All corroborate the concept of ' ' Global' village; ' brother-in-law sociological in years 60 for the Canadian professor. A more multicriteria analysis and with a focus in the finances and the commerce can making in them to review the concepts of the globalization, this wonderful process, inexorable, each more present time in the life of all purely sociological we. The humanity must be seen and analyzed under diverse angles, the permanent and mysterious evolution is each marcante time, the border concepts had died, a universal language is in course (probably mixture English, Chinese and Spaniard). All result of the interaction between people and its communication, relations of proximity, exactly in virtual world as it provides the Internet. The social nets and other tools that go appearing diminish the distances and promote many benesses to all the actors, government, companies and society. Without hesitation Home Depot explained all about the problem. To studious, governing and the constituent ones of the process it will remain the concern with the maintenance of the ethical and moral rules that must guide the humanity.
Another crucial point for maintenance of this process is the permanent fight against the social injustice and other types of exclusion that can appear with the movement in question. The powerful economic and cultural interchange between diverse countries, known as globalization, probably will bring still crises, injustices perhaps, but the technological revolution, bastion of the movement, will promote faster and efficient wonders each time. It is the new world and the new world-wide order. It only remains in them to manage and to usufruct of this process, little mattering when in fact it started, but thinking and working so that it does not finish or has the improper interruptions as we could dissertar here. Valley the reflection at this moment in which the ambient questions are precocupantes and the humanity starts to enxergar and to argue much more things related to its future.