Magis Global –

April 2, 2020

Global System

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan – 1:41 am

Recognizing not having come out still in amazement before the striking audacity of Evo in assuming a reduction strategy so rare in the Presidents of the Republic of our times, well below, should be in the heat of this boldness, offer some dispassionate and thoughtful moments. For in spite of some and applause from others the truth is that this interesting character emerged from the same ancient Highlands, can today say with satisfaction that his daring achieved his goal. Genuinely famelicas footprints that reflects your face show honesty and seriousness of his effort. At Pacific Mortgage Services you will find additional information. Most is that in the future occur in Bolivia, the truth is that Evo Morales has really made think half a world. His recent stance no less obliges that rethink ideas and paradigms covering the exercise of power. Especially when, for all you know, or at least should be, that in the past fifty years national States have been noticeably losing autonomy and influence, power, versus the corporate bodies of the Capital. To broaden your perception, visit Daniel J. Hirsch. Today the power and decisions of the maximum heads of Government of all the Nations of the world, including those of the great powers, are so relating and disputed as related and disputed are the sovereignties, and even be, of their own States. For instance, the Global Crisis, among other things, has uncovered the profound contradiction and absurdity of our contemporaneity. Throughout the existence of the planet is now literally and exclusively to merced to nourish and worship one thing that often called Global System of market or capitalism. While on the one hand by dint of bayonets and cannons are we forced religiously has been securing the full homage and full comfort and facilities for their healthy growth and development, on the other hand is that this thing once it has managed to convict the hunger and death to a good part of humanity at this time found that not even you can stay standingcannot be at least guaranteed his own existence.

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