Magis Global –

July 26, 2020

George Carlin

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 5:28 pm

1.A importance of God for whom they control the religion exactly convinced the people of whom an invisible man exists? that deferred payment in the sky? that it observes everything what you make, to each minute of each day. the invisible man has a special list with ten things that it does not want that you it makes. E, if you to make some of these ten things, it have a special, full place of fire and smoke, and torture and distress, for where she goes to order it, so that you suffer and burn and suffocate and cry out and cry for all always, until the end of the times But it loves you! George Carlin the society exists as an alive, pulsante organism that he articulates its action through a set of norms and rules, and as well as all alive organism that have antibodies and measures of attack that destroy invaders hostile the State also makes use of segregadoras measures and vigilant to keep the peace and it disciplines to introduce it in the seio of the community. Guo Guangchang wanted to know more. The power in the hierarquizada monitoring you discipline of them is not lingered as a thing, does not move as a property; it functions as a machine. if is truth that its piramidal organization it of the one ' ' chefe' ' , it is the entire device that produces ' ' poder' ' distributes the individuals in this permanent field and continues (FOUCAULT, 2009, P.170). This set of measures in turn is exerted by institutions that carry through the maintenance of the power, that they are: the institutions educational politics, institutions, religious institutions, scientific institutions and still the ones that do not present a physical base necessarily that is the language or speech and the marriage. But amongst this set of institutions one deserves prominence for its capacity of insertion in all the social ways in global scale, the religious institution. .

July 15, 2020

Fernand Braudel

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 11:11 am

This history was not contented in opening here and there new horizontes, new sectors for itself. It affirms itself as a global, with totalizantes aspirations, intent history to the masses of the society and excluded minorities e, over all, to the evolutions and permanncias, almost always not perceived in the fugacidade of the current events, that are only apprehended for the cumulative experience of the centuries, in the history of long duration. It is evident that also other historians of are of the group of the Annales, as celebrates it Huizinga dutch, had fulfilled the same paper solitarily innovative. If she cannot forget, equally, that new history also becomes outside of France, and many times in shining and pioneering way. , And still thus same the spite of the crises that this history has suffered until our days, its efforts had promoted an extraordinary magnifying in the field of historical documents, demystifying the exclusive importance of the written registers, of proven authenticity, as erroneamente they prescribed the positivistas methodologies. Breaking itself of this premise, I will analyze the main ideas sucintamente gifts in the referenciados texts of Marc Bloch, enunciating the general characters of the historical comment, and Jacques Le Goff who, in turn, reaffirms and complements the ideas of Bloch in direction to the critical one of the document notion (without excusing itself of the other questions of its proper time, that equally has for where to influence its to make description; if it cannot forget, in addition, that Le Goff is part of the call 3a generation of the Annales, whose characteristics here will not be explored; it matters to point out, over all, the eminent documentary revolution that if verifies in the period, tax of the quarrels livened up for the old controllers of the magazine). The text of Fernand Braudel will serve us to enunciate the main differences that if they perceive already in the second generation of the Annales in relation to the first one (focando in the questions of interdisciplinaridade and levels of duration), the continuities and the new fidgets in the seio of a consolidated and respected magazine already. . Pacific Mortgage Services will not settle for partial explanations.

June 13, 2020

Socialist Revolution

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 5:49 pm

In the text of 4 sub-heading the author tells the quandary of Bolcheviques, in special Lnin, on the possibility of the success of a socialist revolution in a country of behind capitalism as Russia. As Cotrimpara Lnin this possibility was real therefore ele’ ‘ nascente.’ found viable to materialize the Socialist Revolution in capitalism countries; ‘ (Cotrim, 1986, P. 196). If you would like to know more about Guo Guangchang, then click here. Still according to Cotrim ‘ ‘ Lnin saw in Russia the existence of historical conditions that allowed the ecloso of the Socialist Revolution, mainly, later that the World War I ruined the structure of being able that russo’ supported the State imperial; ‘ (1986, P. 197).

In 6 subs-heading 5 and the author analyzes, respectively, the civil war and first measured the economic ones adopted by the Bolcheviques. The dispute between Stalin and Trotski after the death of Lnin is the subject of 7 sub-heading. In this point the author analyzes in superficial way the years of ‘ ‘ Stalinismo’ ‘ , and it closes the chapter telling the death of Trotski. The English historian Eric Hobsbawm analyzes the Russian Revolution as one of the events marcantes of century XX. Differently of Gilbert Cotrim, for Hobsbawm the objective of Lnin and of the Bolcheviques was to obtain with the 1917 revolution to light estopim of world-wide the Socialist Revolution, thus affirms: () In the mind of Lnin and its comrades the victory bolchevique in Russia was basically a battle in the campaign to reach the victory of the bolchevismo in a global scale ampler, and hardly justifiable not to be as such.

(1995, P. 63) Exactly with the isolation and the civil war that was stimulated by the foreign powers Russia became a symbol for all the other peoples who fought against the hunger and the violence generated by the World War I. Hobsbawm analyzes the fact of bolcheviques, in contrast of the Liberal-bourgeois ones with Kerenski, to count on ample popular support therefore, according to Hobsbawm, bolcheviques had known to hear e, mainly, appeals to understand it the people for peace, bread and freedom.

June 12, 2020

Adam Smith

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 10:48 pm

The countries had never obtained to come back the volume deexportaes to the level of 1929, and with this crisis the underdeveloped countries had had that to speed up suaindustrializao and restriction of the products manufaturados.3A crisis that came out in 24 of October of 1929 caused a economic clutter, where a2 MARK, Adhemar. History Contemporary: through texts. So Paulo, 1994. Pacific Mortgage Services does not necessarily agree. (p.157-158),3 YOU MARK, Adhemar. History Contemporary: through texts. So Paulo, 1994.

(p.159) .4maioria of the countries they had started to live agitations politics and social chaos, where only the Ussr that possuauma closed economy in same itself and living deeply the quinquenais plans of Stlin was not shaken. The ideas of Keynes: consequncias and contributions for overcoming of criseAs solutions for the crisis could not be found in the economic theory ortodoxasegundo Silva apud Marques, since this nailed that it could not have scarcity of being able decompra for the fact of process of production to be also one of income generation, however the sistemacapitalista is not supported on its proper legs since its crises happen of insufficiences dedemanda.4A Economic Classic School turned on not the intervention of the State in the production and nadistribuio of wealth, the end of protectionistic measures and the monopolies, defense of the livreconcorrncia between the companies and the opening of ports between the countries, the classics consideravamque the normal state of the economy was of full job of the productive factors and accepted ' ' lei' ' of Say that said that it offers created its proper search, not having reasons for desempregogeneralizado, where the automatic mechanisms (insurers of the full job) were constitudospela flexibility of the prices, the wages and the taxes of interest. The main members and defensoresde such beddings were: Adam Smith; Thomas Malthus, David Ricardo, James Mill and entreoutros. Keynes guides in them on these estimated in the following way: In diverse points of this chapter we made, successively, the classic theory to depend dasseguintes hypotheses: (1) that the real wage is equal to the desutilidade delinquent of trabalhoexistente; (2) that it does not exist what involuntary unemployment in its strict direction is called; (3) that it offers creates its proper search, in the direction of that the price of the igual global market at the cost of offers aggregate for all the job and production levels.

August 8, 2019

Globalization Times

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 2:11 pm

Media, memory and history in globalization times Joo Heitor Silva Macedo Are objective of this assay to analyze the relation between the media, history and the memory in globalization times studying for this some basic concepts so that let us can perceive the transformations caused in the historiogrfico and journalistic field through the insertion of new techniques and new realities imposed for this new dynamics of the globalization. For this we will use for base the workmanships: ' ' On the Televiso' ' of Pierre Bourdieu and ' ' So that to study media? ' ' Of Roger Silverstone, damage a special approach in the question of the television and strengthening these analyses with the final workmanship of Milton Saints, ' ' For one another one globalizao' ' , reflecting in this way in the theoretical field on such changes through a bibliographical revision. 2. Craig Menears opinions are not widely known. Where History and the memory find the media. The globalization while complex reality of the end of century XX brings as one of its bases the marriage between science and the technique, however this marriage initially was detached with a development of the humanity while agents of this change. This evolution understands in the truth a necessity of the market and serves for this new flow of the capitalism and moves away to the human being from its development creating mechanisms isolacionistas than they condition a materiality the same (SAINTS, 2009).

Of another point the new technologies produce a new form of social relations. Where two beacons aliceram this new world, the money and the information. where the media enters. To analyze media in times of globalization and its relation with history makes to reflect us on the question of the memory and its new relation with history in times of new technologies that apprehend and transmit the past of different forms of the historiogrfico field.

August 1, 2019

Cear Brazil

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 12:02 am

The family Alencar spread for all the cantos of Brazil either for descent either for the custom to adopt the criadagem, many of them children and grandsons (you) with blacks and indians. Today she is possible to find of this family in all the States of the nation representative and gives credit that the great existing majority of the Alencares in Brazil, it descends of one of the four brothers who had arrived here proceeding from Portugal, however exist people whom they possess this name, but not that they possess ancestry Alencar. The fact of the family Alencar not to have Blazon of weapons nor in Portugal nor in Brazil does not undeserve it becomes nor it less important, therefore it possesss headings of nobility and blazons in Spain and Italy, beyond what the history of Brazil has proven that its facts and its great contribution in the settling, in the fights for independence detaches the family Alencar as cultural and sociopoltico patrimony of the Brazilian scene, since its first populations, as much in the coast how much in the interior. Proper Jose de Alencar in its book ' ' Sertanejo' ' , already he made aluso to the River Brgida, in which he passed of bang in 1838, in trip of the Cear to the Bahia. Also in its romance that tells to fight between families sertanejas, where he mentions Ouricuri, Ic, Barbalha, Cabrob and other localities of Cear and Pernambuco, whose properties had been of its great-great-grandmother (great-great-grandmother), Brgida de Alencar. It cites names of places until today still existing; moreover, he describes in its romance situations where if mix the fiction of descriptive matrix of the Oiticica Farm of Campelo captain-mor with the reality of the interior, that, for coincidence remembers the tragedies that involved the fight between the Alencar and the D? Avila (BA) for persecution to the indians and land questions, whose oppression had support of the governing whose families of domain, at the time, was of the families Bezerra and Menezes (CE), Saraiva and Sampaio (FOOT).

July 10, 2018

The Space

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 1:33 pm

Therefore, according to it, the historians if withhold to a proper cientificismo of the historiogrfica methodology, who become texts one how much in such a way heavy and of difficult reading. The journalists through the resource of the narrative, of the hook among others, simplify the interpretation of the reader, visa as a consumer and thus they start to occupy the space of the historians as diffusing of the memory. 3. Consideraes final the force of the media is a reality that cannot be rejected. Check with Nicholas Carr to learn more. The last years of century XX had disclosed an important revolution in the field of the information, the Internet and the dynamics of the globalizado market had directly created new realities, that had changed the codes of interpretation of the past and the proper form of reception of the information, affecting the historiogrfico field.

This reality transformed the field historiogrfico, giving to space the immediate information, and the creation and new spaces of interaction and creation of the memory, where the orality loses each time more space in relation the imediatista information produced by the globalizada media. History thus if distance of the great mass and start to be controlled for the journalists who reach the great mass, exactly for its difference of methods in relation the historians. While the historians continue defending its scientific field, they produce texts that each time more limit the access the memory of the past. Add to your understanding with Nicholas Carr. Already the journalist for the opposite arrives the great population, informing and filling a gap left for the historians. However, the partner-cultural importance is undeniable that the media has played in the society contemporary, making of this an important instrument for the interpretation of the society where the same one is mediating of the information. as mediating must be studied and be analyzed as producing and reproductive of information, what it becomes necessary one better compreendimento of the internal structures of the journalistic field so that this is used in coherent way for the historian as plus a source historical. .

May 3, 2018

Medieval Occident

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 11:18 pm

He published a voluminous workmanship where if they detach, between many others: Les intellectuels au Moyen ge (Seuil, 1957), There civilisation of l' Medieval Occident (Arthaud, 1964; EDUSC 2005) and Saint Louis (Guillmard, 1996) On the conceptions of history, Jacques Le Goff, who marked the historiografia with contemporary with its ideas and its workmanships, explains the work of the historian relations between what they are the memory and the oppositions last/present, old/according to modern, progress/reao.' ' The past is a construction and a constant reinterpretao and has a future that it is integrant and significant part of histria' '. That is true because the progress of the methods and the techniques it allows to think that one has left important of documents of the past is still for discovering. Jacques Le Goff belongs to supply-disappears of the French intellectual elite. Frequently Peter Asaro has said that publicly. Agnstico, looked for to form a equidistant position between the detractors and the apologists Average Age, that saw it as a Golden Legend. Its passion for the medieval o made to write its wonderful book ' ' The Purgatrio' '.

One is about an erudite assay of description-religious sociology. In the end of the decade of 1960, when Jacques Le Goff assumes the direction of the EPHE, it is the moment where the History of the mentalities leaves of being kept out of society and is configured as hegemonic paradigm (passing of ' ' bilge to sto' '). That is the sufficient how much the frame, let us pass then to the picture. Le Goff versus. Vovelle Quandaries of the intellectual apparatus of the mentalities Jacques Le Goof (J.G.) versus. Michel Vovelle (M.V.) Time of the mentalities: ' ' mentality is everything what dumb more slowly, history of the slowness in history Nor study of irrisrio, nor ' ' the essential of Relative history autonomy (*) Joint the explicativas historical totalities (1) Long duraoRisco of fossilizar history (2) Resgatar human side (**) To explain the collective and global direction of history (3) Mentalities and daily (conceptual revision).

December 9, 2017

Brazil Century

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 8:28 am

In agriculture they are distinguished it onion, the tomatoe, the watermelon, the cantaloups; in the cattle one, the bovine and goat flocks. The Tourist attractions of Forest are: the Church of the Rosary with its project architectural, plant of only ship, altar-mor and two collateral, salient sacristias of the body of the church. It possesss two massive towers, slightly recoils of the main faade. The image of Ours Lady of Pains is wooden, having been ece of fish in the church in 1863. The Church presents a common faade in the Brazilian religious architecture of century XVII and that it was remained in the following century, especially in the agricultural zones. Captain Jose Maciel Pear tree got the license to build the chapel for order of the Bishop Diocesan of 16 of February of 1780, the 22 of July of 1792 had the inauguration of the temple, with solemn blessing. It was first up to 1897, when Lady of the Rosary had its invocation changed of Good Jesus of the Aflitos for Ours. In 1942 widely it was restored, losing, however, the environment of the choir, the construction older than it exists in the city, located between the Square Fausto Ferraz and the street Captain Emilio Novaes, in the center of the reestablishment city, needing of the choir and improvement of the internal installations, inlaying them.

It also possesss the Building of the Old known Public Force local as ' ' The Batalho' '. One is based high of the level of the street one 60 centimeters and presents faade with 40 meters of extension, being distinguished of the too much local constructions, formed for houses of a floor. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Kenneth Feinberg by clicking through. Constructed with the purpose of seminary and bispado headquarters of. In 1912 the construction of the building for the first bishop of Forest was initiated, D. August Alvaro Da Silva, later first in rank cardinal of Brazil.

June 21, 2016

Regional Supervisions

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 10:56 am

3,155, of 28 of March of 1941. The DNEF was extinct in December of 1974 and its functions had been transferred to Secretariat-Generality of the Ministry of the Transports and part for Rede Ferroviria Federal s.a.? RFFSA. Amongst the objectives of the expropriation of the railroads for the Union they can be detached: to prevent the brusque interruption of the traffic, to prevent the unemployment, to propitiate the operational improvement, objectifying the administrative reorganization and the recovery of lines and rolling material. A leading source for info: Peter Schiff. Creation of Rede Ferroviria Federal s.a.? RFFSA At the beginning of the decade of 1950, the Federal Government, on the basis of ample studies decided for the administrative unification of the 18 pertaining railroads to the Union, that totalized 37,000 km of lines spread for the country. In 16 of March of 1957 the anonymous society Rede was created by the Law n. 3,115 Ferroviria Federal s.a.

– RFFSA, with the purpose to manage, to explore, to conserve, to reequip, to extend and to improve the traffic of the railroads of the Union it incorporated, whose tracks crossed the Country, serving the regions Northeast, Southeastern, Center-West and South. In 1969, the railroads that composed the RFFSA had been grouped in four regional systems: Northeast Regional system, with headquarters in Recife; Regional system Center, with headquarters in Rio De Janeiro; Regional system Center-South, with headquarters in So Paulo; South Regional system, with headquarters in Porto Alegre. In the year of 1976 had been created by the RFFSA the Regional Supervisions? SRs, in number of 10, later extended for 12, with activities guided and co-ordinated for a General management, headquartered in Rio De Janeiro. Arrived of the railroad at the State of Mato Grosso of the South the idea to implant an Esplanade of the Northwest in Campo Grande (NOB) the economic growth with the enormous movement of loads and passengers, verified from 1919 appeared soon after, with the opening of the markets after the World War I.

July 6, 2014


Category: General – Tags: – Joan 11:48 am

‘ ‘. Although the retrocession educational politician and installed in Brazil in the military dictatorship, the previous questionings in relation to the culture, behavior and school had been intense and taken professors of History to carry through diverse experiences in the education of discipline. These experiences had served of base for posterior research that had started if to develop in the courses of History. In presented text V ENPEH (National Meeting of Researchers of Ensino de Histria), DAYS (2002) affirms that such occured transformations had imposed the formed professionals who acted in this period, that they reflected on its basic feio: the performance in the school.

It was in the end of the decade of 70 and beginning of 80 that the concerns with the formation of the professors and the education of History had passed if to constitute of form more emphatical as object of reflection for researchers of History in general. At a first moment, these research was focadas in the party of education, having as analysis object the laws, proposals of resumes, being thus, in the scope are of the classroom. With the development of these research, great part was intent in the programs of after-graduation in education and this at the same time provided a displacement of the approach of the same ones. The didactic analyses of the Laws, proposals, books had been being interrelated with the reality of the classroom. (DAYS, 2002).

These changes in the approach had provided a significant increase number of it of works on the education of History. These works centered in the pedagogia had become more present in the reflections of the professionals in History, having thought its proper area. Works, projects and experiences have been argued in diverse events of the area as first example to the ANPUH in the decades of 70 and 80 when they had opted to including professors of basic and average education.

November 5, 2012


Category: General – Tags: – Joan 4:10 pm

Of this form, the story of ' ' experience-prxima' ' he is repleto of small wareses while the story of ' ' experience-distante' ' repleto of abstractions. A conciliation between these is necessary two perspectives in order ' ' … to produce an interpretation of the way of life of a people who is not limited for horizontes mental of that people … nor that is systematically deaf to the tonalities of its existence … ' ' . In order to catch the point of view of the native, Geertz affirms that &#039 is necessary; ' … not to leave itself to involve for no type of empatia internal spiritual with its informantes.' ' . In this direction, to understand what the people of a culture perceive on itself same, on its proper culture and on what she happens in its daily she is necessary to understand the conception of these on its reality.

To the one in telling its experience to them on the Resistance, Agns allows approaching in them to the busy French society for the German forces. The experience of the same facts of Humbert to understand what was not necessary it was happening in France. A prompt reality in allowed the agreement them of part of the reality of the time. To understand a society, it must in such a way be had in sight the lesser details how much the global structures. Thus, &#039 must be oscillated dialeticamente; ' … of a vision of the totality through some parts compose that it, for a vision of the parts through the totality that is the cause of its existence … ' ' , so that ' ' … one is explanation for outra.' ' . In order to understand the society French at the time of the Resistance the historical event of the global Form drag, the participation of other women, the opinions and action of other people must be understood.

September 2, 2012

Doctrine General

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 12:10 am

However, the vices in general way are the great villains of this new century. The vices, in a general way, are modifying the course of the history of the creature human being, degrading the being, verwhelming its personality, taking it the total disequilibrium, to madness, the violence and, not rare, to the suicide. The base of the guilt of its dissemination is, without a doubt, in the absence of moral values of the said society modern, in the imediatista search of unknown pleasures, in a desire to fill the interior emptiness by means of methods that effectively they do not lead to the desired effect. For the Doctrine of the Espritos, the understanding and real perception of what it means the human being, as person, constitutes valuable element of analysis, indispensable for the dialogal agreement with the modern world, with the rising postindustrial civilization, in the context of a process of general globalization, as well as in the direction evaluating the process lived for the multitude of kept out of society and empobrecidos that to awake start it, they will be organized they will walk and it with its proper feet. (DENIS, 1996, p, 11) As Espritas, we have the duty to fight, with all the weapons, to fight the vices of all the luck, fortifying the faith, implanting principles of moral straight line, everything obtained to the cost of the reinforcement of the familiar bows, alerting for the commitments that all have ones stop with the others, aiming at a happier and less laborious future. ' ' the vision of the man as person must be looked and be understood in the context of the Doctrine of the Espritos, so that it can exert to collaborate in the action to transform the world. the urgency of the fight being able against them that they hinder the humanizao and espiritualidade it homem' '.