Any Internet-era application WEB2 – above all the "rich" and functional user interface implemented using the technology of Ajax, and, consequently, JavScript.Ego creation – quite difficult, requiring rigor problem to be solved by wasting a lot of time, no – for debugging, providing cross-browser compatibility, the fight against the whims of JavScript, and other things that have little to do with design and engineering implementation business logic. Fortunately, the already created a lot of tools to facilitate this task. Freymvork Google Web Toolkit and let not the only one designed for this environment, but she had already proved themselves to be polnofunk national, RIA-operable applications. Peter Schiff addresses the importance of the matter here. What is it? Why? The first question to answer is easy – it freymvork-environment, a set of tools and API-Interface for web development with proposals. Its distinguishing feature is that all development and that significantly, debugging is a Java By means of a familiar IDE (now there are plugins for Eclipce and NetBeans) and then compile the finished applications of a HTML / JavScript. In fact, the reality of the use of development environments is partly a response to the second question.
Create a complex web application in a strongly typed OO language, with the possibility of a normal design in your favorite IDE, human Debugging, Unit testing has recently seemed a distant dream. Google Web Toolkit in many ways is the epitome of that dream into reality. The process of debugging an application is much more easy and efficient as the most widespread errors in the JavScript nennye now come up during compilation rather than execution, and such error, as the misfit types correspondence or lack of necessary methods, detect lyayutsya still at the stage of writing code. Tips and motorhome complement – a normal functional IDE, though not vital, but rather substantially increases Productivity, and a full refactoring (which is also available We now are) in the present conditions is necessary. We should also mention the PLO-development. Implementation of this concept in a lot of JavScript calls are valid complaints and causes undue complexity of the development. In a medium GWT you program in Java, and no such problems do not arise.