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev. With the direct participation of the great scientist in 1900 was created the First Moscow tent verification of weights and measures. Today it is a Federal State 'Rostest-Moscow'. Russia's largest institution of practical metrology. Segogodnya annually more than 2.5 million measuring instruments are checked against etalolnami that are in Rostest-Moscow. But widely in the home with the notion of verification, we have encountered just recently.
Literally a year or two ago, meter verification was concern for energy suppliers. At that time the price 'for the light', 'the gas' very few cared what exactly is considered the counters. And we trust takes readings, especially without thinking whether they can trust, and how, who and how often should verify their authenticity. Now the situation has changed.