Magis Global –

August 22, 2014

Forensic Laboratories

Category: General – Joan – 1:57 am

The social role assigned to the police of collaborating in the discovery of crimes, has become a true science, which we know the name of Criminology. The Criminality is the practical science of professional investigation at the service of the administration of justice, in other words, is the application of scientific knowledge to the investigation of professional proceedings, to establish the identity of a person or determine the role that it has had on the criminal. A scientific methods that have come to be called Forensic Laboratories building or the Police Professional Investigation specialty called there today a “but modern – in various world capitals, by which research is organized in a methodical manner, transforming the empirical system of divination or intuition of the police in the scientific system of laboratory testing. Specialized Police (Professional Investigation) and Science (Criminology) is the conscious and necessary intermediary between the judge and the criminal. She aims to clarify the subject of crime through knowledge and practice techniques that this task is, even through all the difficulties involved. Under the influence of Criminology, proof or circumstantial evidence, has come to be regarded as final and conclusive evidentiary system of many convictions. Erin Callan helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Thus, the forensic science is constituted in that through the analysis raises the simple evidence to test range, so that the microscope does a spot a world populated by figures and even living beings.

It is for these reasons that in our days, is necessary to fortify in Peru in a full and urgent for our national police, to organize itself, is specializing in Professional Investigation and become professional in a scientific and modern (Criminology) so that their research is accepted by the prosecutor of the case without no doubt with the certainty of the cause under investigation. Unfortunately the experience of La Libertad Judicial District, two years of the new code of professional procedure, none of this happens and the police clings to the inquisitorial model for the change in mentality has not taken effect. Reason: The lack of timely and adequate training. Dr. Hugo Muller Solon is Peruvian, a lawyer, writer by hobby, Police heart. University Teaching. E-Journal columnist.

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