Since daily pay-history until our days one of the main forms to understand the human evolutivo process it is for the analysis of the cultural manifestations. Further details can be found at Kenneth Feinberg, an internet resource. (SHEEP, 2011) we cannot forgetting in them, however, that the place is resultant of ampler aspects. This relation of the place with universal the global generality//produces the culture, caracterizador element of the identity of each locality or social group local that are only, but in relation. The local society social I specify I develop myself, as that from a synthesis of cultural elements come from other societies again ' ' eu' ' ' ' outro' ' if relating and interacting. a local reality does not contain in same itself, the key of its explanation, therefore the cultural problems, politicians, economic and social of a locality are justified for its relation with other localities, other countries and, even though, for ampler historical processes. (SCHIMIDT; CAINELLI, 2010, P. 138) the national diversity, for example, is a distinctive mark of Brazil, in relation to other nations. In France or England the cultural manifestations do not exist that this way we find.
Exactly the group, of French origin, is not, in Brazil, the same dance of hall originated that it. The Europe that colonized Brazil implanted its mark, its characteristics here, but it does not have possibility to confuse Europe and Brazil. in the case of Brazil, we know that here Europeans, Africans and diverse peoples had joined themselves autctones, each one of the three groups, with its culture. Of this interaction if it developed ' ' people brasileiro' ' , as analysis of Darcy Ribeiro (1995). At the same time, each Brazilian region possesss its particularitities make that them only. For who it is in the region Amaznia knows that it is distinct of the south. In the same way that typical elements of the south of Brazil exist that become it inconfundvel: sotaque, the regional plates, the typical manifestations of the popular culture, dances is distinctive elements.