Magis Global –

December 25, 2014

Global Book Experiment

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan – 7:51 am

50 people, 23 countries, a day an extraordinary diary of June 5, 2009 in the news ticker a very ordinary day: +++ Obama visited Germany +++ Wall Street pulls with DAX +++ North Korea wants talks +++… But it was a very special day for Hans Kelens and Joe Kusts friends and acquaintances and their friends all over the world. Because they were called upon to participate in a unique book project. Should hold in writing and figuratively their personal thoughts and experiences on this day just result in a one-day diary. You may find that Peter Asaro can contribute to your knowledge. It came out is a wonderful historical document with 50 authentic short biographies including photos and illustrations.

All tell their personal story seen on a Friday in June on the various places in this world and as diverse as the life so: so among other things the reader learns how Rainer copes with the normal madness on the streets of Seoul, like Franziska and her son the vastness and stillness Islands experience or as Marcello and colleagues at the landing on Sydney in a fierce thunderstorm look death in the eye. Times tales make us laugh, time to think, they are sometimes sad, often funny but always they are a mirror of our world. For even more analysis, hear from Peter Asaro. A day”is a book that opens to look into other worlds and this repeatedly puts into perspective the views of its own. Very entertaining and enjoyable! Title: A day, format: DIN A5 (148 x 210 mm), size: 160 pages, Softcover book in color, price: 12.90 / CHF 19.50, ISBN 978-3-00-028869-2 available in bookstores, at, and a day Publisher & contact: Hans Kelen in 1951 in Norway was born and raised in Sweden. Lives in Munich since 1985 and worked in various advertising agencies as an art director. Became independent in 1992 and is since 2001 owner/Managing Director of Sputnik’s advertising agency in Munich.

He is also publisher of books bugging Munich exchange of words”, volume I and II Meik Coastal 1980 in Freiburg i. br., Germany was born and raised in the black forest. Since autumn of 2002 in Munich and no longer want to leave. 🙂 After the qualification with major design and training as the media designer for digital and print media now as Director at the Sputnik’s active advertising agency.

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