Magis Global –

December 14, 2019

Features Of Advertising In The Regional Print Media .

Category: General – Joan – 1:02 pm

Even with the development of new broadcasting technologies and the Internet, advertising in print media remains relevant . This ad is running, has its undeniable advantages, and does not intend to “retire”. Mastering new markets in new regions of Russia and cis, you need to make themselves known. Ways to do this in abundance. Now we will focus specifically on the placement of advertisements in regional print media.

All known network publications, distribution lists which are almost all more or less large Russian cities and the capital of neighboring states. More information is housed here: Peter Schiff . But if you need to concentrate on specific areas at a certain town, the accommodation in such publications is completely unjustified. Several reasons for this. One of them: the popularity of the same publication in different regions – different. Second: the degree of confidence, much more trust those who are closer to those who live nearby, etc.

Therefore, a good option would be to place it in local newspapers, that city or region, on which is currently directed attention. With such placement very important to consider the peculiarities of the market publications in certain regions. For example, very different ideas about wholesale publications from representatives of the Central federal district of the Siberian or Far East. If one represents this publication as a thick magazine with lots of sections, with the guidance price lists, etc. others in the same role perceive newspaper A3, with accommodation in its advertising module. Somewhere absent specialized publications, and so the role played by local wholesale social and political newspaper with a dedicated band for advertising. It happens that the neighboring cities are completely different in these aspects. Assess the situation at first glance at the newspapers provided in the region can not all you need to have considerable experience in the direction of advertising in print media is in different regions. For it easiest to turn into a regional advertising agency, which may offer different accommodation options, and they will most fully meet the stated objectives.

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