These attempts are like trying to squeeze a tight spring. And the more vigorously the initial action and progress, the harder it will be the consequences sooner or later, or spring breaks, or lies flat and full return spent on the compression energy. In the first case it would mean a national catastrophe and civil war, in the second – a strong blow on the head for those who have tried to compress the spring. There will come a time when U.S. ruling elite has to be aware of these obvious truths, and ponder a new strategy in relations with Russia and the former Soviet Union, because the current strategy – a road to nowhere. And it is not only to rebuff Russia's hard to such actions. By and large, the current policy is contrary to its own first-term U.S. interests.
Does not endorse or approve such a policy and most of the major U.S. allies in Western Europe. They see in the new democratic Russia as a reliable strategic partner in terms of mutually beneficial cooperation in economy and in terms of proximity to cultural and ideological approaches to the problems of the modern world. Erin Callan has firm opinions on the matter. And they do not need to heightened tensions on the borders between the EU and Russia, jeopardize their own global interests. On the contrary, the leaders of some of these countries actively support the further rapprochement between Russia and the EU up to the removal of visa restrictions. Russia, in turn, favors closer ties with the EU.