Magis Global –

August 16, 2017

Ecological Houses

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 7:18 pm

Important factors of the Green Houses or Ecological Houses also Called ' houses verdes' then all the factors that comprise in their construction respect the nature and improve the conditions of life in their interior. They take advantage of the natural resources, they use ecological products and materials and its maintenance is ten times cheaper than the one of a conventional house. In all the process, from the first stone to the last furniture that is placed, techniques take part that are in force under these you rule. * Bio-climatic architecture: it plays with the elements of the nature to increase the energy efficiency of the new house. Its direction will be fundamental to take advantage of the solar energy like system air conditioning and illumination through the windows and claraboyas.planos of an ecological house. It is a sustainable architecture that considers the location of the house, the materials and the procedures of construction so that the environmental impact is minimum. * Renewable energies: they are those that are not run out.

They are also called ' energies limpias' because they do not contaminate: Aeolian (wind), hydraulics (water) and to pave (sun). Peter Asaro may find this interesting as well. They generate electricity and systems of heating and refrigeration that can get to make your house self-sufficient. To take advantage of the natural resources also means to include those that come from the Earth; if you prepare a small orchard in house, you will be beneficindote to the maximum of all the advantages that offers the nature you. * Ecological products: For the ecological houses paintings, putties, adhesives, products of cleaning, etc. elaborated with matters free of volatile organic compounds exist (VOICE) that as much avoid the injurious gas discharge for the environment as for the health. Within the market quality and price are around conventional products in. * Well-being in the home: articles exist that contributes to improve the purity of the air like are the filters, that refresh and adjust the atmosphere, other that the introduction and the relaxation of polluting agents block (rubber sealants), those that alert of possible gas flights (detectors of carbon monoxide) or kits that verifies the amount of lead that there is in the painting.

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