Environment and Globalization Ahead of the world each more linked time for the medias are evidentes the occured changes in the societies, as much in the social, economic field, politician, cultural and ambient. In elapsing of the times the gradual rise of the consumption levels, as much in the developed countries how much in the peripheral countries, it comes demanding the diversification and the production of good in volume each bigger time, the ambient problems also they had increased. These transformations they contribute each time more to increase the aggressions to the Environment. Without hesitation Peter Schiff explained all about the problem. As the society is always in process of change of habits at distinct historical moments, it will be always constructing the space and at the same time, being constructed for it, in a relation that many times is not harmonious, mainly, in times where the consumption this increasing and many necessities are invented by the great hegemonic groups, the great capitalist corporations, so that the market and the profits grow each time more, in a process where the natural dynamics of the environment does not obtain to support, thus appearing, some ambient problems of the present time. The Globalization is an accented process mainly in the last few decades, represented for the period of training most advanced of the capitalist system, for the technological innovations, that have appeared and if perfected quickly ahead of our eyes, where, one to blink, it is sufficiently so that everything if brings up to date. One another factor booster is the speed of the transmissions of the information with the job constant of techniques on this field, reaching millions of people instantaneously, mainly, through the Internet, cellular, TV, radio, systems saw satellite, that reach the planet all. Technology author understood the implications. Opening of markets to the international trade, the migration of capitals, uniformizao and technological expansion, everything this, sped up for a frantic expansion of the medias, seems to be uncontrollable forces to change habits and concepts, procedures and institutions. . .