And it is important, that all communications will withdraw gradually from the road. The main task of administration – the modernization and reconstruction heating networks. As the old, and patched many times lat, ineffective. Hence the high rates of heat: the structure of payments for communal networks account for about 50%. At present, the administration of the heating season poses the problem – to make the project a complete renovation of heating systems. Peteraytis said: “We will participate in all competitions and programs for regional and federal funds and seek private investors “. Priorities, they say, are defined. Kurylin said: – We really worth all of the investors.
Many of those who are ready to go (in the city – approx.) And completely withdraw all the networks. Your task (SRS deputies – Approx.) – On the legislative level to limit the willingness of investors to raise prices. Our task – to give them a payback for us – tariff reductions. However, Denis Abarinov – Senior Consultant Department of the Ministry Construction and Housing of the Samara region in the bright prospects for attracting investors hesitated because of that sum to bring the entire heating system of the city (boilers, network – approx.) in order – a few billion, and annual turnover of urban housing about 300 million rubles. But agreed that in general, should help the city.
It was still quite a lot of speeches, but remember to separate: Anatoly Gontar: I agree that selected a team of people infected with optimism, but it smacks of opportunism. On money we do not belong, but there is a desire. Victor F. says: we will support this, consider. If we take a decision, then not now. Gennady Markin: – As a member of the Urban District , Viktor Yanukovych, asking those objects that we have seen, we should by all means try to do. Let this be a showcase city, where you can bring any delegation. The value of z is such a conversation that had taken place before the 1957 birthday of the city. And who knows, maybe in five years we will hear from a visiting tourist: “I want to live in !”. k here. T. DIMURINA.