Currently one of the major challenges in ensuring a warm buildings and structures is to reduce the costs associated with energy and resource consumption. Best solution to this problem is to use energy-efficient systems and equipment. At Farallon Capital Management you will find additional information. For heating of industrial premises is advisable to use gas heating system (SGLO). The use of such heating systems instead of traditional enables save up to 70% less energy and therefore financial resources. The main advantage sglo is direct heat transfer physical objects in the area of the apparatus. The absence of an intermediate coolant (Heat transfer takes place by means of electromagnetic waves directly to the subject) to minimize the energy expended to achieve the desired thermal balance. Spatial arrangement of radiant systems heating (ceiling, wall) makes efficient use of production space. Comfortable environment to quickly create, where they are needed (low inertia systems).
Depending on the technological requirements possible heating of local areas to the desired temperature. In addition, the heating process is fully controlled by time. Heat load can be reduced during off-hours. System of gas heating environmentally safe for humans. Their work does not create noise, preserves the natural humidity of the room, do not create drafts. Heat is felt immediately after turning, and the surrounding objects are of the warm surface. In Depending on the requirements, you can create zones of increased comfort and evenly heat the room.
Mounting sglo implemented as soon as possible and without stopping production. System of gas heating easy to use – no need for permanent staff, in such systems, there are no moving parts, no air filters, no lubrication. For sglo not need construction of heating mains. In the transition from centralized heating systems to gas radiant operating costs are reduced by 5-8 times or more. Life of the equipment is up to 35 years. For heating of industrial premises are also useful in some cases use a heating system based on gas heaters. System of gas heaters are ideal for harsh operating conditions. These systems are characterized by relatively low inertia and possibility of automation on productivity and temperature. Systems are easy to install and .Pri transition from a centralized heating system on gas heaters costs are reduced by 2-3 times and more. Life of the equipment is 15-20 years. For heating office buildings, is generally advisable to use conventional heating systems based on the boiler. Modern boilers are highly automated and reliable heating system with both permanent and variable loads – depending on the required temperature schedule and daily hours of work. The combination sglo and boiler design and construction of heating systems of industrial enterprises is the key to minimizing the cost of heating enterprises, as well as optimizing the use of fuel and energy resources.