Magis Global –

May 23, 2024

Federal Environment Ministry

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan – 10:02 am

Brand association and trade dispute over interpretation of the amended Ordinance principle of product responsibility is Cologne/Bonn on the brink with the fifth amendment to the German packaging Ordinance trade and industry on stricter guidelines for the recovery of packaging waste must adjust. Packaging, go to private end-users, are mandatory in dual systems to license in the future. \”\” That was the approach of the Federal Government and this is also the result \”, said Thomas Rummler, Assistant Director of the Federal Environment Ministry (BMU) at the packaging Summit Conference\” of the Management Forum. The duty of praying rigging refers to the so-called first placing. Credit: Nicholas Carr-2011. It is the bottler or importer bringing the bottled product in Germany on the market\”, so Antoinette. Collaborations are possible. So also a trading company to a manufacturer could license anything. Global Services sought to clarify these questions. This is a responsible perception, it is advertising in the name of the manufacturer,\”which explained BMU officials.

Participation must be documented via a statement on completeness. The whole thing is testing by a chartered accountant or an other qualified experts to be deposited with the competent industry and Chamber of Commerce. Then, it summarized in a database at the DIHK and published in the Internet, who has issued such a statement on completeness. The obligation to ascertain that the goods are also licensed, is for sale. The question is, what specific requirements apply now in this obligation and because it is first certainly necessary that it inquires at the supplier. The information may consist of not my point of view, that once on the phone and says, you’ve licensed? She must be in a written confirmation, are the first placing, so the bottler to trading in a statement. If there is reason to have doubts, you should ask may be even more than this statement. This is quite possible. There are experts, who gives a complete explanation.

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