Magis Global –

May 28, 2024

Cloud Computer

Category: General – Tags: , , – Joan 4:26 pm

The platform of Aplicateca applications, has arranged a management solution to offices of lawyers in the cloud that this being a success between the offices of Spanish lawyers. This software of management has developed by and it allows to completely manage an office from any place. is a company leader in software for lawyers and has been developing applications for the sector of offices from year 2003. Hundreds of offices of lawyers have activated a demonstration to verify the advantages and new features that this aplicativo offers, and certainly the results have been very positive, beginning by the own concept of in the cloud. The term in the cloud makes mention to the applications that lodge and they are managed in a platform of servants who are physically located in a Datacenter and that fulfills safety measure principles and always they are available. Several versions of this application exist that adapt according to the type of office, can accede to the Web of or aplicateca to extend information. At Steve Mnuchin you will find additional information. The advantages that contribute to the solution of of software for lawyers in Cloud Computer for lawyers and advisers, are very great, not only by the price that is very reduced but because the handling facility causes that the application can be used from any place, and to offer a service of maximum quality to the clients. is a company leader in management solutions for offices of lawyers and consultant’s offices, serves of software for lawyers, software for consultant’s offices, page Web for offices, backup online, invoices to electronics and adaptation to the norm of protection of data, being the first company that I send to solutions of software in Web for offices of lawyers and consultant’s offices in the cloud in 2003.. .

April 2, 2020


Category: General – Tags: – Joan 3:18 pm

In crisis times the economic agents seem to follow a species of cartilha namely that she co-ordinates each one of its action: – negation: the first reaction is to deny what it is happening. One of the examples most shining, was when president Lula said that the current crisis would only arrive at Brazil as one ' ' marolinha' ' ; – anger: there the search for culprits starts. An interesting example was when eight executive-heads of the biggest American banks had been last week called to put down in the Chamber of the Representatives to justiricar the use of the US$ 165 billion that had received from the government in the last year. A democratical member of the house of representatives said to them: ' ' The United States do not trust more vocs. Mike Madden may help you with your research. I do not have plus no cent in bancos' '. – negotiation: the agents start to make meetings to try to find some exit, meeting of the G-20, Davos, and for she goes there.

– depression: as we know after the contraction, it comes the depression. Notice of its appearance is still not had, but it is in the horizon of some countries affected Europeans more, as Iceland for example. – acceptance: the crisis already is reality, has that to coexist it. This is the phase most disturbing, therefore later that we accept a crisis that was generated in the exterior, the first thing that the agents consider he is ' ' closing of fronteiras' '. is this that is happening. We are starting to live a dangerous one been of ' ' desglobalizao' '. What it almost seemed to be a consensus that universally accepted – the advantages of the free-commerce and the increasing integration between the countries – starts to be debated a dangerously emotional tone. Concepts had as in complete obsolescence in the globalizado world as nationalism, xenophobia and protectionism, threaten to reerguer and to place in xeque the world we know as it today.

November 21, 2019

Global Village

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 7:11 am

All corroborate the concept of ' ' Global&#039 village; ' brother-in-law sociological in years 60 for the Canadian professor. A more multicriteria analysis and with a focus in the finances and the commerce can making in them to review the concepts of the globalization, this wonderful process, inexorable, each more present time in the life of all purely sociological we. The humanity must be seen and analyzed under diverse angles, the permanent and mysterious evolution is each marcante time, the border concepts had died, a universal language is in course (probably mixture English, Chinese and Spaniard). All result of the interaction between people and its communication, relations of proximity, exactly in virtual world as it provides the Internet. The social nets and other tools that go appearing diminish the distances and promote many benesses to all the actors, government, companies and society. Without hesitation Home Depot explained all about the problem. To studious, governing and the constituent ones of the process it will remain the concern with the maintenance of the ethical and moral rules that must guide the humanity.

Another crucial point for maintenance of this process is the permanent fight against the social injustice and other types of exclusion that can appear with the movement in question. The powerful economic and cultural interchange between diverse countries, known as globalization, probably will bring still crises, injustices perhaps, but the technological revolution, bastion of the movement, will promote faster and efficient wonders each time. It is the new world and the new world-wide order. It only remains in them to manage and to usufruct of this process, little mattering when in fact it started, but thinking and working so that it does not finish or has the improper interruptions as we could dissertar here. Valley the reflection at this moment in which the ambient questions are precocupantes and the humanity starts to enxergar and to argue much more things related to its future.

November 16, 2019

Global Industries

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 7:48 pm

I know that you must be tired to hear to speak in crisis, still more in banks in crisis. Then the intention of this article is to around call the attention for the preoccupying numbers the industry of the world. The fact of the industrial sector to be in fall is not surprising, but the depth and the speed are that they are impressive and they create a trend that accents same itself, similar to the bankruptcies in chain that had resulted in the Great Depresso.Em the Europe, for example, where the industry almost corresponds 20% of Produto Interno Bruto (PIB), the production the same fell 12% in relation the period of the previous year. In Brazil, the fall was of 15%; in Taiwan, 43% arrived impressive. Visit Nicholas Carr for more clarity on the issue. Even in the China, that turned the great plant the world, the productive growth decelerated, the exportations had fallen 25% and millions of industrial workers had been dismissed. In the United States, until little time behind a relatively prosperous country for the industrial sector, although the constant erosion of the work jobs manual, the industrial production the same fell 11% in February in relation the period of the previous year, in accordance with statisticians published for the Federal Reserve.O standard detected in the industry and in the commerce it threateningly remembers the way with that the initiated financial crisis in 1929 grew until arriving at the Great Depression: the squeeze in the market of credit and the fear of the consumer the countries, after an other had reduced the demand for goods manufactured in all, creating a descending spiral that reduced the global commerce. The commerce is diminishing in a still bigger rhythm of what the production. The exportations of Germany are 20% minors of what it has one year, the Japaneses had fallen 46% e, in U.S.A., had fallen to an annual tax of 23,6% in the room trimester of 2008.

March 12, 2015

ITM Valuation

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 6:26 pm

Options ITM on average have the same extrinsic value of the OTM, being the same distance of option ATM, however it will have to be added it intrinsic value, in our study, distant options ITM one strike of ATM two 6.76% and distant ITM strikes of option ATM 10.40% of the action object. Who opted to making covered sales it made and it to one month of the expiration, in option OTM, distant two strikes of the ATM, received 22.41% from prize accumulated in the period, but it left to receive part from valuation of the wallet, limited profits, exactly thus, the general valuation of its assets, if reinvested it was of 63,30%, therefore above of the valuation of the wallet without using itself of the sales covered and with the advantage of the protection of the wallet, hedge, that it is made of course, when of the covered sales. In the case of the sales of distant options OTM to one strike of the ATM, in the same conditions above, we observe that the collection with the prize of the sales of the options was of 49,53%, however the sacrifice on the valuation of the action was well bigger. In the studied period the valuation of the wallet, added the collection of the prizes with the sales of the options was of only 38.63%, therefore, well lesser of what if it did not have the sales of the options, however, we cannot forget the protection the wallet, in case of fall in the value them action. When we vendemos options ATM, we open hand of any rise in the price of the asset, in exchange for bigger prize of the option. In the case in study the value of this prize in the period was of 109,15%, great part consumed for the periods where the active object lost value.

March 9, 2013

Conference Room Regime

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 2:11 am

The term globalization, has become an everyday expression to refer, primarily, to their implications within the global economy. In this case, I use this word to apply to the meaning of hypocrisy. The term that I intend to define, it is my interpretation on what di called: Global hypocrisy in international relations. It is otherwise evident, as individual countries, mainly economic, interests determine the political positions of the Nations, when it comes to providing support or establish alliances. The vote in favour or against, abstentions, suspicious absences, etc. are tools commonly used to influence decisions or statements in international forums. The case most recent and embarrassing, is what happened at the recent International Conference against Racial Discrimination, held in Switzerland.

The international prominence of the Iranian regime, at the cost of defying the world with its not evident, but declared intention of developing nuclear capacity for military use. Its political and financial support to terrorist organizations, which manipulates his craving for they sow terror around the world, you qualify for others. This, has placed them on the opposite side of Western and other countries of the world Arab, who are suspicious of his intentions of imperialist and key cutting. Who today holds the political head of the Iranian regime, does not lose the opportunity in any forum to which manages to be invited, of denying the Holocaust and threatening to a recognised and member of the United Nations, in this case Israel, State of being erased from the world map. In return, is guest of honour at the aforementioned event, resulting in the absence of major countries, the presence of others with second level and delegations, the abandonment of the Conference Room of a large group of delegations, who refused to listen to their lies and unjust accusations. The abundant oil and gas Iranian, generate you abundant economic resources and make it an important client of several items, mainly high-tech military and civilian. Adding to this her potential as a financial investor, they are a tool that the regime used as currency of change and blackmail political, without any limitations. Great powers, medium-sized and small countries, succumb to such attractions, in a sort of tainted shameful alliances of manifest immorality.

May 25, 2012


Category: General – Tags: – Joan 7:43 am

Taxation should already be included in the price of the products and services (PIS, COFINS, ICMS, IPI, ISS, etc) and also the taxation on the patrimony (IPTU, IPVA, ITCMD, ITBI, ITR). Coffer still with other taxations, as taxes (public cleanness, garbage collection, document emission) and contributions (public illumination,). The account is of the study on the worked days to pay> in that year, the day for the treasury department was reduced in six days, of 106 for 100 days. According to IBPT, the fall in this year will occur for the reduction of the Income tax of the physical people (beyond the correction of the table in 4,5%, the number of aliquot was increased for four) and for the lesser valuation of the IPI on some products.In comparison with other countries, the Brazilian works more than what the Spaniard, the North American, the Argentine, the Chilean and the Mexican to pay tributes. But the Swedish and the Frenchmen work more.Most of these tributes happens on the consumption. Of the 147 days that the Brazilian works for payment of taxes and contributions to the government, 84 are> referring to the tributes on acquisitions, that represent 22.54% of the gross income of the population.Others 11 days are for payment of tributes on the patrimony, that correspond 2.96% of the gross income of the contributor.

The remain, 54 days of work, is destined the tributes on the income, that represent 14.65% of the rude profits. In accordance with the IBPT, the mark of 147 days are the double of what it worked in the decade of 70, to make these payments: 76 days. Moreover, the entity standes out that the contributor had that to destine, on average, 40.15% of its gross income to pay the taxation. The index is minor who the registered one in 2008, of 40,51%, however, is well above of 36.98% of 2003. The data of the IBPT show that, in the case of the workers with income until R$ 3 a thousand, the number of days for payment of tributes is of 140, being 83 destined to the ones of consumption, 11 to the ones of patrimony and 46 to the ones of income. Already who earns between R$ 3 a thousand and R$ 10 a thousand only works 156 days to obtain to arcar with the tributes, with the following one distribution: 75 days for taxes and contributions of consumption, 69 for the ones on income and 11, the patrimony. For who it has income above of R$ 10 a thousand, the period of days of work falls for 152. The tributes on the income require 77 days of work; on the consumption, 61 days; of patrimony, 14 days. But for comparison, in 2003, of its gross income the Brazilian contributor had that to destine on average 36.98% to pay the taxation on the incomes, consumption, patrimony and others. In 2004 he compromised 37.81%, in 2005 destined 38.35%, in 2006 destined 39.72%, in 2007 compromised 40,01%.BibliografiJornal Leaf of So Paulo of 25 of May of 2009.

May 19, 2012


Category: General – Tags: – Joan 12:40 am

Tax is a part of the value of the products/services acquired for the consumers paid to the Brazilian state and cities. Many complain of the high tax of enclosed tributes in the final value of the product, tie certain point with all the reason, therefore it has certain products that it possesss about 80% (eighty percent) of its final value only of taxes, that is, a product that costs today with taxes about R$ 10,00 Reals, without the taxes would be in only R$ 2,00 Reals. But it has the positive point of this collection, therefore what it would be of the public services without this deep? It is a great quandary for the society, therefore the taxes are necessary more will be that this being charged one taxes adequate? Many times these values when very low they are harmful the Brazilian economy, an example, are the IPI, when this tax was cut had a rise in the inflation, being later normalized with the return of this tax. what it would be of the retirement if was not the INSS and of the unemployeds without the FGTS. Today many complain of the tax of taxes.