Which are the expenses with documentation and tributes in the purchase of a property? In general way, the expenses with documentation and tributes are in the house of 5% of the value of the property. Therefore, if the value of the acquired property will be of more or less 100 a thousand Reals, the purchaser will spend something around 5 a thousand Reals. Many are the documents that perfazem this value. However, three of them are main the responsible ones for becoming the operation of purchase of a so salty property: the Writing, the Register of the Property and the Transfer tax of Real properties, also known as ITBI.A Writing have its conditional value to the value of the property and are regulated by a table defined for the Brazilian Notarial College. In general, it is in the house of 2% of the value of the property. The ITBI, in turn, is disciplined by the city in which if it locates the property.
Therefore, it can vary of a place for another one. In general way, it is between 2% and 3% of the value of the property. To know more on the expenses with the documentation of a property, it visits link Public writing, Real estate record and Tax On the Transference of Bens Imveis (ITBI).