Magis Global –

June 20, 2020

Brazil Environment

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 3:11 pm

These capacities had brusquely changed the form of relationship man-nature. (Not to be confused with Pacific Mortgage Services!). With the urbanization of the cities the man ahead takes route uncertain of the nature and started to explore it in way nonsense. Initially the urbanization aimed at to create a harmony in a context where if it very thought about a geographically small base in relation gigantic population aggregates and would be one better functioning of the social space searching to minimize the impact of these great accumulations. Fairstead is open to suggestions. In if treating to adaptations, the ecological factors if had soon opposed to the economic factors, which if they showed each time more important in the intervention of the natural course of the environment. In this context in transformation, the environment is the basic part that the man looks for to modify in proper benefit or of groups. Today, the society most intent to the disobediences of the capitalist interests economic and, is taking conscience in global sphere of the happened problems of this form to think of ' ' homem' ' modern, and deepens the conflicts in the search for solutions. In this context, the construction of houses and building from recycled material have been common-sense to extend this contrary position to the depredation of the nature.

1 principle of the Declaration of Rio De Janeiro, for occasion of Echo, that defined politics in favor of the sustainable development, establishes that: ' ' the human beings are in the center of the concerns with the sustainable development. They have right to a healthful and productive life, in harmony with natureza' ' 2. In Brazil the treat greater that it aimed at harmonization of the sustainable development was Echo in Rio De Janeiro, quandorepresentantes of almost all the countries of mundose had congregated to decide that measured to take to obtain to diminish the ambient degradation and to preserve the legacy of the coming generations.

June 17, 2020


Category: General – Tags: – Joan 6:48 pm

In consequncia he will have increase of the level, in many meters. At the moment, the scientists do not wait a bigger melting in next the 100 years. (Sources: IPCC for the data and publications of the great press for the general perceptions of that the climatic changes). As the climate is hotter, the evaporation increases. This provokes heavy heavy showers and more erosion.

Many people think that this will be able to cause resulted extreme in the climate as gradual global heating. For even more opinions, read materials from Farallon Capital Management. The global heating also can present less obvious effect. The Chain of the North Atlantic, for example, provoked for differences between the temperature between the seas. Pparently it is diminishing in agreement the averages of the globe temperature increases, this means that areas as Scandinavia and England that is warm for the chain must present more cold climates the spite of the increase of the global heat. Consequences global Heating can all bring serious consequences for the planet including plants, animals and human beings. The retention of heat in the terrestrial surface can strong influence the rain regimen and droughts in some parts of the planet, affecting plantations and forests. Some forests can suffer process from desertificao, while plantations they can be destroyed by overflows. The result of this is the migratory movement of animals and human beings, scarcity of food, increase of the risk of extinguishing of some animal and vegetal species, and increase of the number of deaths for malnutrition.

Another great risk of the global heating is the melting of the ice patches of Antarctica. This melting already came happening has thousand of years, for a slow natural process. But the action of the man and the effect greenhouse had sped up the process they had become and it unexpected. Calota of ice occidental person of the Antartic is melting to a speed of 250 km cubical per year, raising the level of the oceans in 0,2 millimeter to each 12 months. The thawing of this calota can make the oceans to go up up to 4,9 meters, covering vast littoral areas for the world and entire islands. The results also are scarcity of food, dissemination of illnesses and deaths. The global heating also causes climatic changes, what it is responsible for 150 a thousand deaths to each year in all world. Only in the passed year, a heat wave that reached the Europe in the summer killed at least 20 a thousand people. The tropical and poor countries are most vulnerable to such effect. The World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS) attributes to the modification of climate 2.4% of the cases of diarria and 2% of the ones of malaria in the whole world. This picture can be still more shady: some scientists alert that the global heating can be aggravated in the next decades and the OMS calculates that for the year of 2030 the climatic alterations will be able to cause 300 a thousand deaths per year.

October 27, 2019


Category: General – Tags: – Joan 7:02 pm

The scientific confirmation of that our planet walks for the end, the destruction, the man seems more sensible. In the truth, sensible proper itself, therefore it did not start to love the nature, but to understand that it needs it to exist. Learning that it needs to respect the environment and to try to preserve other forms of life, in all the scopes, governmental, social, administrative etc. At the same time, where it grows, is developed through science and is connected in real time, to the problems and solutions of all the planet. Bringing plus an idea, of a globalizado world. The globalization, came as a trap, that deludes weakkest, making to believe them that the world will be as an only State.

When in the truth, while the developed Country more economically invests in more disfavored, but it makes question to remain itself international. Fortifying the economy of its proper native country to the costs of the maintenance of the poverty in that they are for it explored. In accordance with the article of the SEP (2005, P. 2), the capitalist companies, act thus, because they are competitive organizations that they search to concentrate in its national bases of origin, the strategical assets that allow its projection on the world-wide economy. Being thus, nothing it would have really moved. The only way to save the humanity is all to join forces to promote the development, the end of the poverty and the promotion of the quality of life sustainable. Some of the topics related in the meeting of the FSM are, the support (objective, strategies and tactics), environment, poverty, wealth and ecology, on the processes of urbanization and transversal subjects. Of the organization of the subjects, we can say that to each year if it chooses four transversal subjects to be argued in the posterior year. To prevent repetitions, a subject on politics, one on economy, one on society and another one on culture.

May 28, 2018

For Pablo Freire

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 11:48 pm

In the Seminary of Belgrade it was argued necessity to develop programs of ambient education in all the countries members of the ONU. The main concern, at that moment was to divulge the necessity of one politics of ambient education of regional and international abrangncia; from general lines of direction importance of the regional actions was emphasized it. The Letter of Belgrade (So Paulo, 1994) defines the structure and the basic principles of the ambient education, identifying the economic growth with ambient control as the content of the new global ethics. The ambient education is placed there as one of the basic elements for the general onslaught against the ambient crisis boasted by the Club of Rome (Meadows et al, 1978). However, the construction of this new ethics as educative goal has, in this document, individual character staff.

The there express objectives of the ambient education are awareness, knowledge, attitudes, abilities, capacity of evaluation and participation. It is interesting to observe that the document considers that the ambient education is organized as formal and not formal education, as a continuous and permanent process directed with priority to the children and the young, and that it has character to interdisciplinar. 6. METHODOLOGY the main objective how much to the differentiation in the elimination of solid residues it is to prevent that the environment suffers with the effect of the degradation caused for the deposition of such residues in erroneous place and without the well-taken care of had ones. As the majority of the effect to the environment it comes of the direct action of the human being, the methodology will be directly on to its actions, knowing the correct ways for the final deposition it residue and its treatment, beyond the eliminated products to be again reaproveitados (recycling). For Pablo Freire, ' ' Nobody ignores everything, nobody knows everything. All we know some thing.

May 1, 2018

Industrial Revolution Time

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 8:33 pm

The will of if preparing need to be bigger that the will to be successful. For even more analysis, hear from Sen. Jeff Flake. Bob knight the cosmological time is diverse of the human time, therefore it is measured in billions of years. Sheila Bair often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The life initiated its terrestrial Saga has 3,6 billion years, but the human ones had only appeared in this shock in the last one second of the extension, have 200 a thousand years behind. Agriculture has only 7 a thousand years and the civilization 11 a thousand years, namely, the Land ignores in them and if it restores in its time of millions of years. The species human being is that necessary of aid? it lives about 80 years, but it leaves a track of ambient impacts that can decree its precocious extinguishing, as already it occurred with 99% of the species that had this way passed. It has a set of global ecossistmicas aggressions that the capacity of the planet in offering of balanced form services affects as climate, hidrologia, energy, use of ground and biodiversity. The exponential population increase and the great consumption of energy after the Industrial Revolution, mainly in the developed countries, had provoked aggressions antropognicas to the environment that, on the other hand to the natural changes, had occurred in little time, in decades, and had left many sequelas.

The capacity of absorption of ambient aggressions of the planet, when exceeded, it provokes great catastrophes. It is difficult to know with precision the limits of this capacity, given the complexity of involved 0 variable. One becomes necessary, then, to adopt a position of precaution that saves the natural resources, by means of valuation and quotas of negative externalidades as the emission of effect gases greenhouse, added the protectionistic legislation of environmental resources. The planet Land has all the characteristics of an alive being, except the fact of not multiplying. The forests and the oceans function as the pulmes of the planet, inalam carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, that acts as the blood of the system Land.

February 25, 2018

Federation Council

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 10:26 am

Downtown is almost completely destroyed. The country has entered a state of emergency, and in the city – a curfew. Shortages of food and drinking water there is hard hit by the earthquake, the New Zealand city of Christchurch. Empty shelves have generated panic among the local population. Townspeople still live without electricity and hot water, also have failed sewer systems. Damage caused by the earthquake in the New Zealand city of Christchurch on Tuesday, is about $ 12 billion.

The disaster has also heightened speculation that the central bank of New Zealand may cut interest rates in the coming weeks to save the economy. Willingness to help New Zealand to overcoming the consequences elements expressed a number of countries, including Russia. New Zealand's assistance in the aftermath of emergency rescue workers have in the U.S., UK, Taiwan, Japan and Australia. An earthquake in the New Zealand city of Christchurch provoked a gathering of 30 million tons of ice from the largest glacier country – Tasmanian. Craig Menear recognizes the significance of this. Tasmanian end of the glacier of the Southern Alps is about 250 kilometers from the city of Christchurch.

According to seismologists, the epicenter earthquake was located in close proximity to the city. The center of the tremors occur at a depth of four kilometers. Down to Mt Cook glacier Tasmanian length of 27 kilometers is the largest glacier New Zealand. Over hundreds of pilot whales ashore in New Zealand over a hundred black dolphins, or grind, ashore the island of New Zealand's Stewart. The bodies were found 107 dolphins group tourists tourists on the island. People immediately contacted the local rescue. But by the time they arrived most of the dolphins were dead. Because of the low-water whales were too far away from the water's edge, so it was impossible to save any of them. In this regard, it was decided to euthanize those whales that were still alive. For 48 of them had applied euthanasia. According to the New Zealand Ministry for the Environment, whales and dolphins often thrown on the shore. Basically, this occurs in the summer months, when flocks of migrating mammals in Antarctic waters, or returned from there past the coast of North Island and Stewart. As a general rule, if one animal thrown ashore, then others will try to help him and, as a result, share his fate. In a question-answer forum Dennis Lockhart was the first to reply. However, it should be noted that this incident occurred the day before the devastating earthquake in New Zealand. Is it accident or dolphins could still anticipate a major earthquake remains a mystery … In Russia considers an ecological Police Department of Nature Protection of the environment Moscow considers it necessary to create an environmental police force in Russia in the structure of the police department. In October 2010, Moscow police chief Vladimir Kolokoltsev signed an executive order to reduce the size of the Moscow police by 12%. Including completely eliminated environmental police unit, as its activity does not apply to the functions of the police. In reviewing and discussing the draft law 'On Police' proposal to create an environmental police force was submitted for consideration by the Moscow City Duma and Federation Council. Environmental police should be established at least in cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg and Tatarstan, the head of the Department of Environmental Environmental Moscow Anton Kulbachevsky. Recall that the law 'On Police' enters into force in Russia March 1, 2011. The document stipulates that the police will change its name to the police, get rid of the multiple redundant functions, and the number of employees prior to 1 January 2012 will be reduced by 20%.

October 12, 2015

Global Heating

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 9:27 am

Sc. Medical Veterinarian, Homeopata Secretary of the ABPO (Cattle Brazilian Association of Organic) Campo Grande, MS thimoteolobreiro@ He counts a legend, of the existence of a lost valley in some place of the universe inhabited for pretty carrying black swallows of one, strategically located, white spot in the extremity of the left wing. A traveller visited the valley, and in its peregrinations for distant nations, frequent she spoke on them. Time passing, already heard of the existence of a valley inhabited for pintassilgados birds of white and black person. In the current days, in many wheels of enlevo to the nature, it is said on the beauty of certain total white bird that inhabits certain lost valley in some sings of the universe.

That this metaphor can illustrate stretches of the text to follow. As the bovine meat, and one human being, that it makes of it its bigger gastronmico pleasure, contributes for the carbon footprint of the bovines: why bovine fed the grass they possess a negative balance in carbon footprints? the addition of all GEE emitted during the process of production of the related one well, product or service. At the end of the year of 2009, the FAO Organization for Foods and Agriculture of the Joined Nations made, what in my interpretation, considered as one mea culpa for the paper of the bovines in the global heating. Through its department of Property of the Land and Unit of Manejo (NRLA) and Division of Waters and Lands, it published a story under the heading: Revision of the evidences of the pastoral systems in dry lands for the climatic changes the long and extensive shades of the animal creation (3). Herclea task to express in an only value the result of the estimates of the emissions of the GEE of all the systems of animal creation of all the rinces of the planet, being pasteurizando everything in a myopic intention to make responsible the animal creation for 18% of the GEE mensurados in Co2 equivalent.

July 13, 2012

The Planet

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 3:18 pm

We can see this reality in all the events of our day the day. As For example: The rivers are dirty and poludos; The days are much more hot; the nature this uncontrolled, tai the example as floods, ventanias fortssimas among others things that happen in our planet. All we know the reasons for which these reactions of the nature happen, and all we know what she is necessary to make to change this reality. Only that nor all make! Then already this in the hour to start to make the certain thing, thus to help the planet and to we ourselves. I am not saying that if you to make one or another thing you go to save the planet of the destruction, but, you already thought if the whole world to make a bit, its part, the result that this goes to have in the situation of the environment? He is Entertainer, therefore if each one to make its part, the planet will be saved. THEN WE GO TO START TO MAKE NOW! The world all is engaged in this campaign, is periodicals, famous magazines, people and until politicians among others, that it aims at the change of some habits of us human beings, for only one simple cause, our planet, our life! These are some forms to brighten up this chaos: * Recycling.

*Coleta of the garbage and not to play abandoned garbage in rivers, streets and fields. *Economia of WATER. *No to deforest our forests illegally. *No to make burnt, at least not of great ratios. Among others attitudes that can help the planet. The authorities specialized in this area are in constant studies and research, to try to find solutions that help the planet, one of these solutions already shows resulted, as for example: Recently, magazines, periodicals and propagandas had informed the viewers of a very simple attitude that would very help the environment, that is to paint the ceiling of its houses of white, a different attitude and it legalizes well, that it helps to diminish the heat. Result, the house is more cold, and you still it helps to diminish the global heating.

Clearly that if one or another one to make does not go to have many results not to be for itself same. But if at least good part of the population to adhere to this attitude, with certainty this in them will bring good results. I am not an authority worried about the environment, nor so little a specialist of the area, still, I am only one common person, who likes it environment and if she worries about it. I am inviting you to be part of this campaign. It can act different with the environment, writing as I and divulging these solutions that help the environment, can at any cost be that he helps the planet, I only make! CAMILA TO SOUND.

July 12, 2012

Brazilian Environment

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 10:25 am

The man and Ambient degradation the depredation of the Environment is serious in the whole world. Ahead of the economic transformations, politics, social and cultural they contribute each time more to increase the aggressions to the Environment. The society not yet if acquired knowledge of the importance to preserve the natural resources for its survival. The natural environment is suffering an extreme exploration that threat the stability of its systems of sustentation (exhaustion of natural resources you renewed and you did not renew, disfigurament of the ground, loss of forests, climatic pollution of the water and air, loss of biodiversity, changes etc.). On the other hand, the result of this extreme exploration is not equitably distributed and only one minority of the planetary population if it benefits of this wealth. The man is the only animal that modifies the nature with its work, many times of irreversible form. The modern society in such a way intensifies this process that it compromises the life in the planet. The objective? To increase the profit? what it makes all sensible in the capitalist social model.

However, this greed has a high cost, already visible in the problems caused for the pollution of the ground, air and the water, in the extinguishing of animals and vegetables, scarcity of water and many areas they had been destroyed on behalf of the urbanization and of the growth. The changes in the climate are each more visible time, as the increase of the temperature, (global heating), climatic changes, effect greenhouse, thermal islands of heat, inversion, rains excessively in some countries and dry (desert) in others, the planet this exactly changed, this everything are resulted of the transformations human beings. The concern with the Environment walks the slow steps in Brazil, in contrast of the developed countries, mainly in function of priorities still bigger as, for example the poverty, the social inaqualities and others.