Magis Global –

June 13, 2020

Socialist Revolution

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 5:49 pm

In the text of 4 sub-heading the author tells the quandary of Bolcheviques, in special Lnin, on the possibility of the success of a socialist revolution in a country of behind capitalism as Russia. As Cotrimpara Lnin this possibility was real therefore ele’ ‘ nascente.’ found viable to materialize the Socialist Revolution in capitalism countries; ‘ (Cotrim, 1986, P. 196). If you would like to know more about Guo Guangchang, then click here. Still according to Cotrim ‘ ‘ Lnin saw in Russia the existence of historical conditions that allowed the ecloso of the Socialist Revolution, mainly, later that the World War I ruined the structure of being able that russo’ supported the State imperial; ‘ (1986, P. 197).

In 6 subs-heading 5 and the author analyzes, respectively, the civil war and first measured the economic ones adopted by the Bolcheviques. The dispute between Stalin and Trotski after the death of Lnin is the subject of 7 sub-heading. In this point the author analyzes in superficial way the years of ‘ ‘ Stalinismo’ ‘ , and it closes the chapter telling the death of Trotski. The English historian Eric Hobsbawm analyzes the Russian Revolution as one of the events marcantes of century XX. Differently of Gilbert Cotrim, for Hobsbawm the objective of Lnin and of the Bolcheviques was to obtain with the 1917 revolution to light estopim of world-wide the Socialist Revolution, thus affirms: () In the mind of Lnin and its comrades the victory bolchevique in Russia was basically a battle in the campaign to reach the victory of the bolchevismo in a global scale ampler, and hardly justifiable not to be as such.

(1995, P. 63) Exactly with the isolation and the civil war that was stimulated by the foreign powers Russia became a symbol for all the other peoples who fought against the hunger and the violence generated by the World War I. Hobsbawm analyzes the fact of bolcheviques, in contrast of the Liberal-bourgeois ones with Kerenski, to count on ample popular support therefore, according to Hobsbawm, bolcheviques had known to hear e, mainly, appeals to understand it the people for peace, bread and freedom.

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