Magis Global –

October 27, 2019

Purchase Bonds

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan – 7:02 pm

Share construction against the housing bonds. How to make the right choice? At present in Belarus to build housing there are three ways. The first way – it’s part in the joint construction, the second – Purchase housing bonds and the third – the construction of HBC. Visit Chief of Staff for more clarity on the issue. Construction of HBC, we’ll leave and talk about the joint construction and housing bonds. Anyone who has ever wondered a little real estate market, knows the nuances of many shared construction, but that’s about as long as housing bonds, little is known.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that the stock market is very underdeveloped in our country and should take some time until people realize that buying housing bonds – it is really beneficial. Let’s compare the equity and housing construction bonds and determine the pros and cons. In the joint construction of real estate developers attracted by real estate investors to invest in properties on the varying degrees of readiness. As a general rule, if a house under construction has not started yet, and in its place only a pit, then a square meter of the future housing can be purchased most profitable. The higher the wall being built home, become more expensive per square meter. Many are attracted by such a scheme, as there is the possibility of installment payment. But there is a mass of potential pitfalls. Probably everyone remembers the story of the real estate investors, which until still can not get your money back, so be very careful in selecting the developer.

Since giving quite a lot of money, everybody wants to enter into a new apartment in time, but renting a home can always be postponed, and or even construction can be frozen. Perhaps the right decision here will appeal to the real estate agency, which will check the builder and will provide all necessary information. Yes, it will have to pay, but maybe it will save on unnecessary risk. Purchase of housing bonds – this is a complicated process, but at the same time more profitable for the buyer. Since buying a bond, we buy one square meter of housing in particular house and its price can not change. Further possible sale of the bonds on the secondary market, as well as its value is growing, it can be a very good bargain for the owner. Purchase housing bonds eliminates any risk to consumers, so as to be secured by any assets of the organization that issued it, or insured. Very often in such transactions, the guarantor of a bank. However, despite all the advantages of housing bonds, many real estate agents still tend to build equity. They explain this by saying that the participation in joint construction interest holders may use credit proposals from many banks, including those involved in concessional lending. A credit for the purchase of housing bonds yields so far only one bank, which reduces the number of people willing to buy them. In conclusion, we noted that probably every man for himself decides how it is easier and more profitable to expand their living space.

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