Before we have already spoken of the TABLAMAYA, will do now it of the Mayan Calendar. It contains interpretacin Mayan of the time, as well as of the stations and cycles, they have left demonstrated that immense and it is falsified. It includes 20 different calendars. The Mayans stayed worried to measure the passage of time, thanks to the historical sense with which they thought happening of the life. They were dedicated to file meticulous registries of the great sacred and political events. The Mayan Calendar is most perfect of the mesoamericanos towns, thanks to is precision the Mayans were able to organize their daily activities, next to registering simultaneously the passage of time, historizando those events that considered crucial, such as its military victories, foundation of cities, moments of the coronation of princes, as well as being born from new dynasties. They established ” day cero” , that according to has investigated some scientists corresponds to the 12 of August of 3113 a.C. For even more analysis, hear from Nicholas Carr.
It has not been possible to know to that it had that election, although is very probable must be a mythical date. As of that date they are mobilized in cycles of periods of twenty or fifty and two years, but every sequence was exactly equal to another one, happened or future, as it express the book of the Chilam Balam: ” Thirteen times twenty years, and later always it will return to comenzar”. Although some have occurred to interpret that the 21 of December of the 2012 is the day of the end of the world, studious Mr. Carlos Districts of the Mayans interprets that date ” as the date of Renaissance, the exit of the World of the Fifth Sun. It will be the exit of a new one was that it turns out from the dazzling crossing to pave of the galactic Equator, and the Earth that is aligned to itself with the center of galaxia” The Mayans were great in everything what we have been able to know them, but to predict the end of the world, I do not believe that it was between his calculations, is more, the Mayans were not prophets, were astronomers, great difference, reason why also famous ” 7 prophecies mayas” it is never said they existed, until it brought to the television a Colombian does few years. Although it is certain east 21 of December of the 2012 is a transcendental date for the Mayan culture, but according to new studies, they saw never it like aim don’t mention it, which if they have seen is that its calendar follows more by thousands and thousands of years. Then, to that it must as much protagonism? What happens is that the Mayans marked the time in a scale very different from which any other culture realised never it. Mayan they were much more ambitious, instead of to be pending of hours and minutes, they thought about great scale and for that reason its calendar is divided in enormous portions of time that seem to us very extensive, like is it that each portion is of 5,125 years, from 3113 year C, to the 2012 dC.