IT organizations on the process-oriented structures using ITIL introduction have reinforced focused ITSM consulting with roadmap for developing an IT quality strategy Bodenheim, 13 June 2012 – in recent years. According to the ITSM Consulting AG they are now before the next evolutionary step, they must set their focus on a systematic quality management. The establishment of process design was important for two reasons”, explains Frank Zielke, Board member of the consulting firm. Firstly, a strictly necessary basis has been created thus for all other optimization strategies, secondly a procedural consistency to business processes can be only about these ITIL structures manufacture and operationally sufficient dovetail so IT and the business.” At the same time he pointed out by no means to be equated being the introduction of a process design with the actual performance of each individual IT service. In one case it was the structural level and in the other case to the level of process quality. Abstract considered the evolution trail leads to the earlier stage of function-oriented management and the subsequent construction of a process-oriented management in the phase of the quality-oriented management.” However, it lacks to the observations of ITSM consulting for normally on the methodological principles to define the quality requirements of the IT services and objectively assess. Zainal therefore a roadmap for IT-quality strategies developed, which consists of seven consecutive stages: 1.
strategic positioning: definition of objectives and prioritization of IT quality in coordination with the other key strategies in the IT service management. In particular the customer requirements and governance obligations to consult, because this describes the power consumption of IT services are for the self understanding of the strategic positioning. 2. how to model: on the basis of the defined target prospects will, taking into account the present conditions a methodical concept developed for the operational implementation. It must consider as well the need for resources and budgets as an allocation of responsibilities commensurate with the importance of the project.