Registered in the National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, May 17, 2000 N 8 / 3484 THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS DECISION of 27 April 2000 N 70 ON APPROVING THE RULES AND MAINTENANCE WORKERS Rinse-off Cure Fund In accordance with the Council of Ministers on April 4, 2000 N 455 "On delegation of powers of the Government of the Republic of Belarus on adoption (issue), legal acts' (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2000, N 36, 5 / 2920) Ministry of Labour of the Republic of Belarus has decided: 1. Approve the attached Rules for employees washing away and neutralize the means (Hereinafter – the Rules). 2. Ministries, other central governmental authorities, associations (institutions), subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, if necessary, develop a specific subordinate organizations and claim in the prescribed manner industry rules for employees and leaves no neutralizing agents. Alabama Senator often says this. 3. Employers who do not have named in paragraph 2 of this Resolution higher authorities, in dealing with security personnel and washing away the means of neutralizing apply this Regulation or, depending on the nature of activities (of work), the corresponding industry rules for employees and leaves no neutralizing agents. Minister IA Lyakh Approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labour of the Republic of Belarus of April 27, 2000 N 70 RULES AND MAINTENANCE WORKERS Rinse-off Cure FUNDS 1. In accordance with the laws in work with harmful and (or) dangerous conditions, as well as on studies related to pollution of the skin, workers are provided free of charge washing away and neutralizing agents.