Joomla is one of the most popular cms in the world. But for all its popularity, the market of free templates joomla can not meet all the needs of novice webmasters. And before it becomes a novice not an easy task: where are all the same get the template? Today we tell you about the three ways by which you can go. 1. Free templates for joomla. In this market segment patterns are shoddy, substandard and mass patterns that are made in mostly for beginners, who will pass on the links on the site of the manufacturer, which has long adjacent to the free, flaunt commercial patterns. + Data templates that are easy to change, replacing the main image on their own.
Links: 2. Warez portals. On them you can always download the latest free business templates. The main differences from the commercial template for free is the presence of the first:-source (*. psd, .* fla)-manual -Optional modules and mambots that are created specifically for a particular pattern of test-sql data (very rare) price of commercial templates joomla ranges from $ 50 to $ 150. Fall into the hands of such patterns vareznikov two ways: 1.Vzlom and theft from the site of templates. 2.Pokupka major warez portals for distribution. By yet, we can not give you links to such resources, but you can easily find them by typing in any search engine "warez joomla" (Note: the activities of such resources against the law of copyright) 3. The third way: making a template 0.Etot method requires you to remarkable knowledge of php, html and photoshop. So, which way you go is entirely up to you. And do not forget that beautiful, high-quality template always attracts the attention of the visitor.