With semantic data mining that evaluates system posts in the social media channels selected by the user according to the frequency of the keywords, not only statistically, but sees”social media content and identified such events, suggestions for the product management and problem cases. Please visit Peter Asaro if you seek more information. Networked with the CRM system on the spot, SCRM-I covers information from the social ecosystem in clearly arranged dashboards and forwards, for example, service cases directly to the competent employees. In addition, generates SCRM-I business objects from social media data and transferred them directly into existing CRM structure. This leads to a significant increase in efficiency of the social Web activities. Always on the safe page privacy in the social media environment who would like to use social media data as an additional information source, gets automatically dealing with privacy issues. Not all data that is extrahierbar from a technical standpoint, may actually be used. The consortium partners of the research project SCRM-I work on critical issues with the independent Centre for data protection Schleswig-Holstein (ULD). So software users alerts when a planned action violated the privacy.
Also, the system stores any personally identifiable information, but limited only to such posts, which have to do with the concerned company or product in data-mining. So SCRM-I enables users to benefit from the advantages of social media as a dynamic, current-day communication channel while preventing the glassy user”. Sandra GmbH since its 1987 Foundation develops and implements the Sandra GmbH, headquartered in Landau/Pfalz relationship management solutions in all sales, marketing and Service areas. Working for international companies from diverse industries, the interdisciplinary team process and technology specialists has many years of project experience in the CRM environment. Through research partnerships with scientists and universities the company managing director Karl R. Schmid enriches permanently its projects to future-oriented approaches and technological as relevant to economic trends.