I know that you must be tired to hear to speak in crisis, still more in banks in crisis. Then the intention of this article is to around call the attention for the preoccupying numbers the industry of the world. The fact of the industrial sector to be in fall is not surprising, but the depth and the speed are that they are impressive and they create a trend that accents same itself, similar to the bankruptcies in chain that had resulted in the Great Depresso.Em the Europe, for example, where the industry almost corresponds 20% of Produto Interno Bruto (PIB), the production the same fell 12% in relation the period of the previous year. In Brazil, the fall was of 15%; in Taiwan, 43% arrived impressive. Visit Nicholas Carr for more clarity on the issue. Even in the China, that turned the great plant the world, the productive growth decelerated, the exportations had fallen 25% and millions of industrial workers had been dismissed. In the United States, until little time behind a relatively prosperous country for the industrial sector, although the constant erosion of the work jobs manual, the industrial production the same fell 11% in February in relation the period of the previous year, in accordance with statisticians published for the Federal Reserve.O standard detected in the industry and in the commerce it threateningly remembers the way with that the initiated financial crisis in 1929 grew until arriving at the Great Depression: the squeeze in the market of credit and the fear of the consumer the countries, after an other had reduced the demand for goods manufactured in all, creating a descending spiral that reduced the global commerce. The commerce is diminishing in a still bigger rhythm of what the production. The exportations of Germany are 20% minors of what it has one year, the Japaneses had fallen 46% e, in U.S.A., had fallen to an annual tax of 23,6% in the room trimester of 2008.