The numbers are in China Wind Power Outlook 2010, new report divulged for the Greenpeace, the Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association (BELIEVES) and Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC). ' ' Completing the news article: ' ' 410 million tons of Co2 emissions, or 150 million tons of coal that the country consome.' ' They will have to be reduced. One of the impediments for the use of the aeolian energy in Brazil, is really in the raised cost of its components. They manufacture them to the Chinese and they place in the international market to a 60% cost the minor who the manufactured ones in Brazil. It is the old greed of the government that demands of the private initiative that almost suicidal investments, garroteando them with highest taxes. Something is calculated that the addition of the existing aeolian resources if presents around 70.000 GW 73.000GW, as the 5 6 times what it is consumed at the moment. Some studies indicate that limitations for the use of the aeolian energy exist.
One of these studies indicates that these limitations would be in function of areas for farming or subsistence agriculture. Probably this reasoning does not come to condizer with the reality. The generating structures do not occupy so important spaces thus, well less than a PCH. One of the impediments related with the use of the aeolian energy if says respect to the distances in which if they find ' ' tunnels of vento' ' , of the places of use and application, due to loss of energy in its transmission. But this happens with the hidroeltricas. It is the case of Itaipu. Some studies futurista indicate that the aeolian energy will be able to be generated in something sea, which had to the constant winds. Future If to analyze some points in relation to the potentials installed in Brazil in relation to the aeolian energy, have that to consider that for the aerogeradoras installation of a simple unit or some units, a permanent displacement of wind of the four order will be necessary the seven meters for second.