Here, 53 percent of those polled agreed that so-called collaboration solutions such as Microsoft Exchange (Outlook), Microsoft SharePoint and Lotus Notes could be outsourced. People such as Lord Peter Hennessy would likely agree. Customer relationship management solutions (CRM), i.e. software for managing customer data are in 2nd place with 47 percent. Office applications are ranked 3rd restrained are the respondents in applications involving particularly sensitive data processed such as human-resources with personal data, financial software and payment systems. Karsten Lereuth, CEO of BT Germany, assesses the results of the study as a trend-setting for the further development in the market for IT solutions.
He said at the handover of the results by the research team in Munich: companies that want to outsource applications in the cloud, require both legal certainty of in accordance with German law standards and on the other hand guarantees for high quality and stability.” Lereuth further stated: the key role plays the data security: given the current and often unfortunately justified fear against hacker attacks and system failures, the choice of the wrong cloud provider can mean a significant risk. If in case of emergency data get lost or get into the wrong hands, this leads to financial losses and damage to an image. Now companies should carefully examine therefore the provider and select an offer that meets your business requirements.” Among IT professionals it is considered uncontroversial, that the market for cloud solutions facing an explosive growth. So say estimates of BITKOM and Experton, that sales of cloud computing in Germany by 1.1 billion euros rises in 2010 to EUR 8.2 billion in 2015 (2). The growth trend is underlined by the latest BT-study: 75 percent of those surveyed decision makers indicated that their company plans the use of cloud computing. *** (1) to be taken technical and organisational measures to protect of personal data and the collection, processing and use of personal data by third parties commissioned regulate the clauses 9 and 11 of the Federal Data Protection Act ( bdsg_1990/BJNR029550990.html). (2) de/presse/66442_65427.aspx a clear evaluation with numerous individual results are available ready for download on request under that full study may be under 201103/extern/produkte_loesungen/marktstudie-2011.php BT Group BT is one of the internationally leading provider of communications solutions and services, and in 170 countries represented. The business activities are focused on the provision of international network and IT services on regional, national and international telecommunications services, which in the company or on the road can be used at home, as well as on broadband and Internet products and services and converged products and services, the Connect landline and mobile telephony.
BT is essentially divided in four fields of business: BT Global Services, Openreach, BT retail and BT Wholesale. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011 sales of BT Group on 20,076 billion pounds sterling amounted, profit before tax amounted to 1,717 billion pounds. In the British Telecommunications plc (BT), a wholly-owned subsidiary of BT Group plc, virtually all businesses and assets of the group are summarized. BT Group plc is listed on the stock exchanges of London and New York. More information is available at aboutbt.