Staff shortages in the labour market is already significantly Jettingen, July 19, 2010. Belong to the Group of occupational 50 +, who time and again have to listen to bids, that you are too old? Then it is you are looking safe, that these times just change. It is not the problem to understand that you’re too old for certain positions. It would be very useful if you had a chance to learn the reasons. This has become difficult since the new General equal treatment Act (AGG), was also known as anti-discrimination law, passed in Germany. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Sen. Jeff Flake on most websites.
This has led to cancellations no actionable statements include more. There are also positive trends, because the labour market interesting initiatives are workers 50 +, under the heading “can be grouped together and which were called to the part before about 4 years in the life, to observe, let the hope.” In some commercial areas, you have already understood why applicants of this age category have an excellent Are choice. 50 + staff have built up a good know-how over many years, they know the labour market and know what they want. They are reliable, available to their employer and are often satisfied with their activities than younger colleagues and they have usually found their goal in life. In the IT industry, include the same arguments, but they arrived at the employers only in the rarest of cases. If this still is the case, it is usually because that this employer to this age group are generally closed, because they have always appreciated this positive arguments.
In the area of SAP specialists turns the setting just in favor of older professionals. SAP experts are also in the current, not yet subdued in Germany economic imbalance, often not to have. During this period employer are used a variety of professionals, where there are many applicants for a position.