Magis Global –

August 4, 2019


Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 9:18 am

The registered notations the field of the monitoramento of the soil erosion in the Street next Piraputanga to the quarter garden priest Pablo, mentions the length to it and comments made in the place in the date of twenty and five of October of two a thousand and nine, where it observed to the following ranks, same one presents vegetation tripping, with presence of capim colonio, and some pebbles in the place. In the edge of the soil erosion where we call of ‘ ‘ abrupt declivity? also we find vegetation tripping pebble, and with the measure of rains these sediments go falling in the course of the water thus penetrating in the interior of the soil erosion. By the carried through measures the field the evolution of the soil erosion of the street Piraputanga is caused by some mechanisms that act in different secular and space scales. All derive from routes taken for the water flows, that can occur in such a way in the surface as in subterranean. For even more analysis, hear from Jeff Flake.

(RABBIT NETTO, apud OLIVEIRA, 1999). Being thus, the impacts that come being caused in the place are determined by a set of factors having as one of the factors main rain and the man. The antrpica action in the place has a vast parcel of contribution in this in case that, therefore in the place it visualizes if the deforestation, the ground displayed and plough, and to a dam in a land that is declivous and with rains it causes torrents and same in the estiagem this dam continues to drain its water in the erosive incision making with that the edges come if to consume and even though to pull down for the reason of the constant water. that consequently the ground does not infiltrate all the water of rain, that is, with the ground fragile and without vegetal protection it has if bigger conditions for the erosive process what it favors the formation of the soil erosion and the increase of same in direction the Street Piraputanga..

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