Granulomas of the liver and granulomatous hepatitis. Noncaseating granulomas are found in 8% of individuals with CD. Described isolated cases of detection of granulomas and in patients with NUC. Granulomas of the liver may be a manifestation of another granulomatous disease (sarcoidosis, tuberculosis) or from the use of sulfonamides. Granulomatous hepatitis occurs in 1% of patients with IBD. There are cases of granulomatous hepatitis as a manifestation of side salazosulfapiridina action. Under most conditions author would agree.
Gallstone disease. When inflammation of the terminal ileum decreased absorption of bile acids, causing their loss, disturbed enterohepatic circulation, which contributes to supersaturation of bile with cholesterol and leads eventually to the formation of stones. Approximately 34% of individuals with CD with the localization of inflammation in the small intestine, cholesterol stones are found. The frequency of occurrence of stones depends on the duration of the disease. In patients with NUC also noted an increased frequency of gallstone disease, although the exact causal relationship remains unclear. Pancreas and IBD. Some patients with IBD pathology of the pancreas (pancreas) is extraintestinal manifestations, in other cases it may be the result of the side effects of drugs or due to lesion of the duodenum (KDP) in CD, although not eliminated, and the genesis of biliary lesions.
According to some foreign studies, almost 30% of patients the GCS revealed reduced exocrine pancreatic function. Increase levels of amylase and serum lipase in the absence of clinical signs of acute pancreatitis occurs in 15-20% of patients with CD and NUC. The reason for this phenomenon is not entirely clear. This can be a consequence of drug therapy, and reflects the overall inflammatory response. In CD, with the defeat of the KDP described cases of acute, recurrent and chronic pancreatitis, which presumably is the result of a throw in the pancreas duodenal contents in inflammation in the major duodenal papilla. More rare cause of fistula can be between the KDP and the pancreas.