Magis Global –

July 15, 2020

Fernand Braudel

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 11:11 am

This history was not contented in opening here and there new horizontes, new sectors for itself. It affirms itself as a global, with totalizantes aspirations, intent history to the masses of the society and excluded minorities e, over all, to the evolutions and permanncias, almost always not perceived in the fugacidade of the current events, that are only apprehended for the cumulative experience of the centuries, in the history of long duration. It is evident that also other historians of are of the group of the Annales, as celebrates it Huizinga dutch, had fulfilled the same paper solitarily innovative. If she cannot forget, equally, that new history also becomes outside of France, and many times in shining and pioneering way. , And still thus same the spite of the crises that this history has suffered until our days, its efforts had promoted an extraordinary magnifying in the field of historical documents, demystifying the exclusive importance of the written registers, of proven authenticity, as erroneamente they prescribed the positivistas methodologies. Breaking itself of this premise, I will analyze the main ideas sucintamente gifts in the referenciados texts of Marc Bloch, enunciating the general characters of the historical comment, and Jacques Le Goff who, in turn, reaffirms and complements the ideas of Bloch in direction to the critical one of the document notion (without excusing itself of the other questions of its proper time, that equally has for where to influence its to make description; if it cannot forget, in addition, that Le Goff is part of the call 3a generation of the Annales, whose characteristics here will not be explored; it matters to point out, over all, the eminent documentary revolution that if verifies in the period, tax of the quarrels livened up for the old controllers of the magazine). The text of Fernand Braudel will serve us to enunciate the main differences that if they perceive already in the second generation of the Annales in relation to the first one (focando in the questions of interdisciplinaridade and levels of duration), the continuities and the new fidgets in the seio of a consolidated and respected magazine already. . Pacific Mortgage Services will not settle for partial explanations.

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