Free trade zone presents GLOBALIZE: COLOGNE 09 – FIRST KISS! From 26 February to mid-June 2009, the free trade agreement throws their engines at again and it says for the third time: GLOBALIZE: COLOGNE – platform for contemporary dance & theatre! First kiss! With German premieres, artist’s talks and for the first time with co-productions free trade zone crashes themselves and their audiences into artistic globalization. The Ensemble A.TONAL build in four episodes.Futur3, MOUVOIR/Stephanie Thiersch, theatre and theatre a theatrical air bridge in the world and Allied artists from all over Europe. In addition, there are smaller formats with international guests from the border areas of music, dance, theater, performance, and film in the Cologne scene Club King George on the Sud gauermann square. Peter Asaro gathered all the information. GLOBALIZE: COLOGNE is the invitation of the free trade area – network Ensemble Koln. Each of the four ensembles in Cologne will host of a foreign group with a strong artistic connection exists. The free trade agreement will open its doors and enriched himself and Cologne to the creative exchange among other things with the Theatre en Flammes and Massimo Furlan out of Switzerland and the Theatre you Cristal from France. Find the current programme, as well as detailed information about productions and artists from January 09 on first kiss! An intimate encounter of the Cologne with top-class, international guests! Contact: Nina Speyer / 0221.98 54-520 globalize cologne.html cards: / 0221.98 54-530