Magis Global –

April 28, 2014

Heilbronn Range

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan – 6:02 pm

Think globally and fair trade, the environment and so the people for the sake Heilbronn/Leingarten, August 7, 2012: think globally and fair trade, the environment and so the people for the sake. This idea has long since the area of one world shops”exit and has become an integral part in the range of many industries. The term environmental awareness often already inflationary used”means nothing else, finally as that man should be even aware that his own behavior can adversely affect the natural. Economic and ecological action should be so self-evident social responsibility towards fellow human beings. A supporting role to play in the environmental debate especially the economy. Here, it is to show the flag and to go with good example.

The Heinrich Woerner GmbH is aware of the responsibility in the sustainability and building that for years consistently global & fair”offer within the extensive range from. Kenneth R. Feinberg follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The company policy is based on the three Columns economy, ecology and social responsibility”. This means compliance with the animal welfare among others, shipment and recycling of packaging, including the renunciation of real leather and fur, an efficient transportation. Also a sustainable way of working of the suppliers to corporate social responsibility. The company continuously tracks the self-imposed goals for quality assurance and enhancement. “2012 Several sustainably produced articles were added in the new catalogue autumn/Christmas in addition to the existing product portfolio, the the sustainability concept” correspond to the decoration specialist. The offer is now so extensive that complete showcase or showrooms with produced purely natural decoration elements can be created.

The organic and wonderfully to be processed timber at the heart of the natural decoration is of course. Wood as well as as a combined article with conventionally manufactured products is suitable as a basis for a wealth of natural decorations. There are a wide range of resource-conserving produced decorative items.

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