Magis Global –

May 3, 2018

Employee Rights

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 12:26 am

Impact of economic crisis affects not only the big companies and owners of stock shares, but primarily to ordinary citizens. One of the consequences of economic decline are all frequently dismissed employees. Moreover, despite claims of impending exit from the crisis, some economic forecasts paint a favorable picture is not completely predict and succeeding waves of layoffs by the end of this – the beginning of next year. Termination process is almost always painful for both sides, but as an employer in this situation is in a stronger position and his hands are the levers of economic pressure, the employee is particularly important know your rights. Below is a brief list of the main emoluments to the employee severance and the rules for calculating them. Principal repayment in the event of dismissal is the severance pay – pitsuey piturin. According to the current law, severance pay supposed to employee, spent one and the same employer or at the same place of work at least one year and seasonal employees at least two seasons for two years (season defined as three months of the year, during which the employee worked a minimum of 60 days).

Calculation of severance pay as follows: employee receiving wages a global (ie, the rate of one month or more) supposed to severance pay equivalent to one salary for every year worked. An employee who receives a salary at the rate per hour / day / week / etc. to develop, to receive severance pay equivalent to one salary for every waste per year from 01.08.1983 year. During the period before that – in the amount of two weeks salary for every year worked. In both cases, severance pay for a portion of the waste, the calculated relative. Severance pay shall be be paid to whichever is the later of the following: the date of termination to an employee-employer or within the period stipulated in the individual contract or collective agreement or other legal instrument, as it propagates to data of the employee and employer.

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