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May 29, 2024

No Fear Of Dental Treatment

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan 2:34 am

Really is the fear of the dentist an insurmountable hurdle? No! Tips and advice for the anxious patient: 1 dental choice choose a dentist who takes time for a preliminary interview with you. Mention your fear at the appointment, the entire dental practice you can adjust itself. 2. conversation, communication reports you from your fears, because often there are special things that most fear is (injection, sounds, instruments). So, the dentist can consider these points addressed in your treatment. Often small agreements, such as the interruption of treatment with a show of hands help against the tension. This can reduce the feeling to be delivered.

Ask the dentist to place the instruments outside your field of vision. 3. music bringing up for longer treatments your own music with. A headphone interferes with the most treatment steps do not and drowned out the sounds of treatment and can be thus very reassuring. 4. New beginning in 68% of patients of fear, is a traumatic experience in the past due to the fear, often during childhood.

For a new beginning, the barrier must be overcome practically, because often the fear is not so serious already after the first interview or first treatment. It is advisable first small, lighter treatment steps to tackle. 5. frequent visits by means of regular inspections and participate in prevention measures can be mostly avoided larger treatments in advance. The circuit to wait and then when emergency treatment in inflamed, numbing areas to make bad again painful and bad experiences, can be avoided as always to the extreme. 6 as example Tartar removal by surface or local anesthesia, reduce stunning and soothing stuns even for lighter treatments, the tension, because the constant waiting for a possible pain is reduced. Against anxiety can light Help remedies. The use of homeopathic medicines, acupuncture or hypnosis can also be a way to anticipate the fear. Dentist Dr. Gregory Schlegel St.-driving-Strasse 20 50667 Cologne Tel. 0221 2576067 press contact: Leif Heuser the dental practice of Dr. Gregory Schlegel at St. Aperschnalzen Street in Cologne is your specialist for aesthetic dentistry, implants, and prophylaxis. Bad breath treatment, professional tooth cleaning (short: PTC), treatment of anxiety patients, grinders or snorers are part of the range. There is also the individual care always in the foreground. Information about billing issues, medical and cost plans and partial payments get patients entirely without obligation and free of charge. Ultimately one thing counts in the dental practice of Dr. Gregory Schlegel: the trust of patients in the work of the dentist.

May 26, 2024

Ringing In The Ears When The Landing

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan 8:12 am

What travelers, however, companies can who has ever traveled by plane, knows the problem. Annoying ear pain with the landing spoil the first few days abroad many tourists, because the symptoms often last longer. Reason of evil is the changing air pressure. While he is quite low at 10,000 feet, he normalizes again, when the plane loses altitude. This sometimes causes pain, which can cause later inflammation or bleeding. The news portal reveals what measures help, and when a gang to the Otolaryngologist is absolutely necessary. Charlotte Hornets is often quoted as being for or against this. Often it is enough to compensate for the pressure through a short swallowing or yawning. If that doesn’t help, passengers should adhere to the nose and press firmly into air.

This creates higher pressure in the rhinopharynx, which evade the air in the middle ear can be. These measures have however rarely in ailing health. Who is suffering from a slight cold or a runny nose with carrying around should do something for his irritated mucous membranes. Nasal sprays or drops can counteract the aching ringing in the ears. To achieve the desired effect, they should be used at least one hour before landing. If the travel pharmacy not with the necessary medicines is equipped, it is worth to ask the flight attendants. These are familiar with the problem and have not infrequently small sprays for their guests. Persistent ear pain, analgesic containing the active ingredient ibuprofen or analgesic ear drops are recommended.

Travelers, however, can save the money for ear plugs. Should the symptoms do not disappear, a visit to the doctor is inevitable. More information: ..gequaeltes – tympanic membrane-to – travel /… GmbH Lisa Neumann

May 16, 2024

The Immune System May Not Work Correctly

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 11:18 am

The immune system – a complex of cells, tissues and organs, organized and existing one in a special way to protect people from diseases with destruction of internal and external alien to the body substances. The immune system protects the body against infections, as well as retracting damaged, old and genetically modified cells and molecules of the personal body. Bodies of the immune system include the lymph glands, tonsils, thymus gland (thymus gland), lymphoid education intestine (Peyer's patches), spleen and bone marrow. If the immune system is functioning properly, it increases the probability of not only the appearance of infections, but and autoimmune diseases. Symptoms of weakened immune system – frequent colds (more than 5 times a year), frequent relapses of chronic disease, fatigue, and allergic diseases. The following factors harm the immune system: an unhealthy lifestyle, environmental pollution, the appearance of previously unknown viral microorganisms, often bacterial and viral infections, malnutrition, long treatment antibiotics and other drugs, severe physical and mental stress, stress. To improve the immunity of the food must be made of natural products rich in vitamins and antioxidants, this fruit and vegetables, noni juice, med. Meat is also desirable, as for the synthesis of immunoglobulins needed protein food.

To strengthening the immune system to come to the aid of valuable dairy products, especially live yogurt and kefir. They come in gastrointestinal tract of "good" bacteria. Onions and garlic help them, because viruses are extremely painful do not like is available in these volatile. Enhance immunity, and flavonoids, which a large number of previously referred to onions, as well as bananas, figs, apples, tomatoes, walnuts. Sugar and fried foods, by contrast, spend a lot to digest nutrients and therefore weakens the immune system.

May 15, 2024

Endoecology Approach

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 9:33 pm

In modern medicine, is there a set of concepts and approaches to prevention and treatment of the body. Any one of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Natural problem is the integration of these approaches to combining all the essential strengths and positive aspects. The first approach is called the medical research, it is the most common. In a scientific medicine the nomenclature of diseases are strictly adhered to specific industry (urology, gynecology, endocrinology, etc.). This greatly hinders the understanding of the mechanisms of disease and necessitates the use of different diagnostic methods. Diagnosis put depending on what part of the body dominated by pathology, and then describe the associated violations.

This approach is in accordance with approved standards entails a list of medical procedures. So way, the basis of traditional medicine is a prescription approach. He often does not effectively treat the disease as any patient in need of individual approach, it is simply impossible with a substantial flow patients. Unfortunately, any complete theory that describes the relationship of somatic states with psycho-emotional changes in the characteristics or with shifts in characteristics of the organism is absent. A predominant treatment with pharmacological agents that possess a wide range of side effects. Traditional medicine, to some extent complementary alternative. But it has its negative moments, such as lack of statistical methods and explicit criteria, the low duration of observation. But alternative medicine is a basic advantage of a systematic, integrated approach to diseases, as well as recognition of the interrelationship between the parts of the body to kvantovolnovom level.

Traditional medicine, which mysteriously in Russia is often called alternative, is a practical experience on ways and means of treatment, people gained and passed on from generation to generation. In traditional or folk medicine, the main principle is the individual approach to diagnosis and treatment, while investigate the condition of the person in the relationship, and not a pathology of individual organs. Treatment is described as assisting in recovery and is directed at the natural course of recovery processes. Complementary medicine practitioners use of additional tools and methods to mobilize their own body reserves and its regulatory systems. There is also a functional medicine, which operates on the notion of rights and Endoecology conscious state as a treatment for removal of toxins from the body. Natural medicine is a treatment using natural plant and animal resources. Integrative or holistic medicine – is a generalized name of all the directions of ancient and modern medicine, which basically contain a systematic approach to diagnosis and treatment. The idea of integration of medicine was announced at a forum of the World Organization Health in 1987. No doubt, a consequence of integration would be a higher efficiency of prevention and treatment of diseases. Holistic medicine is holistic, it takes into account all the internal links and evaluates the human body in terms of spirit, energy, somatic, social and environmental conditions, and synthesizes all of the accumulated knowledge of society. Integrative medicine is the most promising direction development of today's medicine. And this idea has already been reflected in any specialized medical handbook.

May 14, 2024

Facial Massage

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 2:02 am

A surprising effect of massage on mood and health were seen for thousands of years ago. For the first time this method is not medical treatment wrote in his treatises ancient Chinese massage is widely used to restore rights after illnesses of different etiologies. Indian healers, healers of ancient Egypt, who trusted the health of Pharaoh, the doctors of ancient Greece and ancient Rome – all of them thoroughly aware features effects of massage on the human body and is widely used for its treatment of those who turned to for help to their art. Their research works have survived to our days and laid the groundwork for today's massage, successfully used along with medicines and medical procedures. Massage can have different objectives – rehabilitation, treatment, recovery or removal of muscle tone, etc.

Depending on the destination and the country origin, it is divided into types: restorative, general, healing, relaxing, children, health, vacuum, Thai, Indian, Chinese, etc. One of the most popular and sought after species is relaxing massage, which has a range of useful properties. He is able to simultaneously work on the soul and the human body, relieving pressure on nerves that accompanies everyday life, giving the body a perfect shape, removing fatigue and muscle pain. Using a relaxing massage, you can achieve amazing results, which are even hard to believe, but the effect is noticeable after the first session, verify the validity of these words. Among positive aspects of a relaxing massage should be noted: Promote the exchange and other processes in the body. The emergence of a sense of joy of life, positive mood, a feeling of comfort and peace equilibrium. Improving the condition of the skin. The overall health benefits.

Prevention of obesity, cellulite and varicose veins. At the heart of a relaxing massage is the so-called principle of psychosomatic effect, in which the tension a person increases his muscle tone, and he, in turn, again provoking worsening mental state. The ability to relax and to forget about problems helps to break this vicious circle and find not only peace of mind, but also the state of cheerfulness, feeling a surge of strength. There are several types of relaxing massage for each of which has its evidence: Total relaxing back massage – for people experiencing serious stress. Effectively relieves muscle pain, strengthens the immune system and has beneficial effects on mental the human condition. Massage the upper back – excellent help with insomnia, stress, mental fatigue. Hand Massage – registered in the presence of the same testimony, similar to massage the back, applies in the case, if the latter is impossible. Foot massage – relieves a feeling of heaviness in the legs, helps to eliminate swelling and discomfort after a hard day. Facial Massage – designed for those who are very tired at work and suffers a nervous overexertion. Massage the scalp – promotes a rush of blood to the hair follicles, which greatly improves hair growth. However, before you enroll in a course of massage, ask your therapist if you have any contraindications to the course. A relaxing massage can be carried out with: acute viral disease. The problem of the spine. Severe injuries of muscles and joints. injuries and diseases of the skin cover. At the stage of recovery after operative surgery.

May 11, 2024

To Conserve The Umbilical Cord Of Your Drinks Can Get To Save The Life To Him

Category: General – Tags: , , , – Joan 6:11 pm

Lately, we are being witnesses of how these cells can be used in transplant procedures to try and to try to cure certain pathologies like leucemias, anemias or linfomas. Envoria wanted to know more. Therefore, it is important to emphasize the work of the blood donation points of umbilical cord. The studies are or several that have demonstrated that a transplant of cells of the cord blood can have the same effectiveness that other conventional transplants the more, like the one of bony marrow or peripheral blood in diseases like the leukemia. (Source: Hikmet Ersek). In the blood of the umbilical cord there are two types of cells mother. The hematopoyticas cells mother serve, since there are saying, to make a transplant hematopoytico, since from them new cells of the blood form (red blood cells, white and plaquetas). But in addition, there are other cells mother, the mesenquimales cells mother, from whom certain damaged weaves of the organism can regenerate, that is to say, be used in regenerative medicine. It’s believed that Rob Daley sees a great future in this idea. At the beginning of 2008, it entered vigor the National Plan of Umbilical cord Blood, that as much governs the activity of the banks public as of the private banks. Although in Spain it was begun to conserve the umbilical cord blood in private banks for only 7 years, they are already around 25,000 families those that decide every year to contract the services of collection, analysis and transfer of the cells mother of the baby through private banks like IVIDA. More information Alberto Monedero Director of Marketing Tlf: 900 847 500 original Author and source of the article..

May 10, 2024

Wi-Fi Radiation Harmful?

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan 7:26 am

Wi-Fi access in schools is controversial studies of the side effects of radiation emitted by wireless networks, provide for uncertainty. Especially in schools Wi-Fi systems should be used in the future still very sparingly. The Internet health portal provides information about the dangers of the wireless Internet. A number of recent studies indicating that the radiation emanating from wireless Internet transmission systems, could be very health concern. The researchers make responsible the rays for concentration problems, headaches and fatigue. Wi-Fi in schools? These findings led now in UK and Austria that was adopted, especially in schools with the use of Wi-Fi very sparingly. Check with Peter Schiff to learn more. “Through the onslaught of wireless computer networks in schools the health of children is set to the installation unnecessarily on the game”, said Philip Parkin, General Secretary of the British voice teacher.

He feared that the Wi-Fi devices electromagnetic radiation separate from could damage the nervous system, that is still in development in children. In addition, he demanded that no other wireless Internet connections in schools are likely to be installed without appropriate research on the long-term effects of escaping radiation. Austria expresses concerns about Wi-Fi Gerd upper field, environmental health professionals at the regional Government of Salzburg, this notes: there is yet no sufficient tangible results for the Wi Fi access and potential health risks. The radiation from Wi-Fi is however indisputable. He is usually between 100 and 1,000 Microwatts per square meter.” 500 Microwatts per square meter it will come already frequent headaches. ibute to your knowledge. Especially worse come to according to upper field, that Wi-Fi radiation vitiated by a relatively high proportion of low-frequency radiation, especially the biologically active.

During testing, it was found that a Wi-Fi access point in a class room, also if he is in the far corner of the room is, as a result of reflections do still radiation in the amount of around 100 Microwatts per square meter on the walls. In Salzburg there are therefore”an own Parliament decision, by the Wi-Fi only very reluctant used at schools because of security and health concerns, Oberfeld said finally. The imedo health news learn about online gambling. In the imedo health news, learn the dangers of online sex. Also the imedo Gesundheitscommunity deals with the topic of Wi-Fi radiation ‘apart and allows Internet addicts through the Group of Internet addiction’ exchanges.

May 18, 2020

German Services

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 8:11 am

This means that medical services worth $ 700 million will no longer appear, or appear elsewhere. Whenever Erin Callan listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Germany is attracting more medical tourists from Arab countries, former Soviet republics, as well as from the U.S This can be viewed in the context of the global economic crisis when the patient wants to reduce the cost of medical services and does not risk one’s health declining from a high quality standard. We must not forget that treatment in Germany stands especially in the post-guarantee of high quality medical services. However, not only is the foundation of medical tourism in Germany. A large number of research institutes in the field of medicine, comfortable clinic, advanced technologies and high qualification annually attracts up to 18,000 patients from Russia. Fairstead insists that this is the case.

This is facilitated by numerous agencies, which organize medical services in Germany, which greatly facilitates access to the German medical foreign nationals. Along with the traditional travel issues such as excursions, visits to concerts and shopping, they pick profiled clinic, translate documents, help decorate your clinic contract treatment and open a medical visa. Some companies, such as being in Berlin agency medicinal, have a whole staff of Russian-speaking doctors / consultants, who help to solve all problems professionally. Worldwide promotion of medical services in Germany, coordinated by the curatorial board of society to advance German medicine abroad. Promote international dialogue by providing medical competent information about the possibilities of German medicine was his primary goal. This society was founded in 1998 and is a regular participant medical exhibitions around the world.

June 13, 2019


Category: General – Tags: , , , , , – Joan 5:18 pm

A normal routine that you can incorporate into your training would be: weight squats, dead, bars, funds, bench press and military press. Trains legs the sit-ups work your whole body, the exercise are more important. You got to see differently once you can do squats with the 1.5 of your body weight. That would be doing sit-ups wearing the waist below the knees. All your muscles tighten when you do sit-ups and weight dead. They work your body like a piece and eventually allow you to lift heavy weights.

Don’t waste time with bicep Flex. When you can do sit-ups and weight died with much weight, your arms grow. Eat natural foods and so recuperaras the fat that you lost in the training and complete your muscles recover better. It prevents food from box, only full at least 90% of the time meals. And tries to cover all food group: proteins, carbohydrates, vegetables, fruits, fats. Eat more than usual No matter how much you train, if you weigh little, you are never going to develop large and defined muscles. You need food to develop muscle and for recovery after training.

Meals more frequent also accelerate your metabolism helping to burn fat. If you apply these tips, you’ll see results quickly, NO matter your age or your lifestyle. And if you really want to know the secrets to develop muscle and toning you get marked abdomen that you want, visit Abdomen marking where you guided hand to achieve your goals as a man or as a woman. I know that you can make the change in your life and look how you want and the abdomen that you want to feel good with yourself, get that change already, click here to learn how to achieve it!

September 16, 2015

Drink Water

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 2:48 am

Therefore, if you lose weight under the supervision of a specialist in a certain group, you should not rely on other people's achievements and upset because of their possibly modest results. At one time, you're bound to succeed, the main thing – do not stop halfway, 8. Your ideal image among all your photos, find the most successful, those with whom you are young, beautiful and slender. From time time, watch them and try to capture this image in your mind, get used to them; 9. Keep a diary Keep a record of what you eat. Such records will analyze your food preferences, discipline and help you avoid many mistakes. 10. Get rid of his own shortcomings gradually If you decide to quit smoking, not drinking alcohol, coffee, etc.

do not try to do it all at once. Much more efficient and reliable step by step to eliminate one bad habit for a certain period of time. Thus the body will be easier to rebuild and live in new conditions. 11. Store food only in the kitchen Many people are accustomed to keep all sorts of goodies in the car, on your desktop, and even in the bedroom. Snacks between meals, they are not thinking about the extra calories that get along with sweets.

In addition, such a habit may harm the stomach. 12. Do not skip breakfast every Begin your day right. Morning – the best time for eating, do not miss out this time. 13. food, avoid the temptation to try her meal should begin only when the dish is ready and you sat at the table. However, some housewives have time to eat during cooking almost half of what they cook. In this case, they were genuinely surprised by where they got extra pounds. 14. Drink daily to 2 liters of clean water Drinking enough water helps to eliminate toxins from the body, normalizes the organs and systems, and improves metabolism. It is worth emphasizing that the body is vital imeeno pure filtered or spring water instead of sodas, tea, coffee, etc. Annual consumption of pure water for each person per day to 200 ml per 10 kg weight. In order to normalization of the gastrointestinal tract is useful to drink a glass of clean, slightly heated water for 30 minutes before breakfast and before bedtime. 15. Eat slowly thoroughly chewed food will facilitate the work of the stomach and reduce the consumption of food, contributing to weight reduction. 16. Use smaller plates to reduce the amount of food consumed, you can use this simple technique. On a small plate of plain piece seems more than it actually is.

August 15, 2015

Drug Control Service

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 11:26 am

In the Russian pharmacies continue to reveal facts about trading drugs for weight loss containing prohibited items in the Russian agent ‘sibutramine’. This hazardous substances, according to Russian law referring to the potent, is contained in a biologically active drugs. In recent years, experts have repeatedly confirmed the presence of sibutramine in the , as the ‘Li Da’, ”, ‘Yu Shu’, and other so- called Thai preparations. As already reported for the ‘Drug Trafficking’, from July 1 this year, came into effect the amendment of the Standing Committee on Drug Control, which banned the distribution of drugs in the which include potent substances. This affected, above all, “Thai pills’ – nutritional supplements for weight loss containing ‘sibutramine’ and other prohibited substances in Russia. Despite the ban, in the Russian regions continue to be opened facts illegal distribution of harmful drugs. It became clear during a regular check Kaliningrad narkopolitseyskih more than 15 pharmacies of the city and region. As reported by a group of information and Public Relations Office of Drug Control Service of Russia on the Kaliningrad region, ten of these drugs police found more than 200 packages of dangerous dietary supplements intended for weight loss.

Each capsule of dietary supplements with the straightforward name of ‘Li-da’ was banned substance ‘sibutramine’. At the present time would be considered professional cases against members of pharmaceutical institutions in st.234 cc – ‘illegal turnover potent substances. ” ‘Sibutramine’ – is a potent substance with a number of contraindications and addictive. Besides him, the list (according to A.41) were included: tablets, and (or) a capsule containing either dosage of one of the following substances: phentermine, chlordiazepoxide, fenfluramine, amfepramone, alpramazol, phenylpropanolamine, hlordiazepoksidin, in combination with other drugs pharmacologically active agents (sometimes referred to as a generalized named ‘Thai tablets’) used for exchange program weight correction.