Underestimate and overestimate people or situations. A subtype identified is the “catastrophizing”, imagine and rumina about the worst possible outcome, no matter how unlikely its occurrence, or think that the situation is unbearable or impossible, when in fact it is uncomfortable or inconvenient, is related to low frustration tolerance, the importance of psychopathology has been widely investigated by Ellis. – Emotional reasons. Make arguments based on how they “feel” the subject rather than look at the facts objectively. I feel ridiculous, therefore I am. – You owe or self-imposed inflexible.
Concentrate on what you think you “should” be in place somo see things “are”, and have rigid rules that is intended to be applied regardless of the situational context. Understanding the desires or expectations of satisfaction imperatives. – LABELLING. Related to overgeneralization, is to assign a name to describe something rather than objectively observed behavior. The label is usually assigned in absolute terms, unchanged or with prejudicial connotations.
Normally behaviors are often confused with personality. – Customization. Also known as false attribution, is to assume that one or others directly caused things when most likely not been the case in reality. When applied to oneself can cause anxiety and guilt, and applied to other produce anger and anxiety exacerbated persecution. EXAMPLES OF COGNITIVE DISTORTIONS – Nobody loves me (overgeneralization) – I go wrong with women (generalization) – I’m dumb (labeling) – I know you are laughing at me (read the mind, personalization, egocentrism) – I did not like it (read the mind) – I will go wrong in this review (guess the future) – I’m an idiot useless and rare (catastrophizing, overgeneralization) – I have this problem and I could not solve Despite several attempts, so there is no solution (to jump to conclusions, thinking “all or nothing”) – Nothing in life will turn out well (tremendismo, overgeneralization, to divine the future) – Someone does not like my work thus, probably most of my classmates did not like my work (think “all or nothing”, read the thought) – I feel I can not stand this, so I can not (emotional reasoning, reasoning circular) – Ella “makes me” mad (false attribution) – They drop me self-esteem (false attribution) – “I can not …” (Jumping to conclusions) – This has always been, therefore, always be so (divine the future, helplessness and close the world or range of possibilities) – I can not go out with beautiful and intelligent girls (skip to findings, self-restraint in the world, modal operator of possibility can not, I assume I can not go out with beautiful and intelligent girls) Now listen carefully your daily conversations, try to record your distortions, and uncover all the distortions that are similar to those already set and you say often without stopping to think about the consequences. If you change what they say, will change many things from you, so try to change the way you express yourself and communicate, because there is no better mirror that reflects the image of man than his words.