Magis Global –

April 27, 2015

Graduated Geography

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 11:20 pm

The Program ‘ ‘ My House My Vida’ ‘ developed into the management Squid (2002-2010) if it transformed into one of them pillars of the economic development of Brazil, for the fact to stimulate the industry of the civil construction, that passes since the sand, cement, iron, hand of workmanship, transports until the commercialization and created flow: in such a way, in the perspective of Demtrio Magnolli, Squid liberated credit and sped up the flow and made the Brazilian capitalism to shoot up. If to analyze, active the civil construction diverse sectors of the economy as already cited, creates jobs, the companies increase its capacity of production to take care of the market in expansion and for this they invest more, or through proper resources, increase of capital or still financings, being that the BNDES participates actively of this process of credit guarantee. The difference of the habitacional program was that beyond activating the Brazilian economy, it benefited the Classrooms and, D and mainly classroom C, that as we saw, if it extended very in recent years with the reduction of the poverty. Simple reasoning: the federal government, through the Federal government saving bank liberated resources, the companies had invested and contracted, and the property for had been less favored. All had been favored. The habitacional deficit of Brazil was reduced and this movement through the habitacional program guaranteed that Brazil suffered little the impacts from the American crisis of 2008/2009. Prof. Ivan Santiago Hisses – Graduated Geography and after graduated Education, titular professor of the Superior Institute of Sciences Applied of the course of Geography and Social Sciences..

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