Magis Global –

July 4, 2012

Narrator Language

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 6:32 am

Thus, it was possible to observe and to affirm that, from this type of literal production, the metalingstica activity? of reflection on the language? it gains space concrete in the classroom, when thought on the nature of the writing of texts and on the necessity of if teaching and learning the normative aspects most formal and of the language. CONCLUSION. It is exactly in the characteristics of the autobiografia? of the narration in first person and of the protagonist-author? e, therefore, the envolvement of it with its proper history, that also inhabits the vio of if emerging of this literal sort possibilities of mutual agreements between pupil and professor, of respectful and compromised relations with the process of education and learning more directly come back to reality of them e, also, with the dynamics of the work market that it demands of both, each time more, the capacity to establish more efficient and efficient relations between the theory and the practical one? relation still so complex of being understood and being executed. Moreover, by means of the characteristics of the activity of epilingustica production, it was possible to perceive in the texts the concern, to the way of these citizens, with the referencing, the reescritura and the joint in the textualidade and, from this concern, to provide it metalingusticas reflections that can assist it in the development of its written language, mainly in what says respect the literal coherence and to the cohesion. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES. BENJAMIN.

Walter. The Narrator. SP: Brasiliense. 2001. CHESTNUT. Maria Eugnia L.

M. University at night: end or start of day? Campinas/SP: Papirus. 2001. CHARTIER, Roger. Cultural History: between practical and representations. Translation of Maria Manuela Galhardo. Rio De Janeiro: Bertrand Brazil, 1990. 245p. FREIRE. Pablo. Pedagogia of the Autonomy. SP: Peace and Land, 2000 GUIMARES; Eduardo. Semantics of the Event.

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