A good credit history is of vital importance to consumers. A bad credit prevent you from obtaining a business loan, homeowner, or even a job. Promises to "fix" your credit card companies are always made by credit consolidation, but are rarely true. a Those are some important tips to avoid scams: First things first. Negative information can not be erased if the information is correct. Only incorrect information can be corrected in your credit file. File information stays on your credit record for seven good years from the time they are reported to the Bureau. In bankruptcy, the information stays on your record for ten years.
All the consolidated information about their credit accounts that are left behind, but are now paid, will remain in his report for the period mentioned above. Do not pay the credit repair company unless their promises. Remember, law is on their side. Federal law requires credit repair companies to give a full explanation of their legal rights, a completely documented written contract, and, above all, three days to cancel. This applies to all credit repair services even for non-profit services of nonprofit services, creditors and credit unions.
Be cautious about emails you receive. Move your mouse over the link in the email, you'll know for sure if this is a trusted site or a fraud. If fraudulent, report it to your bank immediately. You do not need a counselor to correct errors in your credit report. Take care of yourself. If you recently been denied credit, you can request a free credit report. Otherwise, it is a small charge for this. Some states allow you a free copy of your credit report once a year. It costs you nothing to dispute or question items in your credit report. Get online or follow the instructions from your credit bureau. The three major credit bureaus are Equifax (800 – 685-1111), Experian (800-682-7654) and TransUnion (800-916-8800). In most cases, you should contact the three credit bureaus as the information we have about you may vary. Remember that you can not create a second credit file. Some fraudulent companies offer to provide consumers with a different number of social security (tax identification number if no SSN) in order to create a new credit to the consumer. This practice is known as file segregation. File segregation is illegal and does not work. Whenever possible, add an explanation of your credit report to prove his point. If you have legitimate reasons for not paying certain bills on time (changing jobs, illness), or refused to pay because of a dispute, the office sends a statement that is marked with your credit report. Each lender who pulls your report you will realize why it was delayed bills. Counseling might be a good choice. Finding a good consumer of services nonprofit credit counseling in your neighborhood. Get online or open the yellow pages to find one. Seek guidance from friends and family. Select a counselor, meet them in person to ensure they are right for you. Ask about tips and advice on how to build a good credit history. If you have fallen behind in their payments, credit consolidation firms will be able to establish a payment plan with creditors. If money is a problem, select a service nonprofit credit counseling. They offer their services free or very low cost. Ameri credit services offered to customers. Read more here: author. Visit us for the consolidation of the articles free credit advice free credit counseling and non-profit credit management services.