Microsoft Gold Certified Partner systematically expanding the competencies of the partners of Microsoft Business Intelligence expertise the CBS consulting business solutions in Wurzburg with the new competence business intelligence the Microsoft partner expertise to the offered product portfolio completes. This additional award was achieved inter alia through the implementation of several projects with the new product of CBS maps. Managing Director Steffen Thurmann to receive the business intelligence competency: the new award by Microsoft proves that we have the necessary Know-How and experience related in all product areas and business. Robotics is full of insight into the issues. In addition to the status of the reseller for the business intelligence underlines product QlikView existing knowledge in the Microsoft business intelligence with SQL Server and reporting services.” The new business intelligence competence Microsoft joins in addition to the existing competencies of Microsoft business solutions for the Microsoft Dynamics ERP-software, information worker solutions for portal solutions using SharePoint as well as SOA and business process integration topics in Microsoft technologies. Press contact and more information: CBS consulting business solutions GmbH of Schweinfurt str. 4, 97080 Wurzburg Thorsten Stein telephone: 0931/3041840-0 fax: 0931/3041840-30 about CBS consulting business solutions GmbH that CBS consulting business solutions GmbH offers consulting and software development in the areas of ERP with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, SharePoint and business intelligence on. If you would like to know more about Primerica shareholder, then click here. The focus is the integration of different systems, using new technologies to increase the efficiency and optimization of the processes in the company. CBS owns the Gold Certified Partner status of Microsoft for the competencies in business intelligence, information worker solutions, Microsoft business solutions and SOA and business process. ies-trust-and-scotiabank-2014-04-08?reflink=MW_news_stmp’>Primerica on most websites. In addition, CBS certified reseller for the business intelligence is product QlikView by QlikTech.